
目前显示的是 十月, 2021的博文

Is potassium formate divided into solid and liquid?

  Recently, we received a consultation about why some potassium formate content is more than 90%, some content is only more than 70%. Is the low content of potassium formate fake? So today, the editor will give you a detailed explanation about the quality of potassium formate. In fact, as long as the quality of   potassium formate   produced by regular manufacturers like Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group is guaranteed. Why is there so much difference in content? In fact, potassium formate is divided into solid and liquid. The content of solid potassium formate is more than 96% in the quality index. The solid potassium formate is white solid. It is easy to absorb moisture. It can react with strong oxidant. Its density is 1.9100g/cm 3 . It is soluble in water, non-toxic and non-corrosive. The content of potassium formate is more than 74% is liquid, and the liquid is colourless and transparent (like pure water). Potassium oxide has high solubility in water (ten or even tens of times as m

What is the basis for adding sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP) in food processing? The manufacturer tells you

  The use of food additives should be safe and effective, and the most important thing is to ensure safety. In addition to meeting relevant standards and regulations, such as hygienic standards for the use of food additives, quality standards for food additives and good production and operation standards, the most important thing is to ensure that the intake of added food additives does not exceed the daily allowable intake and the additions during production and processing.   Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP)   is no exception. It is also the basis of the amount of food additives added in food processing. For specific application, if an additive can be used in solid food and beverage, an ADI distribution coefficient F should be given between solid food and beverage according to their dietary configuration ratio, so that FS (proportion of solid food) +FB (proportion of beverage) = 1; if the additive is only used in solid food but not used in solid food. In beverages, FS = 1, FB

Manufacturer tells you the role of technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate in boiler cleaning

  The   manufacturer of technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate   will tell you about the harm of scale to the boiler. If the boiler is not cleaned for a long time in use, a large number of scale will be generated, and the scale will also cause great corrosion to the boiler wall: 1. Because of the poor thermal conductivity of scale, the heat transfer from heating to working medium is hindered, the heat absorption of working medium is reduced, the temperature of boiler exhaust gas is increased, and the heat loss is increased. 2. Due to the poor thermal conductivity of the scale, the heat transfer from the heating surface to the working medium is hindered. It is because the working temperature of the heating surface rises, which will cause the superheater of the heating surface to burst or overheat. 3 natural water is the aqueous solution of electrolyte, which is easy to produce electrochemical corrosion when contacting with metal. Therefore, boiler water needs to be softened by industr

Sodium hexametaphosphate factory tells you the importance of direct selling

  In the trade environment of "one belt and one road", the importance of logistics is beyond doubt. For those who like online shopping, express logistics is really familiar. The logistics information of packages can be directly seen in the current common application of electronic commerce platform, which shows that logistics plays an important role in the direct sales of products by electronic commerce and   factory of sodium hexametaphosphate . Now, factory of sodium hexametaphosphate are also vigorously developing online direct supply, so that large chemical products can also achieve online transactions. Sodium hexametaphosphate factory, ensures the supply and transportation of goods in warehousing and logistics. Therefore, it is also very important for the electronics business to choose a good logistics. It is more important to choose a good sodium hexametaphosphate factory for direct marketing, and less intermediate docking links. Direct marketing of sodium hexametaphosph

Sodium hexametaphosphate factory tells you the importance of direct selling

  In the trade environment of "one belt and one road", the importance of logistics is beyond doubt. For those who like online shopping, express logistics is really familiar. The logistics information of packages can be directly seen in the current common application of electronic commerce platform, which shows that logistics plays an important role in the direct sales of products by electronic commerce and   factory of sodium hexametaphosphate . Now, factory of sodium hexametaphosphate are also vigorously developing online direct supply, so that large chemical products can also achieve online transactions. Sodium hexametaphosphate factory, ensures the supply and transportation of goods in warehousing and logistics. Therefore, it is also very important for the electronics business to choose a good logistics. It is more important to choose a good sodium hexametaphosphate factory for direct marketing, and less intermediate docking links. Direct marketing of sodium hexametaphosph

Is it safe to eat without adding food additive sodium tripolyphosphate(STPP)?

  In modern life, more and more consumers need to look at the ingredients when they buy food. But for ordinary consumers, it may be difficult to see the variety of food additives. Therefore, when we buy processed food, we must choose the food produced by regular manufacturers. Because the food additives used by regular manufacturers are strictly in accordance with national regulations to regulate their production and consumption, as well as the purchase of food additives are very strict. So is it safe to add   food additive sodium tripolyphosphate(STPP)   to food? Without the help of the two "natural preservatives" of sugar and salt, the pickles and preserved fruits that have been kept in the supermarket for a long time will be quickly destroyed by bacteria and molds. But now people all know that eating too much salt and sugar is not good for health. So low-sugar preserved fruits and low-salt pickles have to resort to synthetic preservatives. For example, jelly that children

Using sodium hexametaphosphate technical grade to improve grinding efficiency and reduce grinding energy consumption

  Calcium carbonate is one of the most widely used inorganic fillers, which can be divided into two categories: heavy calcium and light calcium. The former is made of natural minerals (mainly limestone and calcite) after grinding, and the latter is obtained by chemical precipitation. With the development of technology, environmental protection and energy problems,   sodium hexametaphosphate technical grade   has become a grinding aid to improve grinding efficiency and reduce grinding energy consumption. One of the reasons for the low output of heavy calcium is the lack of mature superfine grinding technology. Superfine grinding is a process of high energy consumption. How to reduce the energy consumption and improve the efficiency of superfine grinding is an urgent problem to be solved. Then Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group, the manufacturer of sodium hexametaphosphate technical grade, tells you that the use of grinding aid industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate can improve grindi

Is potassium formate snow-melting agent the same product as industrial salt?

  Industrial salt has many uses in industry. It can be used in refrigeration, soft water, snow melting and so on. It is also one of the basic raw materials of chemical industry. Potassium formate also has the function of snow-melting. It's an environmental friendly snow melting agent, and it's also white. Is   potassium formate snow-melting agent   the same product as industrial salt? Potassium formate and industrial salt, which can be used as snow melting agent, are not products. The specific contents are as follows: I. different ingredients 1. As the name suggests, snow melting agent is used to melt snow and ice, which is convenient for road dredging. Composition of potassium formate: potassium formate content: 50% min, corrosion inhibitor: 2.0% max; appearance: colorless and tasteless clear liquid; density (SG, 25 ℃): 1.350min; freezing point: lower than - 50°C; miscibility with water: completely miscible in water; pH value: 11.0-11.4. 2. Industrial salt is mainly composed o

The manufacturer tells you the use of sodium hexametaphosphate in textile printing and dyeing

  After going around, we talked about the use of sodium hexametaphosphate in textile printing and dyeing, because sodium hexametaphosphate is really easy to use. Only with good auxiliaries in textile printing and dyeing can textiles be upgraded to a higher level. Today, the manufacturer Chongqing Chuandong Chemical will tell you the use of   sodium hexametaphosphate   in textile printing and dyeing. (1) As a water softener, so that dyes and soaps will not precipitate or agglomerate The pH value of sodium hexametaphosphate is close to neutral, and it can form complexes with calcium ions in hard water to achieve the purpose of soft water. Sodium hexametaphosphate is used as a water softener in dyeing or post-treatment. It can extract calcium ions and magnesium ions from the insoluble calcium soap, magnesium soap, or calcium dye and magnesium dye precipitates that have been generated, so that the precipitate can be dissolved again. In other words, when sodium hexametaphosphate is introduc

Is it true that technical grade calcium formate can be added to tile adhesives?

  Because of the epidemic, various industries are more or less affected, as is architecture. Recently, many friends asked us whether technical grade calcium formate can be added to the tile adhesive. There are also many consultations every day. In order to let everyone step on the thunder and improve the efficiency of the response, the relevant uses of   technical grade calcium formate   in the tile adhesive are organized and sent out in the hope that it will be helpful to everyone. Ceramic tile adhesive refers to cement-based ceramic tile adhesive. The main ingredients are cement, sand, cellulose and calcium formate mixed together. In mortar, calcium formate can improve the adhesion, not only the early strength agent, but also can be used in thermal insulation board and tile adhesive.First look at the role of tile adhesive: 1. Strong binding force, which is 3-5 times that of traditional cement, river sand and brick. 2. No empty drums, no falling bricks, no sliding. 3. Water-resistant,

Can technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate also be used for metallurgy and metal corrosion protection?

  Technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate   is widely used in phosphate series bulk products, such as industrial soft water, ceramics, washing and refractory additives. Technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate is also used in the petroleum industry for rust prevention of drilling pipes and for viscosity control of drilling mud. So here is a brief introduction to the application of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate in metallurgy and metal corrosion protection: Adding technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate into some additives to spray repair the converter at a certain temperature and pressure can greatly prolong the converter life. Sodium hexametaphosphate is chelated with divalent metal ions in solution to form a positive polyelectrolyte. When it is adsorbed on metal surface, it forms a compact and continuous film. The film can completely cover the corrosion micro cell, reduce or prevent the corrosion current from passing through and play an anti-corrosion role. The applicati

The manufacturer tell you potassium diformate is a safe, residue-free growth-promoting feed additive

  It is known that pigs cannot be fed with feed alone to promote growth. Feeding alone will not only satisfy the growing nutrients of the herd, but also cause waste of resources. To keep the pigs nutritionally balanced and good immunity, from the improvement of the intestinal environment to digestion and absorption is an internal-to-external process. It is to realize that   feed additive potassium diformate   can replace antibiotics safely and without residues. The important reason why potassium diformate is added to pig feed as a growth promoter is its safety and antibacterial effect, both based on its simple and unique molecular structure. The mechanism of potassium diformate is mainly based on the action of small molecule organic acid formic acid and potassium ions, which is also the basic consideration of the EU approval of potassium diformate as an alternative to antibiotics. Alternative antibiotics, with antibacterial growth promoters boasting a lot on the market, but potassium d

The manufacturer of calcium formate tell you how to choose feed additive reasonably

  Feed is the material basis of modern breeding industry, and it is the necessary input to provide animal nutrition and ensure the quality of animal products. Feed additives are also blooming everywhere. There are many kinds of additives, which makes it difficult for farmers to choose. Because most of the feed additives are of different quality, which not only wastes the money of farmers, but also cannot provide reliable Guarantee. How to choose a reasonable feed additive, as the   feed grade calcium formate  manufacturer, Chuandong Chemical has made the following relatively objective introduction for you. (1) Feed grade calcium formate: Feed grade calcium formate is a kind of organic calcium salt, with calcium content as high as 31%, which can promote the growth of piglets. Because of its high melting point, it can only be decomposed when the temperature is above 400 ℃, it will not be damaged in the feed production process, it can affect the proliferation of intestinal microorganisms,

The manufacturer tell you potassium formate is also a kind of organic snow melting agent

  Ice and snow accumulation in winter not only affects traffic, but also brings serious hidden danger to traffic safety. At present, there are two ways of snow melting and deicing: mechanical snow removal and chemical snow removal. Mechanical deicing is fast and efficient, but it has some disadvantages, such as poor rate of deicing, easy to damage the road surface, and many places such as sidewalk can not be removed. The deicing method of chemical deicing agent can make up for the shortage of mechanical deicing, which is an effective method of deicing. The manufacturer tell you   potassium formate   can not only be used as foliar fertilizer, but also as an organic snow melting agent. Types of snow melting agents One is the organic snow melting agent with potassium acetate as the main component. This kind of snow melting agent has good snow melting effect, basically no corrosion damage, but the price is too high, and it is generally used in important places such as airports. The other i

How to digest and absorb feed additive calcium formate in piglets

  Adding   feed additive calcium formate   to the diet with plant protein as the main component before 30 kg piglet weight can effectively improve feed digestibility and performance. After adding 5% feed additive calcium formate to piglets' diets, the pH value of stomach and jejunum decreased. After acid chyme enters into the small intestine, it can secrete gastrointestinal inhibitory hormone, slow down the speed of gastric emptying and the movement of food in the intestine, prolong the stay time of food in the stomach, make the food fully mixed with saliva, gastric juice and other digestive fluids, which is conducive to nutrition in food Digestion and absorption of substances. At the same time, calcium formate in feed can form chelates with essential mineral elements such as Cu, Fe, P, Zn, Mg, which are easy to be absorbed and utilized and have high biological potency, thus promoting their absorption and retention. The main reason is that some mineral elements are easy to form ins

How about the cementing quality of potassium formate oil drilling fluid?

  Since the beginning of this year, in the face of unfavorable factors such as deep well depth, high pressure, and large temperature difference in the Southwest Work Area, the requirements for the lubrication of the drilling fluid, the stability of the wellbore and the cleanability of the wellbore are extremely high. In drilling operations, there are generally at least two cementing (production wells) and as many as 4 to 5 cementing (deep exploratory wells).   Potassium formate   is a new type of oil drilling fluid at present. It does not paste the vibrating screen or run slurry during drilling. It has strong inhibition, good wall-building properties, good lubricity, fast mechanical drilling speed, low cost, and good cementing effect. And other features are widely used. The purpose of using potassium formate drilling fluid for cementing: 1. Potassium formate drilling fluid can isolate complex formations that are easy to collapse and leak, consolidate the drilled borehole, and ensure th

Look at the application of feed grade calcium formate in feeds

  With the advancement and development of science and technology, calcium formate has gradually become prominent in industrial use and feed addition. We all know that technical grade calcium formate can play an early-strength coagulation-promoting effect in construction, and it is not corrosive, while   feed grade calcium formate   can play a role in supplementing calcium and acidifying feed. The feed additive is to make up for the deficiency of certain nutrients in the feed, and the feed substance is specially produced and formulated. As a new type of feed additive, feed grade calcium formate, the technological content of the production is constantly improving. How much do you know about the application of feed grade calcium formate in feeds? Feed grade calcium formate is organic calcium, which can reduce the amount of acidifiers and inorganic calcium. It is an acidifier that can replenish calcium and free formic acid in animals. High-quality feed grade calcium formate like Chuandong

The effect of calcium supplement with calcium formate feed grade is good when crops are short of calcium

  Is it true that crops also need calcium supplements? it is true. Crops are plants, like humans and animals, that need rich trace elements to help them grow. When crops are calcium-deficient, plant growth is hindered, and the internodes are shorter, so they are generally shorter than normal plants and have soft tissues. Since calcium has such a big effect, is it good to use to supplement calcium? The meristems such as the apical buds, lateral buds, and root tips of crops with calcium-deficient plants first appear nutrient deficiency, which is perishable, the young leaves are curled and deformed, and the leaf edges begin to turn yellow and become necrotic. For example, calcium deficiency can cause leaf scorch disease in cabbage, cabbage and lettuce; tomato, pepper, watermelon, etc. have heart rot; apples have bitter pox and water heart disease. No matter how much is useless, the crops are short of calcium. If we want to achieve the actual effect, what should we do? 1. Application of ca