
目前显示的是 二月, 2022的博文

Why is technical grade sodium tripolyphosphate called the "monosodium glutamate" in the ceramic industry? The manufacturer tells you

  With the development of modern ceramic technology, the production trend of the ceramic industry has gradually shifted to intelligentization and automation. This change not only puts forward high requirements on the performance of ceramics, but also puts forward higher requirements on the raw materials and additives for the production of ceramics.   Technical grade sodium tripolyphosphate   diluent is an additive commonly used in the ceramic industry. Because of its small amount of addition, it also plays an excellent role and is called "monosodium glutamate" in the ceramic industry. When the ceramic slurry is prepared for the casting process, it is necessary to achieve uniform suspension and dispersion of the ceramic slurry and good fluidity. At the same time, in the process of casting ceramic sheets, it is also necessary to ensure good leveling and avoid pinholes and craters in the ceramic film. It is necessary for the dispersant to have good wetting and dispersing propert

Technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate manufacturer refines the utilization of phosphorus chemical resources

  Phosphorus resources are abundant but not rich in all kinds of mineral resources, so   technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate manufacturers   have been developing technological innovation, developing new available phosphate resources, avoiding excessive waste and bringing more pressure to sustainable development. There are only a few enterprises that make use of phosphate resources for fine production, such as Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group. From aluminium sulfate and sulfonated coal products of the original industrious and thrifty chemical plant to yellow phosphorus and phosphoric acid, up to now the combination of phosphate and formate formate, the technical sodium hexametaphosphate producers will produce large-scale chemical products. The combination of products and refined chemical products enables the refined and innovative development of phosphorus chemical resources. In the yellow phosphorus and phosphate industries, production technical specifications and emission stand

What role can potassium formate drilling fluid play in drilling process? The manufacturer tells you

  Well bore stability and borehole rules are the basic conditions for safe, high quality and fast drilling. Drilling fluids with good performances should be able to rely on the battlefield deactivation of liquid phase.   Potassium formate drilling fluid   has high ionic concentration, small free water, low water activity, and the introduction of porous Unstable Strata such as loose, crack development, easy to collapse, water expansion and spalling will greatly reduce the activity of its system, thus giving play to the anti-collapse effect. 1. Banding and Suspended Rock Ridge The drilling fluid prepared by potassium formate is through circulation, bringing the cuttings broken by the bit to the surface, keeping the hole clean, and ensuring that the bit always contacts and breaks the new formation at the bottom of the well. Do not cause repeated cutting, keep safe and fast drilling. Potassium formate drilling fluid can suspend the drilling cuttings left in the well in annulus when it is c

The manufacturer tells you how to monitor the purity of sodium cyanate

  Sodium cyanate is also a popular product recently. It can be used as pesticide raw material to produce dry land herbicides and insecticides. In addition to its efficacy, it is also a heat treatment agent for steel parts; as a resin modifier and cross-linking agent; as a raw material for medicine, veterinary medicine and dyestuff; as a raw material for surfactant, foaming agent and organic synthesis, etc. The manufacturer tells you how to monitor the purity of   sodium cyanate . Here's how to test the purity of sodium cyanate: 1. Accurately weigh 0.150g of the ground sample into a 250ml triangular flask, add a small amount of water until the sample is completely dissolved. 2. Add a drop of phenolphthalein indicator, the solution is red, and add 1:4 nitric acid solution with rubber head dropper until the red color disappears. Then, 25 ml 0.1 mol / L silver nitrate solution was accurately transferred into the pipette to form a white silver cyanate precipitate. Filtration. Add 5 ml o

The manufacturer tells you food grade sodium pyrophosphate is also a water-retaining agent

  Food additives are getting more and more widely used in the current food processing industry. Food additives can improve the color, flavor and taste of food. The manufacturer tells you   food grade sodium pyrophosphate  is also a water-retaining agent. Polyphosphate is a very hydrophilic moisture retention agent, which can stabilize the moisture contained in food well. Its water holding capacity is related to the type, amount of polyphosphate, PH value of food, ionic strength and other factors. For meat products and seafood, the best water holding capacity is pyrophosphate, such as food grade sodium pyrophosphate. The second is tripolyphosphate. As the chain length increases, the water holding capacity of polyphosphate will weaken. The general mechanism of food grade sodium pyrophosphate water retaining agent are: 1. Raise the PH of meat Let the PH value of the meat move to the alkaline direction, away from the isoelectric point, so that the water holding capacity is improved. 2. Che

Technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate softening sater used in washing industry

  In the laundry industry,   technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate   is used to dispose soft water for laundry, and the water quality is neutral. Washing clothes in soft water can increase the ability of decontamination and make them cleaner and brighter. The principle of technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate using industrial sodium hexametaphosphate to soften hard water is that the calcium ion Ca ++  or magnesium ion Mg ++ , which causes the hardness in water, enters the sodium hexametaphosphate molecule and becomes a very stable soluble complex: Na 2  [Ca 2 (PO 3 ) 6 ] and Na 2 [Mg 2 (PO 3 ) 6 ], Ca ++  or Mg ++  in this complex is not easy to run out. The technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate product produced by Chongqing Chuandong Chemical (Group) Co., Ltd. is produced from the genuine raw materials obtained by the thermal process of the phosphate rock of its own refined phosphorus mine. The particles are uniform and the impurities are less, less usage.

Technical grade sodium tripolyphosphate(STPP) can improve the performance of ceramic glaze

  With the development of society and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, people have put forward higher requirements on the performance of ceramics.   Technical grade sodium tripolyphospha te (STPP) is an additive commonly used in building sanitary ceramics, which can improve the performance of ceramic glazes and is playing an important role in ceramic production. Technical grade sodium tripolyphosphate(STPP) has long been used as an additive in ceramic glazes. So, what role does sodium tripolyphosphate play in the performance of glaze slurry: 1. Adjust the water retention of the glaze, improve the combination of the blank glaze and improve the glaze application efficiency; accelerate the glaze application speed and the glaze drying speed. 2. Adjust the viscosity of the glaze slurry to obtain the required thixotropy of the glaze slurry and improve the glaze quality. Prevent glaze deglaze, stripes or unevenness when applying glaze. It is also beneficial to app

The manufacturer tells you detailed use of calcium formate and potassium diformate in feed additives

  If calcium formate is an acidifier for pig feed, potassium diformate is a safe and effective growth promoter. Both calcium formate and potassium diformate contain formic acid in the main raw materials. Many people who do not understand these two products are thinking that calcium formate and potassium diformate are not the same. Why is the price difference so large? How is it actually used? Today Chuandong Chemical will tell you the detailed use of   calcium formate   and   potassium diformate   in feed additives. Unlock the detailed uses of calcium formate and potassium diformate in feed additives. Calcium formate and potassium diformate are currently widely used in feed additives, and they are also recognized by many feed manufacturers and farmers. They are also green and safe feed additives. The detailed use starts from the same place: 1. Calcium formate and potassium diformate are similar in that they are achieved by freeing formic acid in the stomach environment, both of which h

Is potassium formate snow melting agent and ordinary industrial salt the same substance? The manufacturer tells you

  Speaking of snow melting agents, the scope is actually much larger than industrial salt, and industrial salt is also more harmful to road plants. At present, potassium formate snow melting agent is a relatively environmentally friendly, safe and non-toxic snow melting agent. Using potassium formate snow melting agent to melt snow and ice has also become a high-quality choice for people to remove snow on roads in winter. Is   potassium formate snow melting agent   and ordinary industrial salt the same substance? The manufacturer tells you. Snow melting agents generally fall into two categories: One type is organic snow melting agent with potassium formate as the main component. This type of snow melting agent has good snow melting effect and no corrosion damage. It is generally used in important places such as airports. The other type is inorganic snow melting agent with "chlorine salt" as the main component, commonly known as "deicing salt". But its corrosion of l

Is the antibacterial effect of potassium diformate feed additive only useful for the growth performance of pigs? The manufacturer tells you

  Potassium diformate feed additive   after ban has been widely used in pig feed additives because of its good effects on pig production performance, carcass quality and prevention of diarrhea. So, many people have to ask, since potassium diformate can lower the PH of the intestines and regulate the effects of intestinal microbes, is it only useful for pig growth performance? The manufacturer tells you. The antibacterial function and effect of potassium diformate feed additive: (1) Improve the environment in the digestive tract, lower the pH of the stomach and small intestine, and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria. (2) Instead of antibiotics, it has the effect of antibacterial and growth promoting agents. The addition of potassium diformate can significantly reduce the content of anaerobic bacteria, E. coli and Salmonella in the chyme of the digestive tract. Improve the resistance of animals to diseases and reduce the number of deaths caused by bacterial infections. (3) Potassi

What is calcium formate feed additive? The factory tells you

  Calcium formate feed additive  is white crystal, uniform particles, no impurities, bright and shiny under the sun, only a little formic acid taste, is a new type of feed additive. Calcium formate feed additive has a great effect especially in the weaning stage of animals. During the weaning period, the lactic acid bacteria in the stomach of the animal will gradually decrease, the pH value will increase significantly, and bacteria such as E. coli will increase, so add it to the diet. Feed grade calcium formate will improve animal diarrhea, which can significantly increase the animal's food intake, increase daily weight, and make the feed have greater digestibility. Adding to the feed as a feed additive can keep the vitamins in the feed from being lost, help regulate the animal's intestine, and can promote digestion and nutrient absorption. The calcium formate feed additive produced by Chongqing Chuandong Chemical (Group) Co., Ltd. has all the qualifications for feed grade prod

How to determine the reliability of the use of potassium diformate feed additive for pig? The factory tells you

  For feed enterprises and pig farmers, how to choose one or several alternative additives for the suspension of antibiotics, and how effective the problem is also a top priority. For the use of antibiotic feed additives, it is easy to test whether the application of   potassium diformate feed additive   is reliable. Potassium diformate feed additive has been researched on the synthesis method under laboratory conditions since 2003 by the Feed Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Formic acid and potassium carbonate are selected as raw materials, and potassium diformate is prepared by a one-step method. According to the amount of potassium formate contained in the primary filtrate, the method of mother liquor circulation is adopted to make the reaction yield of potassium diformate reach over 90% and the product content reach over 97%. The technical parameters for the production of potassium diformate were determined; the analytical determination method for det

Why is the viscosity of potassium formate drilling fluid neither too high nor too low? The manufacturer tells you

  With the advancement of drilling technology, the drilling speed is accelerated, and the requirements for drilling fluid are more precise. Viscosity is related to the safety factor of construction. The effect of pressure on the apparent viscosity at room temperature is indeed great, but as the temperature increases, the effect of pressure on the apparent viscosity gradually decreases. When drilling into deep formations, the effect of temperature on the apparent viscosity of drilling fluid significantly exceeds the effect of pressure.   Potassium formate drilling fluid   is currently widely used drilling fluid system. The viscosity of the drilling fluid has a great influence on the drilling fluid's ability to carry cuttings. In general, the viscosity of drilling fluid should be determined according to the specific situation. Generally, the viscosity should be low under the premise of ensuring that the cuttings are carried, and the total reflection of the internal friction between t

The manufacturer tells you application effect of technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate in water softener

  Softener is a highly effective chelating and dispersing agent. It has excellent chelating power to Ca, Mg and other metal ions. It is essential for industrial soft water such as textile printing and dyeing and washing process. Sodium hexametaphosphate is a widely used water softener. Because Ca 2+  or Mg 2+  which causes hardness in water enter into the molecule of sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP), it becomes a very stable soluble complex: Na 2  [Ca 2  (PO 3 )  6 ] and Na 2  [Mg 2  (PO 3 )  6 ]. The Ca 2+  or Mg 2+  in this complex is even as sensitive as ammonium oxalate in softened water. It is also impossible to find Ca 2+  ions. Sodium hexametaphosphate is soluble in water. The aqueous solution is alkaline and the PH of 1% aqueous solution is 9.7. Phosphite is gradually hydrolyzed into phosphite in water, which has good ability to complex metal ions. It can complex with Ca, Mg, Fe and other metal ions to form soluble complexes and soften hard water. Technical grade sodium hexametap

Feed additive potassium diformate makes non-resistance breeding programs more effective

  Anti-resistance breeding is under the actual conditions that scientific breeding management does not require antibiotics, or antibiotics can be used less. Some feed additives that can replace antibiotics make non-anti-breeding solutions not in treatment, but more in daily regulating the intestinal health of animals, reducing the occurrence of diseases and reducing the use of drugs.   Feed additive potassium diformate   is an effective substitute for feed antibiotics with its excellent antibacterial and health care properties. In the breeding process, many pig farms will have many areas using the same health care program, but the situation of disease is not the same. Facing the complex breeding environment and diversified breeding methods, how to achieve resistance-free and green breeding? First of all, those antibiotics that do not meet the regulations can be eliminated first, or different alternatives can be given for the different types of antibiotics added in the current farming.

The manufacturer tells you precautions for adding sodium tripolyphosphate to food

  The transformation of human food is not only reflected in fruits and crops, but also in processed food. The emergence of processed food also enriches our dining table. However, there are also many rumors, leading to many people's hearing of food additives. As a regular   manufacturer of sodium tripolyphosphate , what we want to say is that consumers don't need to panic. How to correctly treat sodium tripolyphosphate as food additive? The manufacturer tells you. The main function of sodium tripolyphosphate in food is to improve the color, fragrance and taste of food, adjust the nutritional composition of food, and extend the shelf life of food. As long as the food grade sodium tripolyphosphate is added in strict accordance with the food production requirements and national food additive regulations, it belongs to the normal acceptance range of human body. Sodium tripolyphosphate is used in the food industry as a quality improver and water retention agent for cans, juice drinks

Can potassium formate, a new water-soluble fertilizer, play a role in expanding fruit?

Fruit growers want to enlarge the fruit, color and sweeten it. In the early stage, the cells need to accumulate solutes to maintain the balance of water potential gradient, thus ensuring cell enlargement. The rapid expansion of cells depends on the high mobility of osmotic agents, where potassium ions play an important role. Can potassium formate , a new water-soluble fertilizer, play a role in expanding fruit? Chuandong Chemical tells you. Let's see the important physiological effects of potassium on crops: 1. Promoting Enzyme Activation Potassium is an activator of many enzymes in plants. Oxyreductase, synthetase, transferase and phosphokinase all need potassium activation. They participate in important physiological metabolism in plants, including sugar metabolism, protein metabolism, nucleic acid metabolism and so on. Potassium can also increase the activity of endogenous protective enzymes such as peroxidase and enhance the ability of plants to resist environmental stimuli. 2.