
目前显示的是 一月, 2020的博文

There are certain principles for the use of sodium tripolyphosphate in food additives

With the development of society, people have a certain understanding of some basic food additives, but still wonder why food additives must be added to food? In fact, if food additives such as sodium tripolyphosphate were not added to food, there would not be so many rich and balanced foods in our daily life. Food additives are not without approved standards, they all need to pass the formal national test standards. So, what is the principle of using sodium tripolyphosphate in food additives? 1. Food corruption should not be concealed. 2. Should not cause any health hazard to the human body. 3. Quality defects in the food itself or during processing should not be covered up or food additives used for the purpose of adulteration, adulteration, or forgery. 4. Minimize the use of food in the food on the premise of achieving the expected results. 5. The nutritional value of the food itself should not be reduced. The  food grade sodium tripolyphosphate  produced by Chuandong Chemical Group

How to choose feed additive reasonably? Calcium formate manufacturer tells you

Feed is the material basis of modern breeding industry, and it is the necessary input to provide animal nutrition and ensure the quality of animal products. Feed additives are also blooming everywhere. There are many kinds of additives, which makes it difficult for farmers to choose. Because most of the feed additives are of different quality, which not only wastes the money of farmers, but also cannot provide reliable Guarantee. How to choose a reasonable feed additive, as the feed grade calcium formate manufacturer , Chuandong Chemical has made the following relatively objective introduction for you. (1) Feed calcium formate: Feed calcium formate is a kind of organic calcium salt, with calcium content as high as 31%, which can promote the growth of piglets. Because of its high melting point, it can only be decomposed when the temperature is above 400 ℃, it will not be damaged in the feed production process, it can affect the proliferation of intestinal microorganisms, activate Pepsin

Feed grade calcium formate is an effective acidifier to supplement calcium source

More and more attention has been paid to the application of calcium formate in feed, but the role of  feed grade calcium formate  may not be fully understood. We only know that calcium formate is a good feed additive to supplement organic calcium source, and it also has an acidifier effect on calcium formate, which is not well understood. Here is a summary of the main mechanism of action of feed grade calcium formate by Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group. The effect of feed grade calcium formate on weaned piglets was obvious. The stomach of weaned piglets could not produce enough acid. The pH value of intragastric solute was higher than 4, which could not achieve the best digestion effect. The required pH was ≤ 4. This lack of acidity will lead to many problems, including the insufficient activation of pepsin, the acceleration of gastric emptying and the poor ability to control the gastrointestinal flora, etc., which will inhibit the digestion of protein, cause piglets indigestion, dia

The manufacturer tells you the use of industrial grade sodium pyrophosphate

Sodium pyrophosphate, decahydrate is colorless or white crystalline or crystalline powder, anhydrous is white powder, soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol and other organic solvents. Next, Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group, an industrial grade sodium pyrophosphate manufacturer, tells you the purpose of  industrial grade sodium pyrophosphate . Industrial grade sodium pyrophosphate is used to prepare electroplating solution in electroplating industry, which can form complex with iron. Wool textile industry is used as degreasing agent and bleaching agent for wool. The paper industry is used for bleaching paper and plant fibers. The printing and dyeing industry is used as auxiliaries in printing and dyeing and fine bleaching. As a toothpaste additive, daily chemical industry can form colloid with dicalcium phosphate and play a stable role. It can also be used in the synthesis of detergents and the production of shampoo and other products. Used as softener in water treatment. Used as rus

What are the differences between feed grade calcium formate and industrial grade calcium formate?

Now there are many calcium formate brands in the market, and the price is not the same. But what Chuandong chemical wants to tell you is that feed grade calcium formate is different from  industrial grade calcium formate . Calcium formate is mainly divided into two categories: 1. Industrial grade calcium formate 2. Feed grade calcium formate Industrial grade calcium formate: mainly used in construction, it can accelerate the hardening speed of cement, improve the early strength, and avoid the problem of too slow setting speed under winter or low temperature and humidity conditions, so that the cement products can be put into use as soon as possible. Calcium formate plays an important role in improving the early strength of cement paste. Feed grade calcium formate: only feed grade calcium formate can be used as additive in feed, and the manufacturer of feed grade calcium formate must also have relevant production qualification. For example, Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group has feed gr

Can sodium hexametaphosphate be used in basic dyeing auxiliaries?

At present, the traditional acid dyeing bath condition dyeing method is still used in the dyeing and finishing of polyester fabrics. The method has the disadvantages of poor quality, low output and high production cost in the production process, and it is more and more unsuitable for the production needs, especially for the dyeing of polyester fabrics after alkali treatment. The root of these problems lies in the lack of basic dyeing auxiliaries, while sodium hexametaphosphate is a widely used dyeing auxiliaries in phosphate products. First, look at the advantages of basic dyeing aids: Basic dyeing auxiliaries, which are used as special dyeing auxiliaries for basic dyeing of polyester fabrics, popularize the basic dyeing methods. By optimizing alkali resistant disperse dyes and using special alkali agent, polyester fabric can be dyed and processed in alkaline condition, which can make the fabric bright in color, reduce defects such as color difference, flower and contamination, grea

Can sodium pyrophosphate also be used in food?

With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, a large number of food additives appear on the market, with more and more types and functions. Under the condition of not exceeding the scope and quantity, food additives bring more high-quality choices for life. We can see sodium pyrophosphate in many food ingredients. Can sodium pyrophosphate also be used in food? Food grade sodium pyrophosphate is a white powder, which can be fused when encountering water. It is used as stabilizer and buffer in food processing. Food grade sodium pyrophosphate is also used in the production of soy sauce and juice. Food grade sodium pyrophosphate can improve the color of soy sauce and juice and make the color more bright. The addition of food grade sodium pyrophosphate can chelate metal ions and improve the quality of finished products. It can also be used as the melting agent and emulsifier of cheese, which can release calcium ions from casein calcium in cheese, increase the viscos

How to digest and absorb feed grade calcium formate in piglets

Adding  calcium formate  to the diet with plant protein as the main component before 30 kg piglet weight can effectively improve feed digestibility and performance. After adding 5% feed grade calcium formate to piglets' diets, the pH value of stomach and jejunum decreased. After acid chyme enters into the small intestine, it can secrete gastrointestinal inhibitory hormone, slow down the speed of gastric emptying and the movement of food in the intestine, prolong the stay time of food in the stomach, make the food fully mixed with saliva, gastric juice and other digestive fluids, which is conducive to nutrition in food Digestion and absorption of substances. At the same time, calcium formate in feed can form chelates with essential mineral elements such as Cu, Fe, P, Zn, Mg, which are easy to be absorbed and utilized and have high biological potency, thus promoting their absorption and retention. The main reason is that some mineral elements are easy to form insoluble and hard to ab

What is the advantage of potassium formate compared with traditional chlorine salt snow melting agent? The manufacturer tells you

Recently, the first snow in 2020 has come to the north. The impact of heavy snow on traffic is not only during the snow, but also after the snow. According to the principle of "mechanical snow removal as the main and snow melting agent as the auxiliary", timely clean the snow on the road area to ensure the safety and smooth of the roads in the city. Potassium formate is also a relatively environmental friendly snow melting agent used in the snow removal battle. The traditional snow melting agent is actually some salt substances, such as the common salt in the kitchen, which can be used as snow melting agent. The principle of snow melting agent is not complicated. After adding salt, the melting point of water will be reduced, so the solid snow or ice will turn into water. Salts, also known as electrolytes, conduct electricity when dissolved in water. When the melted snow water has conductivity, the direct harm it brings is corrosiveness. For example, the steel used for au

Using food grade sodium tripolyphosphate can improve food quality and reduce cost

With the rapid development of society, food additives are ubiquitous in people's life. Food additive is to improve the quality and satisfaction of food, but not all food can be added, and its dosage is strictly controlled, measured by scientific standards. For example,  food grade sodium tripolyphosphate  has passed rigorous scientific verification before it is included in the legal scope. As long as it is added in accordance with national standards in food production, it will not cause health hazards to human body. How to use food grade sodium tripolyphosphate in the process of food processing without reducing the quality of food? Let's follow Chuandong chemical to see the principles of choosing sodium tripolyphosphate as water retention agent: 1. The solubility of sodium tripolyphosphate must be good, and the maintainer can only be used after it is dissolved. The product with poor dissolution cannot play its due role, and even has adverse effects. 2. Taste of food after using

How is sodium hexametaphosphate used for water treatment?

Water treatment agent is necessary for the disposal of industrial water, domestic water and waste water.  Sodium hexametaphosphate  is a very widely used fine phosphate product. From the initial red treatment of water, with the development of industry, the application of sodium hexametaphosphate is more widely. The principle of sodium hexametaphosphate used as a water treatment agent is to use the complexation of polyphosphate and phosphate generated by the hydrolysis of sodium hexametaphosphate to metal ions, so that most of the metal ions in the water are complexed into phosphate, thereby softens the water. Sodium hexametaphosphate is easily soluble in water. The aqueous solution was alkaline, and the pH of the 1% aqueous solution was 9.7. It gradually hydrolyzes into phosphite in water and has a good ability to complex metal ions. It can complex with calcium, magnesium, iron and other metal ions to form soluble complexes. It can soften hard water. As an inorganic surfactant, it has

Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate is beneficial to the sintering of refractories

The refractory industry has also stepped into the development of green, environmental protection, high quality and low consumption due to environmental protection and safety. Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group, an  industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate manufacturer , has also made higher requirements for the use of polyphosphate in refractory binders. Al 2 O 3  and MgO in refractories have high lattice energy and low polarity, so it is difficult to sinter. When sodium hexametaphosphate is used as the binder of basic refractories, the orthophosphate produced after hydrolysis will react with MgO and CaO in basic refractories to form composite phosphate containing magnesium or calcium, resulting in strong binding strength. Therefore, industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate is a new type of refractory with good performance in phosphate. It has good thermal shock stability, high compressive strength, strong resistance to slag corrosion and impact, high load softening temperature and c

What are the factors influencing the quality of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP)?

Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP)  is a fine phosphate bulk product, which has a place in the field of food, other industries, medicine and other fields. For example, it can be used as high-efficiency softener, cement hardening promoter for cooling water treatment of power station, vehicle boiler and fertilizer plant, cleaner in bleaching and dyeing industry, flotation agent in mineral processing industry, sedative and refractory additive in medicine. With such extensive application, the quality production requirements of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate are more strict. The quality of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate products has a great relationship with the control of process conditions in the production process. Different process conditions can produce industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate with different chain length. The polymerization degree of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP) can vary from 6-50 to over 200. For example, the poly

Can calcium formate be used as additive in feed?

Can calcium formate be used as additive in feed? Yes, in fact, calcium formate has been recognized as a new type of feed additive product for several years. Calcium formate can not only be used as sour taste agent, but also as antiseptic and mildew inhibitor instead of calcium propionate. It is a kind of calcium salt containing formic acid. It is white free flowing crystal or powder, with calcium content of 30%, neutral pH value, and low moisture content. Therefore, calcium formate mixed into premix containing additives will not cause vitamin loss, and it will be in salt after entering the stomach The free formic acid was separated under the action of acid. Formic acid effectively reduced the PK value of digestive substances in the stomach, and played a positive role in maintaining the appropriate acidity in the gastrointestinal tract. Especially in the weaning phase of animals, the lactic acid bacteria in their stomach will gradually decrease, the pH value will increase significantly,

How effective is potassium diformate, an alternative to feed antibiotics?

Due to the problem of antibiotic residues or resistance, the use of antibiotics in the breeding industry has been banned or restricted. The purpose of finding antibiotic products in feed is to restore bacteria's sensitivity to antibiotics and protect human health. What is the effect of using more  potassium diformate  as an alternative to feed antibiotics today? Previously, everyone believed that antibiotics as a growth promoter had brought great economic benefits to livestock production, but today, the growth-promoting mechanism of many antibiotics is unknown. However, potassium diformate is a kind of feed additive with strong bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, which can keep the healthy state of pigs; it has the effect of promoting the growth of antibiotics, which is actually used to kill the pathogenic bacteria in the intestine. It passes through the acidic stomach and reaches the neutral and alkaline alkaline intestinal tract, that is, it is automatically decomposed into f

Sodium cyanate can be synthesized with pesticide to realize green chemical process

Phosgene is a very dangerous chemical gas in the synthesis of pesticides, which has been banned or restricted in many countries. With the advent of the era of green chemistry, it is urgent to find a clean production way to replace phosgene. Using sodium cyanate instead of phosgene in the synthesis of pesticides has the advantages of high safety, high yield and quality, and less waste material. Sodium cyanate process has the advantages of high safety, high yield and quality, and less waste. It is a promising green production process. Especially for the synthesis of sulfonylurea herbicide intermediates, sodium cyanate can replace silver cyanate to synthesize isocyanate, and can also directly synthesize sulfonylurea herbicides in one step. The advantages of one-step reduction method are that it avoids the use of highly toxic phosgene, does not use n-butyl isocyanate, and avoids the generation of a large number of by-products n-butylamine; all solvents can be recycled and reused, basi