
目前显示的是 九月, 2019的博文

Formic acid can also be used as acidifier for poultry feed

At present, acidifier has been widely used in piglet feed, poultry feed, silage and other fields as an effective, pollution-free and residue-free feed additive.  Formic acid  can greatly improve the function of feed. It can not only reduce the pH value of gastrointestinal tract, but also have good bacteriostasis and bactericidal effect. Formic acid (chemical formula HCOOH, molecular formula CH 2 O 2 , molecular weight 46.03), commonly known as formic acid, is a simple carboxylic acid. A colorless, irritating liquid. Weak electrolyte, melting point 8.6°C, boiling point 100.8°C. It is very acidic and corrosive and can stimulate skin blistering. It is found in the secretions of bees, certain ants and caterpillars. It is an organic chemical raw material and also used as a disinfectant and preservative.  Many mechanisms of action of feed acidifier are due to its acidification effect, that is, by reducing the pH value of digestive tract, some related factors affecting animal growth and produ

Is tetrasodium pyrophosphate the same as sodium pyrophosphate decahydrate?

Sodium pyrophosphate usually exists in two forms, decahydrate and anhydrous. When you buy tetrasodium pyrophosphate , you have to distinguish what kind of sodium pyrophosphate you need from sodium pyrophosphate decahydrate. Tetrasodium pyrophosphate is more widely used. Food grade sodium pyrophosphate is a common legal food additive in food, while industrial grade sodium pyrophosphate is widely used in water treatment, printing and dyeing, washing and other industries. Na 4 P 2 O 7 .10H 2 O, molecular formula of sodium pyrophosphate decahydrate, relative molecular weight 446.07, decahydrate is colorless or white crystalline or crystalline powder. Tetrasodium pyrophosphate molecular formula Na 4 P 2 O 7 , relative molecular weight 265.90, anhydrous substance is white powder, soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol and other organic solvents. The quality requirement of sodium pyrophosphate is relatively high. The sodium pyrophosphate of Chuandong Chemical Group uses hot acid as raw materi

Is it safe to eat without adding sodium tripolyphosphate?

In modern life, more and more consumers need to look at the ingredients when they buy food. But for ordinary consumers, it may be difficult to see the variety of food additives. Therefore, when we buy processed food, we must choose the food produced by regular manufacturers. Because the food additives used by regular manufacturers are strictly in accordance with national regulations to regulate their production and consumption, as well as the purchase of food additives are very strict. So is it safe to add  sodium tripolyphosphate  to food? Without the help of the two "natural preservatives" of sugar and salt, the pickles and preserved fruits that have been kept in the supermarket for a long time will be quickly destroyed by bacteria and molds. But now people all know that eating too much salt and sugar is not good for health. So low-sugar preserved fruits and low-salt pickles have to resort to synthetic preservatives. For example, jelly that children like to eat must also be

Potassium formate is an environmentally friendly, harmless and non-toxic drilling fluid

The process of petroleum exploration and development consists of many stages of different nature and tasks. In oilfield development, there are several stages of exploration, construction and production. Each stage is related to each other, and a lot of drilling work is needed.  Potassium formate drilling fluid  is a drilling fluid that can meet the requirements of environmental protection while meeting the requirements of oil and gas field drilling engineering. Potassium formate drilling fluid is characterized by its anti-collapse performance, inhibition performance, environmental protection, reservoir protection, high temperature resistance, pollution resistance, low corrosiveness and recyclability. Formate drilling fluid system is composed of alkali metal salt of formic acid, polymer tackifier and filtrate reducer. Without solid weighting agent, the density of the system can reach 2.3g/cm3, which is easy to realize solid-free drilling or low solid-phase drilling; low viscosity, good

Is it true that water-soluble fertilizer can be expanded with potassium formate?

Fruit growers want to enlarge the fruit, color and sweeten it. In the early stage, the cells need to accumulate solutes to maintain the balance of water potential gradient, thus ensuring cell enlargement. The rapid expansion of cells depends on the high mobility of osmotic agents, where potassium ions play an important role. Can  potassium formate , a new water-soluble fertilizer, play a role in expanding fruit? Chuandong Chemical tells you. Let's see the important physiological effects of potassium on crops. 1. Promoting Enzyme Activation Potassium is an activator of many enzymes in plants. Oxyreductase, synthetase, transferase and phosphokinase all need potassium activation. They participate in important physiological metabolism in plants, including sugar metabolism, protein metabolism, nucleic acid metabolism and so on. Potassium can also increase the activity of endogenous protective enzymes such as peroxidase and enhance the ability of plants to resist environmental stimuli. 2

The application of calcium formate in pig raising allows you to spend less

Because the growth performance of pigs is not perfect, diarrhea is one of the most important clinical diseases at present. After the onset of piglets, the weight gain is reduced, and severe dehydration can lead to death, which has become a major factor affecting the growth of piglets. Acidic environment is conducive to the growth of beneficial bacteria. Although Acidifiers are being renewed,  calcium formate  is currently commonly used as an acidifier to supplement calcium, while inhibiting the invasion and reproduction of harmful bacteria, reducing the incidence of diarrhea and other diseases in animals. Calcium formate has the following characteristics: 1. Calcium formate can replace stone powder by 1:1.5. Although stone powder has high calcium content, it is not suitable for the intestinal environment of weaned piglets. However, the small molecule formic acid contained in calcium formate does not need the participation of gastric acid in the dissolution process, and the utilization

What can sodium tripolyphosphate add to food? The manufacturer tells you

In the process of food processing, in order to ensure the quality of products, it is necessary to select appropriate food additives according to the characteristics of food processing products. What can  sodium tripolyphosphate  be added to food? The manufacturer Chuandong Chemical told you. (1) Improve the sensory indexes of food such as color, aroma, taste. Food color, aroma, shape and taste are important indicators of food quality. Food processing generally has physical processes such as grinding, crushing, heating and pressurization. In these processes, food is easy to fade and discolor, and some inherent aroma of food is lost. In addition, the same processing process is difficult to solve the soft, hard, brittle, tough taste requirements of products. Therefore, proper use of sodium tripolyphosphate, quality improver, coloring agent, color protecting agent, food flavors, thickeners and emulsifiers can obviously improve the sensory quality of food and satisfy people's needs fo

Do crops need potassium formate as foliar fertilizer?

One of the reasons why foliar potassium fertilizer spraying has been neglected is that people always think that there is no need to do more when potassium fertilizer or potassium-containing compound fertilizer has been applied in the soil. In fact, the use of  potassium formate foliar fertilizer  in the middle and later stages of crop growth compensated for the decline of fertilizer absorption capacity caused by root aging, as well as the loss or solidification of potassium fertilizer caused by changes in soil acidity and alkalinity and other reasons. Because potassium formate can dissolve rapidly and evenly in water, is clear and transparent, does not contain impurities, has high utilization rate, fast fertilizer efficiency and long-lasting fertilizer effect. It is suitable for foliar spraying, irrigation along water, automatic irrigation system, soilless nutrient cultivation and so on. Potassium formate as foliar fertilizer has been recognized by the industry. High quality potassium

Guangxi Liucheng Chuandong won the list of "Guangxi Private Enterprises Manufacturing Top 100"

On the morning of September 9, 2019, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Federation of Industry and Commerce held the 2019 Guangxi Private Enterprise Topic Conference, the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, the Minister of the United Front Work Department, the Vice Chairman of the Autonomous Region Government, the Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Region People's Congress, and the Vice Chairman of the Autonomous Region CPPCC. The chairman of the joint meeting attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by the Deputy Minister of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and the Party Secretary of the Federation of Industry and Commerce. Guangxi Liucheng Chuandong Phosphorus Chemical Co., Ltd. ,has obtained 69 good results in the list of "Top 100 Manufacturing Industry of Guangxi Private Enterprises". In the future development, Guangxi Liucheng Chuandong will never forget its original intention, keep

Can potassium formate drilling fluid meet the six major trends of oil and gas exploration?

Drilling fluid is an indispensable and important part of oil drilling engineering. On the one hand, it is related to safe, fast and high quality drilling, on the other hand, it is related to reservoir protection. The effects of potassium formate drilling fluid on drilling fluid can be summarized as follows: protecting borehole wall, balancing formation earth pressure, cooling and lubricating drilling tools, providing bottom hole power, hydraulic rock breaking and returning bottom hole samples. But can  potassium formate drilling fluid  meet the six major trends of oil and gas exploration? To develop a new generation of petroleum geological exploration theory and supporting exploration engineering technology, the deeper the well is drilled, the more important the drilling fluid is. Potassium formate drilling fluid is widely used and can solve various problems, which vary greatly from place to place. Six major trends in oil and gas exploration: Development from Tectonic Trap to Litholog

Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate manufacturer refines the utilization of phosphorus chemical resources

Phosphorus resources are abundant but not rich in all kinds of mineral resources, so industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate manufacturers have been developing technological innovation, developing new available phosphate resources, avoiding excessive waste and bringing more pressure to sustainable development. There are only a few enterprises that make use of phosphate resources for fine production, such as Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group. From aluminium sulfate and sulfonated coal products of the original industrious and thrifty chemical plant to yellow phosphorus and phosphoric acid, up to now the combination of phosphate and formate, the industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate producers will produce large-scale chemical products. The combination of products and refined chemical products enables the refined and innovative development of phosphorus chemical resources. In the yellow phosphorus and phosphate industries, production technical specifications and emission standa

Can water-soluble potassium formate be used to increase drilling fluid density?

When drilling deep wells, the treatment of high density drilling fluid becomes more complex because of the high bottom hole temperature, which affects the normal operation of drilling, and may even cause serious downhole complex accidents. Drilling fluids with good water solubility will be purchased to increase the density of drilling fluids. A set of  potassium formate drilling fluids  with a density of 2.62g/cm 3  can meet the requirements of high temperature and high pressure drilling environment. Potassium formate drilling fluid has the following advantages: 1. Good solubility, high density, low solid phase and low viscosity. 2. Good compatibility. Compatible with most conventional oilfield polymers. 3. Strong inhibition, regular borehole and good lubricity. 4. Solid-free or low-solid, low viscosity and high initial filtration loss of organic salts greatly increase the penetration rate. 5. Environmental performance is non-toxic, harmless and biodegradable, which can meet the increa

What is the role of food-grade phosphate?The manufacturer of sodium tripolyphosphate tells you

In modern life, phosphate is one of the natural ingredients of almost all foods. As an important food ingredient and functional additive, phosphate is widely used in food processing. At present, there are more than 30 kinds of food-grade phosphate, such as food-grade sodium tripolyphosphate, food-grade sodium hexametaphosphate and food-grade sodium pyrophosphate. So what is the role of food-grade phosphate? The manufacturer of sodium tripolyphosphate  tells you. Food-grade sodium tripolyphosphate is mainly used in food industry as quality improver for canned products, dairy products, fruit juice drinks and soybean milk; water-retaining agent and tenderizer for meat products such as ham and lunch meat; it can not only keep water and tenderize in aquatic products processing, but also play the role of swelling and bleaching; it can make skin beans in canned faba beans. It can also be used as water softener, chelating agent, PH regulator and thickener as well as in beer industry. Sodium tr

Is your food safe without adding sodium hexametaphosphate?

For ordinary consumers, it may be difficult to see the variety of food additives. Therefore, when choosing and purchasing processed food, there is a relatively simple and safe way, that is, we must pay attention to the selection of all kinds of food produced by regular manufacturers. Because regular manufacturers use additives in strict accordance with national regulations to regulate their production and consumption, as well as the purchase of food additives are very strict, so the food you see contains  sodium hexametaphosphate  is not necessarily a bad thing? For example, those preserved fruits that have been kept in supermarkets for a long time, those soy sauces and salted vegetables, without the help of two "natural preservatives" of sugar and salt, will be quickly destroyed by bacteria and mold. But now people all know that eating too much salt and sugar is not good for health. So low-sugar preserved fruits and low-salt pickles have to resort to synthetic preservatives.

Source and use of food-grade sodium hexametaphosphate

Speaking of food additives, we all know that food additives are used to improve the color, aroma and taste of food, adjust the nutritional composition of food and prolong the shelf life of food. But when it comes to the use of sodium hexametaphosphate in food processing, many people may not know. Today, CDchem will tell you about the source, classification and use of the  food additive sodium hexametaphosphate . First of all, sodium hexametaphosphate is divided into industrial and food grade. The source of sodium hexametaphosphate is produced by phosphoric acid processing technology. Here is an important information that food grade sodium hexametaphosphate must be produced by thermal phosphoric acid in order to achieve the corresponding impurities, heavy metals and other control indicators. Sodium hexametaphosphate is widely used in food industry. Let's show you a few of them which can be used in daily life. 1. Sodium hexametaphosphate can be used in meat products, fish sausage, ha

Sodium hexametaphosphate manufacturer tells you the importance of direct selling

In the trade environment of "one belt and one road", the importance of logistics is beyond doubt. For those who like online shopping, express logistics is really familiar. The logistics information of packages can be directly seen in the current common application of electronic commerce platform, which shows that logistics plays an important role in the direct sales of products by electronic commerce and manufacturers of sodium hexametaphosphate . Now, manufacturers of sodium hexametaphosphate are also vigorously developing online direct supply, so that large chemical products can also achieve online transactions. Sodium hexametaphosphate, a manufacturer, ensures the supply and transportation of goods in warehousing and logistics. Therefore, it is also very important for the electronics business to choose a good logistics. It is more important to choose a good sodium hexametaphosphate manufacturer for direct marketing, and less intermediate docking links. Direct marketing of

Sodium tripolyphosphate is not added randomly in food

Food additives are synthetic or natural substances added to food to improve the quality of food such as color, aroma and taste, and to meet the needs of preservation and processing technology. The processing of food and the use of additives must conform to the Food Safety Law, and no chemical substances other than food additives can be produced from non-food raw materials. As one of the food additives,  sodium tripolyphosphate  is not added randomly in food. Phosphorus is an essential element for human body, but the amount of sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium hexametaphosphate and sodium pyrophosphate used as food additives and intake are limited. In fact, food-grade phosphate is safer than many additives and can be safely used. Food-grade sodium tripolyphosphate is generally used as water retention agent, quality improver, pH regulator and metal chelating agent in food. China's "Hygienic Standards for the Use of Food Additives" (GB2760-2011) stipulates that: 1. The maximum