
目前显示的是 十二月, 2019的博文

Environmentally friendly potassium formate snow melting is harmless

Although sand and snow shovels are still used in the north in the winter, snow melting agent is used to remove the ice and snow on the road to ensure smooth traffic. However, in order to solve the snow on roads or runways in winter, snow melting agent will be used for snow melting treatment, and will snow melting agent cause corrosion damage to motor vehicle tires such as automobiles or airplanes? What are the advantages of  potassium formate  as snow melting agent? Let's take a look: The main component of the traditional snow melting agent is industrial salt. After melting, it will cause damage to the road surface, corrosion of metal road facilities, damage to the tires and chassis of passing vehicles, and easily cause environmental pollution. Therefore, the amount of snow melting agent is very strict. At present, many researchers at home and abroad are developing a new type of environmental protection snow melting agent, which generally uses non chloride diluent to melt ice and s

What is the applicable scope and dosage of potassium diformate?

The new year's bell is about to ring, and the feed antibiotics are about to be completely banned. The demand for new antibiotics alternative products is also increasingly urgent. Although there are many kinds of alternative antibiotics on the market, the application scope of  potassium diformate  is basically a product that can completely replace antibiotics. Potassium diformate can prevent piglets from diarrhea, improve the internal environment of digestive tract, reduce the pH value of stomach and small intestine, and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria; it can significantly improve the daily gain and feed conversion rate of pigs; because of its special slow-release effect, the acidification effect is better than the commonly used compound acidification agent. Therefore, potassium diformate can replace antibiotics and has the function of antibacterial growth promoting agent, which can significantly reduce the content of anaerobes, Escherichia coli and Salmonella in each sec

Use potassium diformate to prepare for "antibiotic prohibition" of feed industry

As the saying goes, in order to promote and guide the "antibiotic free" breeding of livestock and poultry, and vigorously promote the practical "antibiotic free" breeding technology mode, how to avoid the occurrence and prevention of diseases in the breeding process of poultry and livestock, and what additives can be used instead of antibiotics? All of these are very important. Therefore,  potassium diformate , the feed additive, can replace the use of antibiotics and play an important role in the development of animal husbandry. In July 2001, the European Union approved potassium diformate as the first substitute of antibiotic growth promoting agent for pig feed. In April 2003, the European Union passed another directive regulation, approving the maximum safe addition of potassium diformate for piglets and growing pigs to 1.8% - 1.2%. In July 2005, the European Union issued a supplementary Commission regulation in time, approving the use of potassium diformate as a

Congratulations to Kaiyang Chuandong for being awarded the honorary of "High-tech Enterprise"

Recently, Guizhou Kaiyang Chuandong Chemical Co., Ltd. received the certificate of "high-tech enterprise" jointly issued by Guizhou science and Technology Department, Guizhou finance department and Guizhou Taxation Bureau. Kaiyang Chuandong is recognized as a national high-tech enterprise. High-tech enterprises are special qualifications established by the state to support and encourage the development of high-tech enterprises, adjust the industrial structure and enhance the national economic competitiveness, and occupy a very important strategic position in China's economic development. High-tech enterprises have always been highly valued by governments at all levels. The state and local governments have adopted a variety of policies and measures such as tax reductions, equity incentives, science and technology plans, project land, financial insurance, and export credit to encourage and support the development of high-tech enterprises. According to the "Administrat

What role will industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate manufacturers play in the future coating industry?

The keyword in 2019 is environmental protection and safety. In 2020, environmental protection and safety hurricanes will be more violent. In the manufacturing industry, whether it's packaging, printing, furniture, shipping industry or the phosphate raw material manufacturing enterprises like Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group that produce  industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate , it's a good choice to withstand the environmental storm and the obvious environmental protection conditions of the enterprise itself. Take the paint industry for example, the current paint market can be found that although the domestic paint industry has achieved rapid development and formed a certain industry scale, but in the domestic high-end paint market, the domestic paint brands or enterprises are indeed few, and the domestic high-end paint market is still occupied by most of the market share of imported brands. In fact, all industries need to use coatings, and environmental protection coating

The importance of selecting high quality industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate manufacturers

The application of  industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate  in ceramics, industrial soft water, printing and dyeing, refractory additives and other chemical industries can play the role of soft water and dispersion. If the quality is not good, many downstream products may be affected. Therefore, in order to select high-quality industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate, both dealers and direct production users should not only understand the reputation of the manufacturer, but also deeply understand whether the raw materials used by the manufacturer have a precise production process, and whether the product quality can be stably controlled. In fact, in order to buy a better industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate product, we need to have a deeper understanding of our own use process requirements and the nature of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate. Here we will talk about the production process of thermal phosphoric acid. Compared with wet process, industrial grade sodium hex

Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate is a common additive in refractories

With the development of refractories industry and social progress, refractories with slow construction speed are gradually replaced, and the amount of unshaped refractories is increasing in the metallurgical industry. The largest amount of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate used in unshaped refractories is castable, followed by spray coating. The industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate is mainly used in the refractory castables, refractory plastics and refractory slurries with cement as binder, which usually plays a role of reducing water; according to the needs of preparing different kinds of amorphous refractories, the use of industrial sodium hexametaphosphate in the additives of the amorphous refractories is also different. Therefore, the industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate produced by Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group is a new refractory with good performance in phosphate. It has good thermal shock stability, high compressive strength, strong resistance to sla

The manufacturer tells you the use of industrial grade sodium pyrophosphate

Industrial grade sodium pyrophosphate , white crystalline powder. The melting point is 880 ℃, the relative density is 2.534, the solubility is easy to dissolve in water, the solubility of 100g water at 20 ℃ is 6.23g, and its aqueous solution is alkaline and insoluble in alcohol. Industrial grade sodium pyrophosphate is used to prepare electroplating solution in electroplating industry, which can form complex with iron. Wool textile industry is used as degreasing agent and bleaching agent for wool. The paper industry is used for bleaching paper and plant fibers. The printing and dyeing industry is used as auxiliaries in printing and dyeing and fine bleaching. As a toothpaste additive, daily chemical industry can form colloid with dicalcium phosphate and play a stable role. It can also be used in the synthesis of detergents and the production of shampoo and other products. Used as softener in water treatment. Used as rust remover in machining. Used as dispersant and emulsifier in chemi

Antibiotics are harmful to growth and can be replaced by potassium diformate

Although antibiotics have promoted the rapid development of aquaculture production since they were used in aquaculture, the long-term use of antibiotics will often lead to the production of drug-resistant strains in animals and lead to drug residues. Therefore, the use of antibiotic growth promoters is gradually restricted or even banned, and  potassium diformate  is the first feed additive approved by the European Union to replace antibiotic growth promoters. At present, the common additive products on the market, such as enzyme preparation and acidifier, are mainly used to improve the digestion ability of animals to nutrients. Probiotics and acid preparations are mainly used to regulate the structure of intestinal microflora and improve the immune function of the body. Potassium diformate has become an ideal green feed additive instead of antibiotic growth promoting agent because of its excellent antibacterial and growth promoting properties and good safety. The specific functions ar

Potassium diformate is an alternative to antibiotics

There are many opportunities for bacterial infection in the breeding production, because it is impossible to produce aseptic animals in the breeding environment, so it is inevitable to have disease. There are many substitutes for antibiotics, but due to the limitations of each product, such as the high cost of use, the complex methods of use, and the uncertain effect. At present,  potassium diformate  is a new type of feed additive which can replace antibiotics. Potassium diformate has been approved by the European Union as a growth promoting agent for antibiotic substitutes. At the same time, the research on the synthesis and application of potassium diformate has been developed rapidly in China. Potassium diformate is a kind of organic acid salt. It is a dimer which is associated by hydrogen bond between a molecule of formic acid and a molecule of potassium formate. The pure potassium diformate is white crystal or crystalline powder. Potassium diformate is tasteless, soluble in water

What are the advantages of acidifier potassium diformate?

With the improvement of living standards, people are more concerned about food safety. The harm of antibiotic residues and environmental pollution makes people pay more and more attention to antibiotic residues in meat products. The market calls for the prohibition of antibiotics in livestock and poultry breeding are more and more high, and the use of Acidifiers is more strict. What is the advantage of  potassium diformate  in many feed additives? 1. It has strong bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects to keep pigs healthy It is generally believed that the improvement of production performance after adding antibiotics to feed is related to the inhibition of subclinical infection. Therefore, the reason why potassium diformate can promote the growth of antibiotics is that it has a strong killing effect on pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal tract, and its unique anti microbial function is based on the comprehensive effect of formic acid and formate. The complete form of potassium difo

Replacing phosgene with sodium cyanate laid a solid foundation for the promotion of green technology

Phosgene is widely used in the preparation of polyurethane, polycarbonate and urea plastics. However, due to the highly toxic nature of phosgene, from the perspective of green chemistry,  sodium cyanate  is a safe and appropriate alternative to phosgene green products. With the continuous improvement of safety standards in the production process of chemical industry and the emergence of process safety and clean production technology, the production process still using phosgene and solid phosgene will gradually be replaced by sodium cyanate, mainly in the field of medicine and pesticide. The application of sodium cyanate instead of phosgene in the synthesis of pesticide and medicine has the advantages of high safety, high yield and quality, and less three wastes. Phosgene is a very dangerous chemical gas, which has been banned or restricted in many countries. In particular, phosgene is not easy to transport and store, and is only used in the plant. And using phosgene as raw material, it

The leaders of Fuquan visited Fuquan Chuandong

In the afternoon of December 9, 2019, Guizhou provincial Party committee and Qiannan Prefecture leaders, including Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Committee of the agricultural labor party and other leaders, accompanied by Secretary of the municipal Party committee and deputy mayor of Fuquan City, visited  Fuquan Chuandong  to carry out relevant research and understand the production and operation of the enterprise. Fuquan Chuandong leading group participated in the reception, and Zhang Yihui, the general manager, explained in detail the company's construction, production progress, product capacity and other related issues throughout the whole process. Leaders such as vice chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee fully affirmed the construction of Fuquan Chuandong. In the future, Fuquan Chuandong will never forget its original mind and mission. Go more solid and long-term.

Why use sodium cyanate for heat treatment?

Steel is a widely used metal in industry, and the microstructure of steel is also the most complex, so there are many kinds of heat treatment process. Metal heat treatment process can be generally divided into three categories: overall heat treatment, surface heat treatment and chemical heat treatment. Why is  sodium cyanate  preferred for heat treatment of steel parts? The purpose of preliminary heat treatment is to improve processing performance, eliminate internal stress and prepare good metallographic structure for final heat treatment. The heat treatment process includes annealing, normalizing, aging, tempering, etc. 1. annealing and normalizing Annealing and normalizing are used for hot worked blanks. For carbon steel and alloy steel with carbon content more than 0.5%, in order to reduce their hardness and be easy to cut, annealing treatment is often used; for carbon steel and alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.5%, normalizing treatment is used to avoid sticking when cut

What are the advantages of potassium formate drilling fluid system?

Potassium formate drilling fluid is widely used in well drilling because of its good solubility, high density, low solid phase, low viscosity and good compatibility. What are the advantages of  potassium formate  drilling fluid system? (1) wetting the weighting agent with a small amount of water and adding a proper amount of glue liquid during weighting can keep the high-density potassium formate system low viscosity and low water loss. (2) there are representative rock samples of Anjihaihe formation and tasihe formation in the southern margin of Junggar basin. The potassium formate drilling fluid prepared in the laboratory has good inhibition on them, and the drilling fluid system has good rheological property, which is suitable for the formation conditions in the southern margin of Junggar basin, and has certain practical value. (3) potassium formate system has strong ability of resisting calcium and solid-phase pollution, which is good for drilling complex intervals. (4) after hot r

Potassium diformate can improve feed conversion

Breeding also needs scientific feeding. Sometimes the quality of pigs fed by farmers is not as good as their growth. This situation is generally caused by the low conversion rate of feed. It is not allowed to add all kinds of feed and additives blindly. Therefore, in the process of feeding, farmers need to pay attention to the conversion rate of feed. Only by improving the conversion rate of feed, can the value of feed be brought into play. Potassium diformate can improve feed conversion. Potassium diformate contains 35.4% formic acid, 34.6% formate and 30% potassium. Paulicks et al. (1996) conducted a dose titration test to evaluate the effect of increasing PD level on the performance of growing piglets. 0,0.4,0.8,1.2,1.6,2.0,2.4 and 2.8% of potassium diformate were added to the diets based on corn soybean. Potassium diformate group increased the average daily gain by 13%, daily intake by 9% and feed conversion rate by 4%. Compared with the untreated group, adding 2% PD increased b

Expert guidance service for key counties of hazardous chemicals in Chongqing was carried out in Wansheng Chuandong

On December 4, 2019, the expert guidance service for key counties of hazardous chemicals in Chongqing was carried out in Wansheng Chuandong . This expert guidance service aims to guide and help key counties to strengthen major risk management and control, cultivate key enterprises and give play to demonstration effect. It will promote the construction of intrinsically safe enterprises, standardized parks, and grass-roots regulatory capacity, improve the overall level of work safety, and shift the work safety situation from basically stable to fundamentally controllable. In this guidance service, experts conducted anatomic and demonstrative inspection and diagnosis on enterprise risk management and control, process safety, safety of key devices and facilities, change management, operation of safety technology system, etc. Chuandong chemical will never forget its original intention and mission. We will continue to improve the level of intrinsic safety, enhance the ability of emergency re

The role of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate in boiler cleaning

The manufacturer of  industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate  will tell you about the harm of scale to the boiler. If the boiler is not cleaned for a long time in use, a large number of scale will be generated, and the scale will also cause great corrosion to the boiler wall: 1. Because of the poor thermal conductivity of scale, the heat transfer from heating to working medium is hindered, the heat absorption of working medium is reduced, the temperature of boiler exhaust gas is increased, and the heat loss is increased. 2. Due to the poor thermal conductivity of the scale, the heat transfer from the heating surface to the working medium is hindered. It is because the working temperature of the heating surface rises, which will cause the superheater of the heating surface to burst or overheat. 3 natural water is the aqueous solution of electrolyte, which is easy to produce electrochemical corrosion when contacting with metal. Therefore, boiler water needs to be softened by industrial

Feed grade calcium formate can be used not only as sour taste agent but also as antiseptic and mildew inhibitor

Calcium formate, as a new feed additive developed at home and abroad, is widely used. Feed grade calcium formate can not only be used as an acid taste agent, but also as an antiseptic and mildew inhibitor instead of calcium propionate, which is suitable for all kinds of animal feed. Especially suitable for weaned piglets, it can affect the proliferation of intestinal microorganisms, activate Pepsinogen, improve the energy utilization of natural metabolites, improve feed conversion rate, prevent diarrhea and diarrhea, and improve the survival rate and daily gain rate of piglets. Calcium formate has a high melting point. In the feed production process, vitamins will not be damaged. Only when the temperature is above 400 ℃, can they decompose and will not be damaged in the pelletizing process. The solubility has little change with the increase of temperature. Feed grade calcium formate not only has strict requirements in heavy metal index, but also in production process. Generally, only t