
目前显示的是 十月, 2022的博文

You still don't know what is the calcium formate? The manufacturer tells you

The   feed grade calcium formate   is a kind of new feed additive with white crystal shape, uniform particles, no impurities, crystal bright in the sun, only a little taste of formic acid. You still don't know what is the calcium formate? The manufacturer tells you. The feed grade calcium formate has a great effect especially in the weaning stage of the animal. During the weaning period, the lactic acid bacteria in the stomach will gradually decrease, the PH value will increase significantly, and bacteria such as Escherichia coli will increase, so the diet is added to the diet. Calcium formate can improve the diarrhea of animals, can significantly increase the food intake of animals, increase the daily weight, and make the feed more digestible. As a feed additive, it can keep the vitamins in the feed without loss, help to regulate the intestinal tract of animals, and promote digestion and nutrient absorption. The feed grade calcium formate produced by Chongqing Chuandong Chemical (

What should be paid attention to when adding sodium tripolyphosphate in food

The transformation of human food is not only reflected in fruits and crops, but also in processed food. The emergence of processed food also enriches our dining table. However, there are also many rumors, leading to many people's hearing of food additives. As a regular manufacturer of   sodium tripolyphosphate food additive , what we want to say is that consumers don't need to panic. What should be paid attention to when adding sodium tripolyphosphate in food? The main function of sodium tripolyphosphate in food is to improve the color, fragrance and taste of food, adjust the nutritional composition of food, and extend the shelf life of food. As long as the food grade sodium tripolyphosphate is added in strict accordance with the food production requirements and national food additive regulations, it belongs to the normal acceptance range of human body. Sodium tripolyphosphate is used in the food industry as a quality improver and water retention agent for cans, juice drinks, d

The manufacturer tells you how much is 1 ton of potassium formate as snow melting agent

In winter, roads and runways are easy to freeze, which will seriously affect safety. Before or after snow, some snow melting agents will be used to alleviate the ice phenomenon, speed up snow removal and reduce the impact on traffic. Since the effect is so big, how much is 1 ton of   potassium formate   as snow melting agent? The manufacturer tells you. When it comes to the price, you still believe that the price of potassium formate is higher than that of ordinary snow melting agent because it is an environmental friendly performance feature: 1. Potassium formate can melt snow quickly and dose is small, which can also reduce the use cost. 2. Potassium formate is a green and environmentally friendly product, which has no harm to the road surface, green plants and public facilities; 3. It has good fluidity and is easy to be scattered and mechanically distributed. 4. The residual products of snowmelt can promote plant production and realize secondary utilization; 5. Potassium formate is

Is potassium formate the same product as industrial salt? The manufacturer tells you

Industrial salt has many uses in industry. It can be used in refrigeration, soft water, snow melting and so on. It is also one of the basic raw materials of chemical industry. Potassium formate also has the function of snow melting agent. It's an environmental friendly snow melting agent, and it's also white. Is   potassium formate   the same as industrial salt? The manufacturer tells you. Potassium formate and industrial salt, which can be used as snow melting agent, are not the same products. The specific contents are as follows: I. different ingredients 1. As the name suggests, snow melting agent is used to melt snow and ice, which is convenient for road dredging. Composition of potassium formate: potassium formate content: 50% min, corrosion inhibitor: 2.0% max; appearance: colorless and tasteless clear liquid; density (SG, 25 ℃): 1.35min; freezing point: lower than - 50℃; miscibility with water: completely miscible in water; PH value: 11.0-11.4. 2. Industrial salt is mainl

Is potassium formate corrosive as snow melting agent? The manufacturer tells you

In winter, the "green snow clearing" is being implemented in the northern region. The snow clearing is mainly carried out by machinery and manpower, and the use of snow melting agent is strictly controlled. As for snow melting agent, previous experts have said that it has side effects, causing corrosion damage to municipal facilities such as green plants, urban roads and bridges. So can   potassium formate   be used as foliar fertilizer and snow melting agent? The manufacturer tells you. For snow melting agent, relevant departments are considering whether there are side effects? What measures should be taken? Minimize the damage caused by snow melting agent. Previously, experts from China Society of corrosion and protection have been introduced by the media. At present, snow melting agents are mainly divided into two categories at home and abroad. One is organic snow melting agent with potassium acetate as the main component. Although this kind of snow melting agent has good

Can sodium pyrophosphate also be used as a food additive? The manufacturer tells you

Food additives have been widely used in daily life. Under the condition of not exceeding the scope and quantity of use, food additives bring more high-quality choices for life. In many food ingredients, we can see the figure of   food grade sodium pyrophosphate . Can we buy sodium pyrophosphate as food additive? The manufacturer tells you. Sodium pyrophosphate, also known as tetrasodium phosphate, is divided into anhydrous and decahydrate. Decahydrate is colorless or white crystalline or crystalline powder, anhydrous is white powder, soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol and other organic solvents. The complex ability with Cu 2+ , Fe 2+ , Mn 2+  and other metal ions is strong. The aqueous solution is stable below 70 ℃, and hydrolyzed to disodium hydrogen phosphate when boiling. In the food industry, sodium hexametaphosphate, sodium pyrophosphate and sodium tripolyphosphate, as food quality improvers, have the functions of pH regulator, metal ion chelating agent, emulsifying dispersant

The manufacturer tells you that feed grade calcium formate has antibacterial effect of organic acid

  Organic acids can play an effective role in antibacterial and bacteriostasis. There are single or Compound Acidifiers, liquid and solid Acidifiers.   Feed grade calcium formate   has the function of organic calcium acid, which can supplement the missing calcium element in livestock, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in livestock intestines, and play the role of acidifier. Feed grade calcium formate belongs to organic calcium carbonate, which is produced by organic formic acid and calcium carbonate. The combination of the two can achieve complementary synergistic effect, overcome the shortcomings of a single acidifier, enhance the use effect, reduce the cost of use and feeding, and improve the economic effect of breeding. Let's look at the raw material of feed grade calcium formate is organic acid. The acidity of organic acid comes from H +  ion. The strength of organic acid depends on the quantity of H +  provided. Due to the different chemical structure of organic acids, th

The manufacturer tells you the solubility of sodium hexametaphosphate technical grade is related to temperature and PH

Chemical formula of sodium hexametaphosphate: Na 6 P 6 O 18 . It is a polar inorganic compound, soluble in water, with a relative density of 2.484 and a melting point of 616 ℃ (decomposition). The solubility in water is large, but slow. Phosphorus oxide and its hydrate have relatively strong water absorption, and become sticky after moisture absorption, so it is easy to deliquesce in the air. In general, with the increase of temperature, the solubility will increase (with some exceptions, such as calcium hydroxide). Therefore, the solubility of sodium hexametaphosphate technical grade is greatly affected by temperature. At 20 ℃, its solubility is 963.2g, while at 80 ℃, its solubility is as high as 1744g/kg (equivalent to two kilograms of product dissolved in one kilogram of water). However, its dissolution rate is slow, its aqueous solution is acid, and it is easy to hydrolyze to orthophosphate in warm water or acid-base solution. The hydrolysis process is irreversible and the hydrolys

The manufacturer tells you that potassium formate is also a kind of organic snow melting agent

  Ice and snow accumulation in winter not only affects traffic, but also brings serious hidden danger to traffic safety. At present, there are two ways of snow melting and deicing: mechanical snow removal and chemical snow removal. Mechanical deicing is fast and efficient, but it has some disadvantages, such as poor rate of deicing, easy to damage the road surface, and many places such as sidewalk can not be removed. The deicing method of chemical deicing agent can make up for the shortage of mechanical deicing, which is an effective method of deicing. The manufacturer tells you that   potassium formate   can not only be used as foliar fertilizer, but also as an organic snow melting agent. Types of snow melting agents One is the organic snow melting agent with potassium acetate as the main component. This kind of snow melting agent has good snow melting effect, basically no corrosion damage, but the price is too high, and it is generally used in important places such as airports. The o

The factory tells you food grade sodium tripolyphosphate requires heavy metal purification

Condiments, meat products, edible oil, dairy products, drinks, etc. are all necessities of daily life. Some food additives will be used in the production and processing process. The use of additives also makes people more concerned about "safety on the tip of the tongue".   Sodium tripolyphosphate  is widely used in food additives. Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group will show you the main applications of sodium tripolyphosphate in the food industry: 1. Food grade sodium tripolyphosphate is used in meat products, fish sausage, ham, etc., which can improve the water holding capacity, increase the cohesiveness and prevent fat oxidation; 2. For fruit drinks and cool drinks, it can improve the juice yield, increase the viscosity and inhibit the decomposition of vitamin C. 3. It can prevent discoloration, increase viscosity, shorten fermentation period and adjust taste when used in soybean paste and soy sauce. 4. For ice cream, it can improve the expansion capacity, increase the vo

The manufacturer tells you the main characteristics of environment-friendly snow melting agent potassium formate

In order to deal with the heavy snow and freezing weather, snow melting agent has become the first choice of snow melting under the environment of highways and bridges, and timely snow melting also ensures the smooth and safe traffic. Chongqing Chuandong Chemical will tell you the main characteristics of environmental friendly   potassium formate snow melting agent . 1. Melting of snow, fast melting speed and long aging time. According to the use practice, potassium formate can melt ice and snow in a short time, with the sustainability of up to 12-24 hours. It melts faster and can penetrate 5cm under the ice quickly. 2. Potassium formate snow melting agent has better skid resistance and low freezing point. Effective anti-skid, and can reduce the melting point of ice and snow to below -15-35℃, so that the ice and snow water will not freeze after melting. 3. Potassium formate is a relatively environmental friendly and less side effect non chloride snow melting agent. It is easy for micro

The factory tells you that industrial grade calcium formate can accelerate the rate of cement hydration

The temperature decreases, the rain increases, and the cement and concrete can't reach the expected use intensity. It's very troublesome in the construction engineering in autumn and winter. The main function of early strength agent is to accelerate the rate of cement hydration and promote the development of early strength of concrete. The addition of   calcium formate   has not only the function of early strength, but also the function of reducing water and strengthening. 1. express cement concrete pavement or bridge deck pavement, especially the level crossing of class I, II and III Highway. When one direction of cement concrete pavement is paved, not only the road under construction can not be opened to traffic, but also the vehicles in other directions of grade crossing can not use calcium formate early strength cement concrete in night construction, which can provide convenient vehicle traffic in the shortest time. 2. For the construction of cement concrete structure in lo

The manufacturer tells you the detailed value of potassium formate and sodium formate in weighting agent of drilling and completion fluid

In order to protect the modern environment, it is necessary to prevent well collapse, well loss and protect the oil and gas reservoir. For the formation with developed bedding and fracture, in order to prevent well collapse and leakage and reduce the damage to oil and gas reservoir, the drilling fluid is required to have strong sealing property, effectively seal the bedding and fracture of the formation, prevent the drilling fluid and its filtrate from entering the formation, so as to improve the pressure bearing capacity of the formation, stabilize the well wall, prevent well leakage and protect the oil and gas reservoir. Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group will talk about the detailed values of   potassium formate   and sodium formate in weighting agent of drilling and completion fluid. Solubility The solubility of formate in water is very large. The solubility increases with the increase of atomic weight of alkali metal. The saturation concentration of cesium formate can be as high a

The manufacturer tells you a large collection of uses of sodium hexametaphosphate in textile printing and dyeing

Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group will talk about the use of   sodium hexametaphosphate   in textile printing and dyeing, because it is really easy to use. With good auxiliaries in textile printing and dyeing, the textile can be upgraded to a higher level.  (1) as a soft water agent, so that dyes and soaps do not precipitate or agglomerate The PH value of sodium hexametaphosphate is close to neutral, and it can form complex with calcium ion in hard water, so as to achieve the purpose of soft water. Sodium hexametaphosphate is used as a soft water agent in dyeing or post-treatment. It can capture calcium and magnesium ions from the precipitate of insoluble calcium soap, magnesium soap or calcium dye and magnesium dye, and make the precipitate dissolve again. In other words, when sodium hexametaphosphate is introduced into the solution, sodium soap can be regenerated. Even when calcium soap or magnesium soap has formed, the clot of calcium soap or magnesium soap will disappear. Similarl

Water retention agent sodium tripolyphosphate food additive adds luster to life

With the increasing consumption power of people, food is becoming more and more colorful. Food moisture retention agent plays an important role in food industry.   Sodium tripolyphosphate   is one of the food additive water retention agents. Water retention agent of food is a kind of food additive which is helpful to keep the stable water content in food. It belongs to the quality improver, mainly refers to the phosphate used in meat and aquatic products processing to enhance water stability and improve water retention. Condensed phosphates are hydrophilic substances, which can stabilize the water content in food. Food additive sodium tripolyphosphate can improve the PH value of meat, chelate the metal ions in meat and increase the ionic strength of meat. Dissociation of some meat proteins can keep the maximum water content of meat products, improve the binding power, tenderize the meat quality and maintain more nutrients. It is an important additive for meat products, especially for m

Sodium hexametaphosphate is used to soften water in textile printing and dyeing to enhance color fastness

The quality of water not only has a great influence on the product quality of pretreatment and other processes, but also affects the consumption of dyeing and chemical materials and auxiliaries. In textile printing and dyeing industry,   sodium hexametaphosphate   is a good softener, which makes the dye or soap powder not precipitate or agglomerate. The standard for distinguishing soft water from hard water is as follows: soft water 0-57ppm, slightly hard water 57-100ppm, hard water 100-280ppm, extremely hard water > 280ppm. Calcium and magnesium salts in hard water are unfavorable to printing and dyeing. For example, they react with soap to form insoluble calcium and magnesium soap, precipitate on fabric, and form insoluble scale in alkaline solution, which is attached to pretreatment equipment (such as groove inner wall, valve and guide roller), hindering normal production. When the amount of iron and manganese salts in the water exceeds the specified limit, rust spots and catalyt

Is the density of potassium formate drilling fluid important in drilling? The factory tells you

  Drilling fluid density is common in drilling industry. First of all, what is drilling fluid? Drilling fluid is the fluid that is pumped into the well by drill string through drill bit and then returned to the surface through annulus. It is called drilling blood.   Potassium formate   can not only be used as foliar fertilizer, but also as drilling fluid. Is the density of potassium formate important in drilling? The factory tells you. Let's look at the role of potassium formate drilling fluid: 1. To carry the drilled cuttings to the ground is to carry out the excavated materials. 2. Cooling bit. 3. Maintain the wellbore, in other words, do not let the excavated pit collapse. 4. Establishing downhole pressure balance to prevent formation fluid (oil, gas and water) from entering the well uncontrollably (because formation fluid has pressure, if not well controlled), drilling fluid density is mainly used to control the latter two. Potassium formate drilling fluid density plays an impo

Chongqing Chuandong Chemical tells you that sodium tripolyphosphate can be used as water retention agent in food

Water retention agent refers to a kind of substance which can improve the stability of products, keep the internal water retention of food water retention agent and improve the shape, flavor and color of food.   Food grade sodium tripolyphosphate   helps to maintain the water content in food. It is mainly used in meat and aquatic products processing to enhance the water stability and high water holding capacity. Several principles for selecting moisture retention agent products: 1. The ability of preserving water and making color of marinated meat stuffing: after marinating, the meat stuffing will have elasticity and brightness; 2. The product's solubility and retention agent can only be used after dissolving. The product with poor solubility can't play the role of product 100%. 3. Taste of the product: the phosphate with poor purity and quality will have astringency when it is made into meat products and tasted, which is most obvious on both sides of the root of the tongue, fo