
目前显示的是 十月, 2019的博文

Food grade sodium tripolyphosphate requires heavy metal purification

Condiments, meat products, edible oil, dairy products, drinks, etc. are all necessities of daily life. Some food additives will be used in the production and processing process. The use of additives also makes people more concerned about "safety on the tip of the tongue".  Sodium tripolyphosphate  is widely used in food additives. Chuandong chemical will show you the main applications of sodium tripolyphosphate in the food industry: 1. Food grade sodium tripolyphosphate is used in meat products, fish sausage, ham, etc., which can improve the water holding capacity, increase the cohesiveness and prevent fat oxidation; 2. For fruit drinks and cool drinks, it can improve the juice yield, increase the viscosity and inhibit the decomposition of vitamin C. 3. It can prevent discoloration, increase viscosity, shorten fermentation period and adjust taste when used in soybean paste and soy sauce. 4. For ice cream, it can improve the expansion capacity, increase the volume, enhance the

Main features of environmentally friendly potassium formate snow melting agent

In order to deal with the heavy snow and freezing weather, snow melting agent has become the first choice of snow melting under the environment of highways and bridges, and timely snow melting also ensures the smooth and safe traffic. Today, Chuandong chemical will tell you the main characteristics of environmental friendly  potassium formate   snow melting agent . 1. Melting of snow, fast melting speed and long aging time. According to the use practice, potassium formate can melt ice and snow in a short time, with the sustainability of up to 12-24 hours. It melts faster and can penetrate 5cm under the ice quickly. 2. Potassium formate snow melting agent has better skid resistance and low freezing point. Effective anti-skid, and can reduce the melting point of ice and snow to below -15-35℃, so that the ice and snow water will not freeze after melting. 3. Potassium formate is a relatively environmental friendly and less side effect non chloride snow melting agent. It is easy for microor

Industrial grade calcium formate can accelerate the rate of cement hydration

The temperature decreases, the rain increases, and the cement and concrete can't reach the expected use intensity. It's very troublesome in the construction engineering in autumn and winter. The main function of early strength agent is to accelerate the rate of cement hydration and promote the development of early strength of concrete. The addition of industrial grade calcium formate has not only the function of early strength, but also the function of reducing water and strengthening. 1. express cement concrete pavement or bridge deck pavement, especially the level crossing of class I, II and III Highway. When one direction of cement concrete pavement is paved, not only the road under construction can not be opened to traffic, but also the vehicles in other directions of grade crossing can not use calcium formate early strength cement concrete in night construction, which can provide convenient vehicle traffic in the shortest time. 2. For the construction of cement concr

The difference between calcium formate and sodium sulphate

Recently, due to the decrease of temperature, the use of cement mortar early strength agent has increased. Chongqing Chuandong Chemical has also received many inquiries about how to identify the true and false calcium formate and its purity, which is a simple and quick method.  Calcium formate  is very likely to be adulterated with sodium formate powder. Both calcium formate and sodium formate powder can play an important role in anti freezing and early strengthening in construction. However, the amount of calcium formate added in mortar is far less than that of sodium formate powder, but the effect is stronger than that of sodium formate powder, and the price of sodium formate powder is far lower than that of calcium formate. In order to avoid the loss of use caused by the user buying adulterated calcium formate, we share it with you today. The difference and distinguishing method of powder. Calcium formate is a kind of white to light yellow crystal powder which can flow freely and ha

Detailed value of potassium formate and sodium formate in weighting agent of drilling and completion fluid

In order to protect the modern environment, it is necessary to prevent well collapse, well loss and protect the oil and gas reservoir. For the formation with developed bedding and fracture, in order to prevent well collapse and leakage and reduce the damage to oil and gas reservoir, the drilling fluid is required to have strong sealing property, effectively seal the bedding and fracture of the formation, prevent the drilling fluid and its filtrate from entering the formation, so as to improve the pressure bearing capacity of the formation, stabilize the well wall, prevent well leakage and protect the oil and gas reservoir. We will talk about the detailed values of  potassium formate  and sodium formate in weighting agent of drilling and completion fluid. solubility The solubility of formate in water is very large. The solubility increases with the increase of atomic weight of alkali metal. The saturation concentration of cesium formate can be as high as 83%, the saturation concentratio

Application of sodium hexametaphosphate in textile printing and dyeing

Chongqing Chuandong chemical will talk about the use of sodium hexametaphosphate in textile printing and dyeing today, because it is really easy to use. With good auxiliaries in textile printing and dyeing, the textile can be upgraded to a higher level. Today, let's count the uses of  sodium hexametaphosphate  in textile printing and dyeing. (1) as a soft water agent, so that dyes and soaps do not precipitate or agglomerate The pH value of sodium hexametaphosphate is close to neutral, and it can form complex with calcium ion in hard water, so as to achieve the purpose of soft water. Sodium hexametaphosphate is used as a soft water agent in dyeing or post-treatment. It can capture calcium and magnesium ions from the precipitate of insoluble calcium soap, magnesium soap or calcium dye and magnesium dye, and make the precipitate dissolve again. In other words, when sodium hexametaphosphate is introduced into the solution, sodium soap can be regenerated. Even when calcium soap or magne

Water retention agent sodium tripolyphosphate adds luster to life

With the increasing consumption power of people, food is becoming more and more colorful. Food moisture retention agent plays an important role in food industry.  Sodium tripolyphosphate  is one of the food water retention agents. Water retention agent of food is a kind of food additive which is helpful to keep the stable water content in food. It belongs to the quality improver, mainly refers to the phosphate used in meat and aquatic products processing to enhance water stability and improve water retention. Condensed phosphates are hydrophilic substances, which can stabilize the water content in food. Food additive sodium tripolyphosphate can improve the pH value of meat, chelate the metal ions in meat and increase the ionic strength of meat. Dissociation of some meat proteins can keep the maximum water content of meat products, improve the binding power, tenderize the meat quality and maintain more nutrients. It is an important additive for meat products, especially for minced meat,

Textile printing and dyeing with sodium hexametaphosphate as soft water to enhance color fastness

The quality of water not only has a great influence on the product quality of pretreatment and other processes, but also affects the consumption of dyeing and chemical materials and auxiliaries. In textile printing and dyeing industry,  sodium hexametaphosphate  is a good softener, which makes the dye or soap powder not precipitate or agglomerate. The standard for distinguishing soft water from hard water is as follows: soft water 0-57ppm, slightly hard water 57-100ppm, hard water 100-280ppm, extremely hard water > 280ppm. Calcium and magnesium salts in hard water are unfavorable to printing and dyeing. For example, they react with soap to form insoluble calcium and magnesium soap, precipitate on fabric, and form insoluble scale in alkaline solution, which is attached to pretreatment equipment (such as groove inner wall, valve and guide roller), hindering normal production. When the amount of iron and manganese salts in the water exceeds the specified limit, rust spots and catalytic

Sodium tripolyphosphate can be used as water retention agent in food

Water retention agent refers to a kind of substance which can improve the stability of products, keep the internal water retention of food water retention agent and improve the shape, flavor and color of food.  Food grade sodium tripolyphosphate  helps to maintain the water content in food. It is mainly used in meat and aquatic products processing to enhance the water stability and high water holding capacity. Several principles for selecting moisture retention agent products: 1. The ability of preserving water and making color of marinated meat stuffing: after marinating, the meat stuffing will have elasticity and brightness; 2. The product's solubility and retention agent can only be used after dissolving. The product with poor solubility can't play the role of product 100%. 3. Taste of the product: the phosphate with poor purity and quality will have astringency when it is made into meat products and tasted, which is most obvious on both sides of the root of the tongue, foll

Using potassium formate to prevent the road from freezing

In recent days, everyone has been discussing the rapid change of weather and temperature in the north, and the weather map shows that it is frozen black. In winter, how to clear the ice and snow on the road in time and ensure the smooth traffic has become a major problem for the northern cities. What Chuandong Chemical wants to tell you today is that snow melting agent is commonly used in winter snow removal, because snow melting is convenient and fast, which ensures smooth road and driving safety after snow. But snow melting agent also needs to use environmental protection type.  Potassium formate  can not only prevent the road from freezing, but also does not pollute the groundwater resources, causing environmental damage. How to remove snow reasonably, use snow effectively and avoid harm is of great significance to our country, especially to the north area which is lack of fresh water resources. Chloride will corrode the reinforcement when it penetrates into the concrete, and the vo

What you don't know about the use of potassium diformate in pig feed is here

Animal husbandry should promote sustainable, healthy and rapid development. Experts and scholars from various countries have started research on antibiotic substitutes, and research and application of acidifiers, enzyme preparations, plant extracts, probiotics and prebiotics have been greatly developed. In recent years, the purchase of potassium diformate as a substitute for antibiotics is also a good quality for many farmers. What you don't know about the use of  potassium diformate  in pig feed is here. As a new feed acidifier product, potassium diformate has been widely used in pig feed, and has been reported in aquatic products and poultry. Advantages of potassium diformate in pig production: 1. Strong bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect to maintain the health status of pigs It is generally believed that the increase in production performance after the addition of antibiotics to the feed is associated with inhibition of subclinical infection. Therefore, the reason why potass

What type of dispersant is industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate?

The common inorganic dispersants are silicates and alkali metal phosphates (such as  sodium hexametaphosphate , sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium pyrophosphate). Dispersants in chemical raw materials can make the particles disperse evenly in the medium to form stable suspension. There are many materials that can be used as dispersants. Generally, they are divided into two categories: inorganic dispersants and organic dispersants, while industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate belongs to inorganic dispersants. Sodium hexametaphosphate dispersant is an interfacial activator with both hydrophilic and hydrophilic properties in molecule. It can evenly disperse inorganic and organic pigments which are difficult to dissolve in liquids. It can also prevent the settling and condensation of solid particles and form the necessary medicaments for stabilizing the suspension. Dispersants are defined as substances in which dispersants can reduce the aggregation of solid or liquid particles in a dis

Application of industrial sodium hexametaphosphate in unshaped refractories

The development and technological progress of new refractories in industry are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. The functionalization and products of amorphous refractories are also developed more and more complex prefabricated materials through new technology research and development.  Sodium hexametaphosphate  also plays an important role in highlighting the confinement of various refractory binders. Binders are needed in the production of amorphous refractories, which require not only good cold and hot bonding strength, but also good construction (forming) and service performance. The addition of industrial sodium hexametaphosphate is beneficial to increase the strength of amorphous refractories at low, medium and high temperatures. However, the amount of sodium hexametaphosphate should be controlled so as to avoid the formation of low melts affecting the sintering of the refractories. With the rapid development of modern science and technology, amorphous refractories, as an

Sodium hexametaphosphate can also promote the development of food industry

Nowadays, people can buy all kinds of food, but it is not clear how these foods are made. They are often threatened by various food rumors. Food-grade additives are one of them. But the advantages of food additives outweigh the disadvantages, such as the use of  sodium hexametaphosphate  in food, as long as the food additives are strictly added or allowed to be used within the scope. Many of the food additives used today have a history of thousands of years. For example, invertase, an enzyme used in wine-making, has a history of nearly 6,000 years, and brine, a coagulant for tofu, has a history of more than 2,000 years in China. These food additives have been tested for hundreds of thousands of years and proved to be compatible with human health. Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate is also used in food additions after strict and repeated practical tests. With the progress of science and technology, the original preservation of food and its taste can not meet the needs of modern people.

Yellow phosphorus price rises in the production of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate

This year, more efforts have been made to protect the environment and ensure safety in production. Many products in the chemical industry have seen price rises or can not be purchased with money. The price trend of raw material yellow phosphorus is quite abnormal compared with previous years. However, phosphorus is not only the main component of phosphate fertilizer in agricultural production, but also the raw material basis of phosphate products. Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group, the manufacturer of  industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate , has been producing and developing phosphate and formate for more than 60 years. For the price trend of raw material yellow phosphorus, industrial sodium hexametaphosphate producers pay more attention to the balance of supply and demand in the market, avoid price fluctuations, and create a more stable market environment for capacity removal. Phosphates are essential to most biological processes today. Sodium hexametaphosphate is also important

What is the effect of potassium formate water-soluble fertilizer on crops

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are nutrient elements for plant growth.  Potassium formate  is a relatively new type of water-soluble fertilizer, which can be solid or liquid. Its main function is to provide and supplement nutrients for crops according to plant nutritional characteristics and nutritional status, and improve crop growth. Potassium formate water-soluble fertilizer has these effects: 1. First of all, water-soluble foliar fertilizer requires very high solubility. Potassium formate is used as water-soluble and high-potassium water-soluble fertilizer. The solubility is very high. 337g is dissolved at 20 degree in 100g water and 313g is dissolved at 10 degree in 100g water. The saturated solution PH of potassium formate water-soluble fertilizer is about 9, which can improve soil acidification to a certain extent. 2. Many crops need adequate nitrogen fertilizer to ensure and promote nutritional growth in early growth stage. In the seedling stage, topdressing nitrogen fertil

Chongqing Chuandong Chemical (Group) Co., Ltd. wishes the motherland prosperity

October 1, 2019 is the Seventieth Anniversary of the great motherland. Universal celebrations are held and the whole nation is in elation. Seventy years ago, on October 1, a great man's voice shook the world and rang through the sky: "The Chinese people stand up!" Since then, our motherland has embarked on a great road of rejuvenation. After 70 years, the great motherland, with its vigorous momentum of development and constantly improving international status, has composed a series of splendid chapters! This is the 70 years of vicissitudes, the 70 years of moving, the 70 years of brilliance, for which every one of us is proud! "My motherland and I can't be separated for a moment. No matter where I go, a hymn comes out..." "My motherland and I" sing all over the country, arousing our pride, touch, shock, pride and warmth towards our motherland. Tomorrow, we will welcome the National Day parade, and the exciting moment is coming. On the occasion of