
目前显示的是 二月, 2023的博文

The manufacturer of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate in China tells you it is an excellent detergent additive

Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate is widely used, a few are used for soft water treatment of food and industrial water. It is also widely used in detergent builders. The   manufacturer of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate in China   tells you it is an excellent detergent additive. The role of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate in the use of detergent auxiliaries: Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate has a large alkaline buffering effect, which is beneficial to the removal of acidic dirt, and can also prevent the agglomeration of detergents. When there is a large amount of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate, it can also prevent the agglomeration caused by moisture absorption and keep the dry granule of synthetic detergent. Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate can also improve peptization, emulsification and dispersion. For lipids, it can promote emulsification, and for solid particles, it can disperse and suspend. In addition, the chelating effect

Professional large-scale manufacturer of technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate in China

Speaking of sodium hexametaphosphate, we believe everyone is familiar with it. It will be found in many food additives. However, the   technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate manufacturer in China   here should remind everyone that the sodium hexametaphosphate in food and beverages is food-grade and must be added in accordance with the national food additive requirements. And manufacturers that produce food grade sodium hexametaphosphate must also have relevant production licenses. In fact, sodium hexametaphosphate is not only used in food, but also widely used in phosphate products. Water treatment, detergent additives, flotation agent used in mineral processing industry, refractory materials, ceramics, etc. are all used as important additives. Technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate is a transparent glass flake or white powdery crystal. Strong hygroscopicity, it becomes sticky after moisture absorption, deliquescent in the air, and soluble in water. The solubility in water is relat

The manufacturer of food grade sodium pyrophosphate in China tells you its use in food processing

With the fast pace of modern life, people have become accustomed to a variety of foods. Without food additives, many foods in life would not exist. In China, there are currently more than 2,500 types of food additives allowed. Food grade sodium pyrophosphate is one of these food additives. Next, Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group in China will tell you the use of   food grade sodium pyrophosphate   in food processing. Food grade sodium pyrophosphate is a white powder that can be fused with water. It is used as a stabilizer and buffer in food processing. Food grade sodium pyrophosphate is used in the production of soy sauce and fruit juice. Food grade sodium pyrophosphate can improve the color of soy sauce and juice, making the color brighter. Sodium pyrophosphate is a more commonly used food additive in the food phosphate series. It is mainly used to adjust PH and act as a moisture retention agent to prevent excessive evaporation of water. It is used for preservation and taste control,

The manufacturer of sodium hexametaphosphate in China tells you correct addition of SHMP in food processing can also make people eat healthier and eat at ease

When it comes to food safety, many people will definitely think of food additives right away. In the eyes of many people, food additives are toxic and harmful chemicals, and they are also the culprit of food safety problems.   Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate in China   is a commonly used additive in food processing. Is it true that it plays a role in food? In fact, food grade sodium hexametaphosphate is not as terrible as everyone thinks, and illegal additives are the culprit. Illegal additives and food additives are not the same thing. Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate is a legal additive in the national food additive list. What is food grade sodium hexametaphosphate? Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate is a phosphate product widely used in food additives. It is added to food as an additive to improve food quality, color, aroma and taste, as well as for the needs of anti-corrosion, preservation and processing technology. Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate in China plays an impo

The manufacturer of sodium hexametaphosphate in China reveals the various production methods of it

Recently, we found that everyone has studied and discussed a lot on the production process of sodium hexametaphosphate, such as thermal or wet production, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each. Today, the   manufacturer of sodium hexametaphosphate in China  reveals the various production methods of it. 1. Sodium dihydrogen phosphate method The soda ash solution is neutralized with phosphoric acid at 80-100°C. for 2 hours, and the resulting sodium dihydrogen phosphate solution is evaporated and concentrated, cooled and crystallized to obtain sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate. Heat to 110-230°C to remove 2 crystal water, continue heating to remove structural water, and further heat to 620°C to dehydrate, the resulting sodium metaphosphate melt will be polymerized into sodium hexametaphosphate. Then it is discharged and quenched from 650°C to 60-80°C to form tablets, and then crushed to obtain a finished product of sodium hexametaphosphate. 2. Phosphorus pentoxide meth

Is sodium tripolyphosphate in China used for food processing water retention or water injection?

Water conservation and water injection of food are two different concepts. Water injection is illegally used by some unscrupulous businesses for the benefit of interests, while   sodium tripolyphosphate   is a water retaining agent and one of the food additives, which is safe and guaranteed when used in accordance with the requirements of national standards. In fact, we should know from the name that water retention can increase the water content of food by 10% - 60% without damaging the taste, and increase the water content of food cells without damaging them. However, water injection is simply to inject water into muscle tissue. The free water, which is still in a free state, will be lost from muscle tissue by slight processing (heat treatment or freezing treatment), which will not only improve the appearance and taste of meat, but also affect the later consumption. The use of water retention agent for different foods is also different. Sodium tripolyphosphate is a commonly used wate

What are the use methods of sodium tripolyphosphate in aquatic food? The manufacturer tells you

With the improvement of aquatic processing technology and the diversification of processing varieties, sodium tripolyphosphate is also widely used in the storage and processing of aquatic products.   Sodium tripolyphosphate   can effectively prevent the browning of shrimp during freezing (storage) storage and processing, maintain water and increase weight, reduce the loss of nutrients during processing, protect the quality and color of aquatic products, and extend the shelf life of aquatic products. Sodium tripolyphosphate can increase the PH in meat, increase the ionic strength, improve the solubility of protein, chelate metal ions and promote the decomposition of actin complex. The simplest addition method in the production process is direct soaking, and mechanical addition can also be used during soaking. For example, fish fillets can be added through a long channel of solution through a conveyor belt or directly by mechanical vibration. The use of sodium tripolyphosphate in aquatic

What type of food additive is sodium tripolyphosphate? The manufacturer of STPP in China tells you

Substances added to foods to maintain or improve the safety, freshness, taste, texture or appearance of foods are called food additives. Food color, aroma, taste, shape and taste are important indicators to measure the quality of food. Food processing generally has physical processes such as grinding, crushing, heating, and pressurizing. During these processes, foods are prone to discoloration and discoloration, and some inherent aromas of foods are also lost. In addition, it is difficult to solve the soft, hard, brittle, and tough taste requirements of products in the same processing process. Therefore, the proper use of colorants, color protectants, edible flavors and fragrances, thickeners, emulsifiers, quality improvers, etc., can significantly improve the sensory quality of foods to meet people's needs for food flavors and tastes. So, what type of food additive is sodium tripolyphosphate? The   manufacturer of STPP in China   tells you. Food additive Sodium tripolyphosphate is

The manufacturer of sodium pyrophosphate food grade in China tells you it is also a water-retaining agent

Food additives are getting more and more widely used in the current food processing industry. Food additives can improve the color, flavor and taste of food. The   manufacturer of sodium pyrophosphate food grade in China   tells you it is also a water-retaining agent. Polyphosphate is a very hydrophilic moisture retention agent, which can stabilize the moisture contained in food well. Its water holding capacity is related to the type, amount of polyphosphate, PH value of food, ionic strength and other factors. For meat products and seafood, the best water holding capacity is pyrophosphate, such as food grade sodium pyrophosphate. The second is tripolyphosphate. As the chain length increases, the water holding capacity of polyphosphate will weaken. The general mechanism of food grade sodium pyrophosphate water retaining agent are: 1. Raise the PH of meat Let the PH value of the meat move to the alkaline direction, away from the isoelectric point, so that the water holding capacity is im

Is sodium tripolyphosphate produced by thermal process or wet process better? The manufacturer tells you

Due to different production processes, sodium tripolyphosphate on the market is divided into two production processes: wet process and thermal process. It is precisely because of the difference between the two production processes that the quality of sodium tripolyphosphate is polarized. Which process produces   sodium tripolyphosphate   with better quality? The manufacturer tells you. Wet process The raw materials of the wet process are very extensive (phosphorite is used directly), with a lot of impurities, and inevitably there will be many impurities left in the subsequent sodium tripolyphosphate products produced. Although the cost is low, the purity is low and there are many impurities. The quality can only be up to standard, and the stability is average. Thermal process The sodium tripolyphosphate produced by the thermal process has become mature after years of research and improvement. After entering the new century, a number of powerful thermal phosphoric acid production enterp

Adding sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP food additive to food processing can also make people eat healthy and eat at ease

When it comes to food safety, many people will definitely think of food additives right away. In the eyes of many people, food additives are toxic and harmful chemicals, and they are also the culprit of food safety problems.   Sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP food additive   is a commonly used additive in food processing.  In fact, sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP food additive is not as terrible as everyone thinks, and illegal additives are the culprit. Illegal additives and food additives are not the same thing. Food additive sodium hexametaphosphate is a legal additive in the national food additive list. Food additive sodium hexametaphosphate is a phosphate product widely used in food additives. It is added as an additive in food to improve the quality and color, aroma and taste of food, as well as for the needs of anti-corrosion, preservation and processing technology. Food additive sodium hexametaphosphate plays an important role in food grade processing technology: 1. Cheating 2. Chang

The factory tells you the precautions for adding sodium tripolyphosphate to food

The transformation of human food is not only reflected in fruits and crops, but also in processed food. The emergence of processed food also enriches our dining table. However, there are also many rumors, leading to many people's hearing of food additives. As a regular   manufacturer of sodium tripolyphosphate , what we want to say is that consumers don't need to panic. How to correctly treat sodium tripolyphosphate as a food additive? The main function of sodium tripolyphosphate in food is to improve the color, fragrance and taste of food, adjust the nutritional composition of food, and extend the shelf life of food. As long as the food grade sodium tripolyphosphate is added in strict accordance with the food production requirements and national food additive regulations, it belongs to the normal acceptance range of human body. Sodium tripolyphosphate is used in the food industry as a quality improver and water retention agent for cans, juice drinks, dairy products, soymilk, e

What can food grade sodium hexametaphosphate add to food? The manufacturer in China will tell you

In order to ensure product quality during food processing, appropriate food additives must be selected according to the characteristics of processed products. Therefore, sodium hexametaphosphate also has a nickname of "Essential Oil" in food additives. What can   food grade sodium hexametaphosphate   "add" to food? The manufacturer in China will tell you. (1) Improve and enhance sensory indicators such as food color, aroma, taste and mouthfeel. Food color, aroma, taste, shape and taste are important indicators to measure food quality. Food processing generally involves physical processes such as grinding, crushing, heating, and pressure. During these processing processes, foods are easy to fade and change color, and some of the inherent aromas of foods are also lost. In addition, the same processing process is difficult to meet the requirements of soft, hard, brittle, and tough taste of the product. Therefore, proper use of sodium hexametaphosphate quality modifiers

What are the use methods of sodium tripolyphosphate in aquatic food? The manufacturer tells you

With the improvement of aquatic processing technology and the diversification of processing varieties, sodium tripolyphosphate is also widely used in the storage and processing of aquatic products.   Sodium tripolyphosphate   can effectively prevent the browning of shrimp during freezing (storage) storage and processing, maintain water and increase weight, reduce the loss of nutrients during processing, protect the quality and color of aquatic products, and extend the shelf life of aquatic products. Sodium tripolyphosphate can increase the PH in meat, increase the ionic strength, improve the solubility of protein, chelate metal ions and promote the decomposition of actin complex. The simplest addition method in the production process is direct soaking, and mechanical addition can also be used during soaking. For example, fish fillets can be added through a long channel of solution through a conveyor belt or directly by mechanical vibration. The use of sodium tripolyphosphate in aquatic

Is phosphoric acid food additive safe to drink? The manufacturer tells you

With the development of food industry technology, all kinds of food additives are constantly being developed and applied to all kinds of food, and national standards are also constantly refined and improved to ensure the quality and safety of food. Is   phosphoric acid food additive   safe to drink? The manufacturer tells you. Phosphoric acid food additive can be found in soft drinks, dairy products like milk, cottage cheese, and buttermilk, and other processed foods like cereal bars, flavored waters, bottled coffee beverages, and processed meats. Phosphoric acid is added to drinks to impart tartness, reduce growth of bacteria and fungi, and improve shelf-life. It is worth noting that the scientific popularization of food safety and additive knowledge is blocked and long. This requires that the participants and producers in each link of the chain strictly abide by the rules and regulations, not only to keep the bottom line of the food industry, but also to provide high-quality and heal

Can the purity of potassium diformate feed additive reach 98%? The factory tells you

 Do you really understand the new non-antibiotic feed additives? Feed additives that replace antibiotics are on the market like overnight mushrooms. In order to save costs, many feed enterprises and farmers have ignored the standard of feed addition and selected some relatively low-cost additive raw materials. However, how effective is this? Can the purity of potassium diformate feed additive reach 98%? The factory tells you. In China, due to the environmental conditions, density conditions, epidemic prevention conditions and other factors of large-scale breeding, anti-resistance has also gone through the data research of the resistance-free pilot, a period of persistence and the implementation of auxiliary measures. For example, improving the breeding environment, increasing animal health investment, and improving management can restore the breeding benefits after antibiotics are stopped. The rational use of non-antibiotic feed additives after anti-resistance is also to adjust animal

Can phosphoric acid food grade be added to coke? The manufacturer tells you

With the improvement of people's quality of life, people have higher and higher requirements for food. Can   phosphoric acid food grade   be added to coke? The manufacturer tells you. Did you know? Phosphoric acid contains a small amount of the mineral phosphorus. Phosphorus is found widely in nature and helps give our bodies energy. It is also a big component of bones and teeth.  It is a safe ingredient approved by national health authorities in all the countries where coke is sold. Phosphoric acid food grade gives them their tartness. The use of phosphoric acid food grade must strictly follow national standards. However, it is not enough to just follow the standard. The key depends on the production process and key step control. It is recommended to find a professional manufacturer for guidance such as Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group.