
目前显示的是 十二月, 2022的博文

Technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate can effectively remove gray matter from dyed fabrics

  The PH value of   technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate   aqueous solution is close to neutral, so its traditional use in dyeing and finishing is mainly used as a water softener. It can prevent the agglomeration of dyes and soaps, and can also treat boilers, recycle water and use it as a scouring aid. Technical grade grade sodium hexametaphosphate can also require particularly strict requirements for the elasticity and whiteness of white fabric production. The accumulation of some dyes in the fabric production will affect the surface quality of the fabric and cause the luster of the fabric to be dull. Even gray areas appear on the cloth surface, making some special fabrics fail to meet the quality requirements. Such a problem can be solved through the hot water boiling process of technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate produced by Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group. One thing to note is that the temperature is 100°C and the holding time is 30min. The fluorescent whitening tempera

Is the more sodium tripolyphosphate technical grade added to the glaze slurry, the better the fluidity?

Poor fluidity of the glaze slurry is a common phenomenon during the production and processing of ceramic glaze slurry and glaze application. There may be a paste-like or tofu-like fluid in the glaze slurry, and serious lumps may also form, which will be brought to the subsequent production progress Great trouble. The sodium tripolyphosphate suspension stabilizer is mainly an additive that has a thickening effect on the glaze slurry and prevents precipitation of the glaze slurry. The mechanism of action is similar to the dispersion effect, and it is a commonly used suspension stabilizer in modern ceramic production. So, is the more   sodium tripolyphosphate technical grade   added to the glaze slurry, the better the fluidity? Many ceramic companies think that the more sodium tripolyphosphate is added, the better the flow effect of the slurry. In fact, this is not necessarily the case. The role of ceramic additives is mainly reflected in two aspects: one is as a process additive, such as

The truth and misunderstanding of sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP food additive

What is the soul of the modern food industry? It's food additive. Without food additives, there may be no rapid development of the modern food industry. Seeing here, do you think it is another unscrupulous business? This is not the case, and now you can see a lot of information about the health risks of food additives through various news channels. What is the relationship between food additives and food? Today, let's take a look at the truth and misunderstanding of   sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP   in food additives. Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate is mainly a quality improver in food ingredients and added to food for the needs of antiseptic and processing techniques. The biggest misunderstanding is that illegal addition and excessive addition are regarded as routine use. So what is the truth about food grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP used in additives? First of all, it can be determined that food-grade sodium hexametaphosphate is included in the list of national food

Let's see how to purchase food additive sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP

The food additive industry is related to people's livelihood. It can be imagined how complex the difficulties of food safety management are, and food safety problems, such as excessive use of additives, are prone to occur with little attention. How to purchase  food additive sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP ? First of all, no matter where you are, you must confirm whether the manufacturer of food grade sodium hexametaphosphate has the relevant qualifications. Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP manufacturer: Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group, as the manufacturer, has the qualification for food additive production. On the premise of being able to provide sufficient sources of goods, it is more able to accept unannounced inspections by various food companies. After understanding the qualifications of food grade manufacturers, you must clarify your purchasing needs, each item is particularly important, and each demand point. 1. The quality standard of food grade sodium hexametaphos

The manufacturer of sodium hexametaphosphate explains the application of phosphate in the food industry for you

Food additives are used in food processing in order not to affect the taste, to ensure the quality of the food and its transportation. Phosphate in food additives is a meat product moisture retention agent that effectively activates meat protein. In meat products, it has the functions of maintaining the water retention of meat and enhancing the binding force. In the process of freezing, refrigerating, thawing and heating, the meat will lose a certain amount of water, which will make the meat hard, and lose some soluble protein and other nutrients due to the loss of water. At present, there are several phosphates approved for use in food additives in our country, including sodium tripolyphosphate,   sodium hexametaphosphate , sodium pyrophosphate, trisodium phosphate, disodium hydrogen phosphate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, and sodium acid pyrophosphate and more. Adding these substances to food helps to diversify food varieties, improve its color, aroma, taste, and shape, maintain the

Can sodium hexametaphosphate technical grade be used in alkaline dyeing auxiliaries?

At present, the dyeing process of polyester fabrics in the printing and dyeing industry still uses the traditional acid dye bath condition dyeing method. By adopting this method, the disadvantages of poor quality, low output and high production cost exist in the production process, and it is increasingly unsuitable for production needs, especially for dyeing polyester fabrics after alkaline processing. The existence of these problems lies in the lack of alkaline dyeing auxiliaries, while   sodium hexametaphosphate technical grade   is a more widely used dyeing auxiliaries in phosphate products. Let's look at the advantages of alkaline dyeing auxiliaries: Alkaline dyeing auxiliaries are used as special dyeing auxiliaries for alkaline dyeing of polyester fabrics, so that the alkaline dyeing method has been popularized. After optimizing alkali-resistant disperse dyes and using special alkali agents, polyester fabrics can be dyed under alkaline conditions, so that the fabrics have brig

Where can I buy the food additive sodium tripolyphosphate? The manufacturer tells you

Without food additives, there would be no modern food industry. Food additives can improve the color, smell and taste of food. However, due to the illegal addition and abuse of food additives by some poor manufacturers, people will be afraid when talking about food additives. Therefore, the   manufacturers of sodium tripolyphosphate , a food additive with stable quality, must be selected. The food additive sodium tripolyphosphate can be used as a quality improver, mainly in meat products, canned meat, etc. It can improve the sensory quality of food to meet people's requirements for food. So, where can I buy the food additive sodium tripolyphosphate? The food grade sodium tripolyphosphate produced by Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Co., Ltd. has few impurities, high purity and stable quality. It can be widely used for water purification and softening; Soften vegetable and fruit peel; Anti discoloring agents and preservatives, extending the storage life of food; Improve the bleaching ef

Sodium tripolyphosphate, a food additive that can lock up water

  With the development of food industry technology, all kinds of food additives are constantly being developed and applied to all kinds of food, and national standards are also constantly refined and improved to ensure the quality and safety of food.   Sodium tripolyphosphate   will be more used as a food additive for water retaining agent. Water retaining agent, as its name implies, is a kind of additive that can keep more water in meat products. However, the purpose of using water retaining agent is not only to keep more water, but also different water retaining agents have different practical application purposes. Sodium tripolyphosphate is one of the commonly used water retaining agents in meat processing. It has a strong adhesive effect, can also prevent discoloration, deterioration and dispersion of meat products, and has a strong emulsification of fat. The meat products added with sodium tripolyphosphate have less water loss after heating. The finished products are complete, wit

The factory tells you food grade sodium tripolyphosphate/STPP requires heavy metal purification

  Condiments, meat products, edible oil, dairy products, drinks, etc. are all necessities of daily life. Some food additives will be used in the production and processing process. The use of additives also makes people more concerned about "safety on the tip of the tongue".   Sodium tripolyphosphate/STPP   is widely used in food additives. Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group will show you the main applications of sodium tripolyphosphate/STPP in the food industry: 1. Food grade sodium tripolyphosphate is used in meat products, fish sausage, ham, etc., which can improve the water holding capacity, increase the cohesiveness and prevent fat oxidation; 2. For fruit drinks and cool drinks, it can improve the juice yield, increase the viscosity and inhibit the decomposition of vitamin C. 3. It can prevent discoloration, increase viscosity, shorten fermentation period and adjust taste when used in soybean paste and soy sauce. 4. For ice cream, it can improve the expansion capacity, in

The manufacturer tells you what is the role of sodium tripolyphosphate/STPP in detergents

Sodium tripolyphosphate is an indispensable assistant in detergent. The content of most detergents is 10%-50%. The manufacturer will tell you what is the role of   sodium tripolyphosphate/STPP   in detergents. The role of sodium tripolyphosphate in detergents is summarized as follows: 1. Chelation of metal ions: Hardening metal ions (mainly Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ ) are commonly found in daily washing water. In the process of washing, they will form insoluble metal salts with the active substances in soap or detergent, which will not only increase the consumption of detergent, but also make the washed fabric have unpleasant dark grey. Sodium tripolyphosphate has excellent properties of chelating hard metal ions, thus eliminating the adverse effects of these metal ions. 2. Buffering effect: Sodium tripolyphosphate has a greater alkaline buffer effect, keeping the PH value of washing solution at about 9.4, which is conducive to the removal of acid fouling. 3. Improve the role of sol, emulsificatio

Are you misunderstanding the use of food additive sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP?

Food additives have always been at the forefront of food safety problems.   Sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP , a food additive, has attracted wide attention. It has been reported that because sodium hexametaphosphate contains fluoride, low concentration of fluoride can cause chronic poisoning and skeletal fluorosis, resulting in calcium reduction in bones, osteosclerosis and osteoporosis. What is the truth of the facts? Chongqing Chuandong Chemical here to tell you not to demonize food additives, the state for the use of food additives is very strict control, as long as it is a regular manufacturer will not randomly add. Sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP can be added to food is a record of use, are traceable. Sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP must be added to food at the food level. For example, food grade sodium hexametaphosphate produced by Chuandong Chemical Group is a food additive production license obtained through strict food-related qualifications. The production base has suitable places,