
目前显示的是 五月, 2023的博文

Is potassium formate the same product as industrial salt? The manufacturer tells you

Industrial salt has many uses in industry. It can be used in refrigeration, soft water, snow melting and so on. It is also one of the basic raw materials of chemical industry. Potassium formate also has the function of snow melting agent. It's an environmental friendly snow melting agent, and it's also white. Is   potassium formate   the same as industrial salt? The manufacturer tells you. Potassium formate and industrial salt, which can be used as snow melting agent, are not the same products. The specific contents are as follows: I. different ingredients 1. As the name suggests, snow melting agent is used to melt snow and ice, which is convenient for road dredging. Composition of potassium formate: potassium formate content: 50% min, corrosion inhibitor: 2.0% max; appearance: colorless and tasteless clear liquid; density (SG, 25 ℃): 1.35min; freezing point: lower than - 50℃; miscibility with water: completely miscible in water; PH value: 11.0-11.4. 2. Industrial salt is mainl

Is it necessary to use potassium formate drilling fluid for drilling operations? The manufacturer tells you

The existence of everything is related. Drilling fluid is to improve drilling efficiency and reduce accidents and mining damage to the environment. Potassium formate's inhibitory properties, anti-temperature and anti-pollution properties are actually used in many places nowadays. The use of   potassium formate  mud is conducive to improving polymer stability, stabilizing shale, reducing damage to rock formations, and ensuring that drilling, completion, and oil wells are in optimal working conditions. Drilling fluid is the circulating flushing medium used in the hole during drilling. The effect of the density of potassium formate drilling fluid is actually more reflected in its hydrostatic column pressure. The pressure generated on the ground mainly comes from the three aspects of collapse pressure, pore pressure, and collapse pressure. So when we are working, if the pressure is over nature, it will cause lost circulation. Under normal circumstances, depending on the drilling method

What is the use of calcium formate in construction? The manufacturer of calcium formate in China tells you

With the development of the city's economy, the construction of highways, bridges, tunnels, and civil construction projects will require stricter use of early strength agents. Especially in winter, in order to improve the construction period, the cement mortar needs to be raised as soon as possible and put into use. What is the use of calcium formate in construction? The   manufacturer of calcium formate in China   tells you. Calcium formate is a good early strength agent. Although both calcium formate and calcium chloride are calcium salts, relatively speaking, the performance of calcium formate is more stable. Because the formic acid in calcium formate is a weak acid. The solution will be weakly alkaline during the hydrolysis in the aqueous solution. It can be widely used in mortar. Calcium formate is now a newly developed low temperature early strength accelerator in China, which has been widely used in various construction cement mortars. The earliest known and used chlorine sa

Is sodium tripolyphosphate produced by thermal process or wet process better? The manufacturer tells you

Due to different production processes, sodium tripolyphosphate on the market is divided into two production processes: wet process and thermal process. It is precisely because of the difference between the two production processes that the quality of sodium tripolyphosphate is polarized. Which process produces   sodium tripolyphosphate   with better quality? The manufacturer tells you. Wet process The raw materials of the wet process are very extensive (phosphorite is used directly), with a lot of impurities, and inevitably there will be many impurities left in the subsequent sodium tripolyphosphate products produced. Although the cost is low, the purity is low and there are many impurities. The quality can only be up to standard, and the stability is average. Thermal process The sodium tripolyphosphate produced by the thermal process has become mature after years of research and improvement. After entering the new century, a number of powerful thermal phosphoric acid production enterp

Professional large-scale manufacturer of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP

Speaking of sodium hexametaphosphate, we believe everyone is familiar with it. It will be found in many food additives. However, the   industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP manufacturers   here should remind everyone that the sodium hexametaphosphate in food and beverages is food-grade and must be added in accordance with the national food additive requirements. And manufacturers that produce food grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP must also have relevant production licenses. In fact, sodium hexametaphosphate is not only used in food, but also widely used in phosphate products. Water treatment, detergent additives, flotation agent used in mineral processing industry, refractory materials, ceramics, etc. are all used as important additives. Industrial grade hexametaphosphoric acid is a transparent glass flake or white powdery crystal. Strong hygroscopicity, it becomes sticky after moisture absorption, deliquescent in the air, and soluble in water. The solubility in water is re

Is industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP toxic?

Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP   is a product widely used in fine phosphorus chemical products. It is a white powder crystal, or a colorless transparent glass flake or block solid. Easily soluble in water but insoluble in organic solvents. The aqueous solution is alkaline. It is highly hygroscopic, and it can gradually absorb moisture when exposed to the air and become viscous. It can form soluble complexes with metal ions such as calcium and magnesium. Therefore, sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP is not only used in food, but also widely used in industry. Sodium hexametaphosphate is widely used, not only in beverages, but also in many foods. Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate is a commonly used food additive. However, when it is added to beverages, the sodium hexametaphosphate in food must be added in strict accordance with the amount of food-grade added, and manufacturers that produce food grade sodium hexametaphosphate must also have relevant qualifications. When washin

Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP is used as inhibitor for beneficiation

With the low-grade barite ore and the complexity of the ore properties, the flotation method has been widely used in the separation of barite ore. To improve the sorting index, mineral reagents are an important part of the beneficiation, and the use of   industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP   makes the flotation effect more effective. After the combination of collectors or inhibitors is used, compared with the single use, or the additive effect of each drug in the combination, some can increase the recovery rate, some can improve the grade, and some can increase the flotation rate. Let's take a look at the flotation of barite and fluorite today. Will sodium hexametaphosphate be used? Suppress barite flotation of fluorite The process of inhibiting barite flotation of fluorite is to first flotate a mixed concentrate of barite-fluorite, and then add an inhibitor to inhibit barite to flotate fluorite. The barite flotation process can simultaneously recover high-grade barite c

Food safety should not be careless - the manufacturer of food grade sodium tripolyphosphate in China tells you its safety

Additives and food additives are different concepts. The application of sodium tripolyphosphate as a food additive in food can effectively improve the quality, color, aroma, and shape of food, as well as extend the storage life of food. The   manufacturer of food grade sodium tripolyphosphate in China   tells you its safety. Nowadays, many people object to food additives because they are afraid that foods with additives are not nutritious and unsafe. However, reasonable food additives can precisely adjust the nutritional structure and achieve balanced nutrition and supplementary nutrition. In large-scale and modern food production, the correct and standardized use of the food additive sodium tripolyphosphate has the following benefits: (1) Increase the storage performance of food, extend the shelf life, and prevent spoilage caused by microorganisms And deterioration caused by oxidation. (2) Improve the color, aroma, and texture of food. (3) It is conducive to food processing operations

Sodium tripolyphosphate is an important additive in the preparation of ceramic raw materials

In recent years, with the improvement of people's living standards and consumption upgrading, the ceramic industry has also experienced rapid development. Ceramic industry in China has become the world's largest consumer market for ceramic production, and ceramic craftsmanship has reached a leading level in the world. The development of gelatinizers is also flourishing, and the categories are changing rapidly. Sodium tripolyphosphate is an important additive in the preparation of ceramic raw materials, which not only solves the problem of mud, but also reduces production costs and helps ceramic production enterprises improve efficiency. In ceramic production, the water content of mud is generally controlled at 29% to 34%, but under such a low water content, the fluidity of mud containing clay minerals is poor. To solve this problem, people often add an appropriate amount of gel release agent to the mud. What is sodium tripolyphosphate adhesive? It is used to improve the flowabi

Is it safe to use food grade sodium hexametaphosphate as "water retention artifact"? The manufacturer tells you

Food additives are now flooding people's eating and drinking, and almost every product contains food additives. Food humectants are actually phosphates. Taking meat products as an example, adding   food grade sodium hexametaphosphate   can reactivate the meat protein tissue and restore the water retention capacity of the meat. At the same time, it can adjust the PH value of the meat. As the PH value increases, the water retention capacity will also increase. In fact, the use of quality improvers in food is the result of the continuous development of the food industry. Reasonable use can inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms, prevent health hazards caused by these harmful microorganisms, and extend the shelf life of food. Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate improves the cohesiveness and water retention of meat and increases the taste. It is a quality improver often used in food processing. Compared with industrialized and standardized foods, foods with high salt, high sugar,

Sodium tripolyphosphate is one of the commonly used water reducing agents for concrete

  Firstly, it is important to understand that the strength and durability of concrete are related to the amount of cement used and the water cement ratio. The more cement is used, the smaller the water cement ratio, and the better the strength and durability of concrete. However, excessive cement usage can increase the cost of concrete and make it difficult to construct. Therefore, in order to ensure the strength and durability of concrete while reducing costs and improving construction efficiency, it is necessary to add a water reducing agent.  Sodium tripolyphosphate   is one of the commonly used water reducing agents for concrete. Formula of concrete admixture: (1) A composite high-efficiency concrete admixture using polycarboxylic acid series condensates as anti segregation components, naphthalene series high-efficiency water reducing agents as base materials, and sodium tripolyphosphate as a plastic retention component. (2) The addition amount of polycarboxylic acid series condens

Can potassium formate drilling fluid meet the requirements of modern drilling engineering?

The control of solid phase is a very important link in modern drilling operations. This is because the solid phase in the drilling and completion fluids will bring many adverse effects, including reducing the drilling speed, reducing the drill bit length, increasing the wear of drilling equipment, increasing the specific gravity and viscosity of mud, thickening mud cakes, and increasing drilling fluid costs. Damage to oil and gas formations, it is precisely  potassium formate   such as solid-state drilling and completion fluids are developed to avoid and reduce this adverse impact. Potassium formate drilling fluid can meet the requirements of modern drilling engineering: (1) The content of solid phase in potassium formate drilling fluid is small, especially the content of clay is small to reduce repeated crushing. (2) Potassium formate drilling fluid and rock have small viscosity and interfacial tension, which can improve the bottom hole cleaning ability and impact force on the rock. (

The factory tells you the use of food grade sodium pyrophosphate in food processing

With the fast pace of modern life, people have become accustomed to a variety of foods. Without food additives, many foods in life would not exist. In China, there are currently more than 2,500 types of food additives allowed. Food grade sodium pyrophosphate is one of these food additives. Next, Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group will tell you the use of   food grade sodium pyrophosphate   in food processing. Food grade sodium pyrophosphate is a white powder that can be fused with water. It is used as a stabilizer and buffer in food processing. Food grade sodium pyrophosphate is used in the production of soy sauce and fruit juice. Food grade sodium pyrophosphate can improve the color of soy sauce and juice, making the color brighter. Sodium pyrophosphate is a more commonly used food additive in the food phosphate series. It is mainly used to adjust PH and act as a moisture retention agent to prevent excessive evaporation of water. It is used for preservation and taste control, which is

What type of food additive is sodium tripolyphosphate? The manufacturer of STPP in China tells you

Substances added to foods to maintain or improve the safety, freshness, taste, texture or appearance of foods are called food additives. Food color, aroma, taste, shape and taste are important indicators to measure the quality of food. Food processing generally has physical processes such as grinding, crushing, heating, and pressurizing. During these processes, foods are prone to discoloration and discoloration, and some inherent aromas of foods are also lost. In addition, it is difficult to solve the soft, hard, brittle, and tough taste requirements of products in the same processing process. Therefore, the proper use of colorants, color protectants, edible flavors and fragrances, thickeners, emulsifiers, quality improvers, etc., can significantly improve the sensory quality of foods to meet people's needs for food flavors and tastes. So, what type of food additive is sodium tripolyphosphate? The   manufacturer of STPP in China   tells you. Food additive Sodium tripolyphosphate is

Are you misunderstanding the use of food additive sodium hexametaphosphate?

Food additives have always been at the forefront of food safety problems.   Sodium hexametaphosphate , a food additive, has attracted wide attention. It has been reported that because sodium hexametaphosphate contains fluoride, low concentration of fluoride can cause chronic poisoning and skeletal fluorosis, resulting in calcium reduction in bones, osteosclerosis and osteoporosis. What is the truth of the facts? Chongqing Chuandong Chemical here to tell you not to demonize food additives, the state for the use of food additives is very strict control, as long as it is a regular manufacturer will not randomly add. Sodium hexametaphosphate can be added to food is a record of use, are traceable. Sodium hexametaphosphate must be added to food at the food level. For example, food grade sodium hexametaphosphate produced by Chuandong Chemical Group is a food additive production license obtained through strict food-related qualifications. The production base has suitable places, production equ

What methods and raw materials are used to produce high-quality sodium tripolyphosphate? The manufacturer tells you

For many chemical raw materials, from raw materials to production processes are not unique, and some mature and commonly used production methods often have multiple.   Sodium tripolyphosphate   is an ordinary basic chemical raw material, and there are few opportunities for ordinary people to see directly in life. However, whether in industry or food, sodium tripolyphosphate plays a huge role. Today we will reveal the method and raw materials used to produce high-quality sodium tripolyphosphate. Many people in the chemical industry who understand sodium tripolyphosphate should know that its production process is actually very simple. It is precisely because of this simple production process that the quality of sodium tripolyphosphate is uneven, and there are many black-hearted vendors There is a phenomenon of adulteration. The relatively mature production process for producing sodium tripolyphosphate mainly includes thermal method phosphoric acid method, wet method phosphoric acid metho

Is sodium tripolyphosphate in China used for food processing water retention or water injection?

Water conservation and water injection of food are two different concepts. Water injection is illegally used by some unscrupulous businesses for the benefit of interests, while   sodium tripolyphosphate   is a water retaining agent and one of the food additives, which is safe and guaranteed when used in accordance with the requirements of national standards. In fact, we should know from the name that water retention can increase the water content of food by 10% - 60% without damaging the taste, and increase the water content of food cells without damaging them. However, water injection is simply to inject water into muscle tissue. The free water, which is still in a free state, will be lost from muscle tissue by slight processing (heat treatment or freezing treatment), which will not only improve the appearance and taste of meat, but also affect the later consumption. The use of water retention agent for different foods is also different. Sodium tripolyphosphate is a commonly used wate

Sodium tripolyphosphate is an important additive in the preparation of ceramic raw materials

In recent years, with the improvement of people's living standards and consumption upgrading, the ceramic industry has also experienced rapid development. Ceramic industry in China has become the world's largest consumer market for ceramic production, and ceramic craftsmanship has reached a leading level in the world. The development of gelatinizers is also flourishing, and the categories are changing rapidly. Sodium tripolyphosphate is an important additive in the preparation of ceramic raw materials, which not only solves the problem of mud, but also reduces production costs and helps ceramic production enterprises improve efficiency. In ceramic production, the water content of mud is generally controlled at 29% to 34%, but under such a low water content, the fluidity of mud containing clay minerals is poor. To solve this problem, people often add an appropriate amount of gel release agent to the mud. What is sodium tripolyphosphate adhesive? It is used to improve the flowabi