
目前显示的是 七月, 2020的博文

The delayed feed additive potassium diformate finally ushered in a big turnaround

Seeing the "antibiotics" can scare away some people. Too many bad food safety experiences are enough to produce a stress response to stay away. Potassium diformate is a nutrient that is highly helpful in meeting the requirements of livestock and poultry, and is healthier and safer to promote the growth of livestock and poultry. The  feed additive potassium diformate , which was delayed after the feed ban, finally turned over.  Potassium diformate was approved by the European Union as a feed additive as early as 2001. It is the first non-antibiotic feed additive approved by the European Union to replace antibiotic growth promoters. With the increase of people's awareness of health care, the concept of pursuing the safety, quality, residue-free and disease-free of food such as meat and eggs has been generally accepted by people. The subsequent hygiene and safety of livestock products have also attracted much attention. Potassium diformate has a strong bacterici

Congratulations to Chuandong Chemical for winning the "2019 China Phosphorus Chemical Industry Excellent Supplier Honor"

The 4th China Phosphorus Chemical Industry-Pesticide Market Seminar was held in Sichuan, China on July 23-25, 2020. Prior to this, in the 2019 China Phosphorus Chemical and Agricultural Star Enterprise Selection initiated by Baichuan Information, many well-known phosphorus chemical companies participated in the selection, and Chuandong Chemical received high support. After the blessing and selection of the review committee, we won the honor of "2019 China Phosphorus Chemical Industry Excellent Supplier". After years of unremitting efforts, Chuandong Chemical has a good reputation in the phosphorus chemical industry and has occupied certain domestic and foreign markets. Through this selection activity, more companies learned about Chuandong Chemical's products such as sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium hexametaphosphate and polyphosphoric acid. Our company will continue to provide our customers with better products and services!

Feed grade calcium formate for pigs, allowing you to experience high-quality calcium supplementation effects

Calcium supplementation is also a very important thing for pig farmers. The growth performance of pigs also needs to supplement various trace elements, especially calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine and other elements that pigs are easy to lack. Pigs are not blindly adding calcium-rich feed when supplementing calcium. Appropriate methods and suitable additives are also needed to help absorb more calcium and achieve the effect of calcium supplementation. There are many feed sources commonly used to supplement calcium for pigs. Is the effect of  feed-grade calcium formate  better? 1. Lime powder Lime powder is a kind of natural calcium carbonate, which can be obtained from natural limestone. Of course, the premise is to ensure that harmful elements such as lead, fluorine, arsenic, and mercury do not exceed the standard. Lime powder has the advantages of high calcium content, low price, and wide access channels. Generally, the calcium content can reach about 35%. Pig farmers can

The manufacturer of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate tell you the principle of paper pulp dispersant

When it comes to paper, it is a common item in life. Household paper and work paper are used in a wide range of applications, and the quality requirements for paper are more stringent.  Manufacturers of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate  also have a full understanding of the dispersion effect of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate in papermaking, so that the downstream papermaking industry can produce better quality paper. For the papermaking process, fibers, fillers, and some additives are all water-insoluble and tend to accumulate in the aqueous solution, and different materials are often kept away as far as possible due to incompatibility. This makes it difficult to obtain paper with uniform properties and ideal strength. Therefore, industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate is added in the paper production process. Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate is an inorganic dispersant and is easily soluble in water. It can promote a good dispersion of paper fibers a

The benefit of potassium diformate to the animal husbandry is to realize the prohibition of feed resistance and the reduction of resistance in breeding

At present, most of the products on the market are acidifiers, but the additives synthesized from various organic acid raw materials cannot satisfy the entire growth process of livestock. The acid preparation  potassium diformate  is made by mixing formic acid and potassium formate, and the purity can reach more than 98%. The advantage brought to the animal husbandry is to realize the prohibition of feed resistance and the reduction of resistance in breeding. 1) Improve feed utilization Due to the lack of certain micronutrients in feed, especially under intensive production conditions, livestock and poultry are prone to nutritional deficiencies and nutritional metabolism disorders, which affect the growth and development of livestock and poultry and cause economic losses. The use of potassium diformate as an additive in feed can improve the nutritional value of feed, improve feed utilization, give full play to the production potential of livestock and poultry, and increase lives

The 2020 half-year work summary meeting of Chuandong Chemical Group was held in Fuquan Chuandong

Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group held the "2020 Semi-Annual Work Summary Meeting" at Fuquan Chuandong from July 17th to July 18th. The conference grandly commended outstanding production bases and teams and advanced collectives with outstanding performance and outstanding performance in epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic and production and operation work. In order to sprint the goal for the year, the leaders of the five major production bases under the leadership team expressed their confidence and determination to run hard and win decisive battles. Gao Guangfan, the chairman of Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group, issued a mobilization order to all Chuandong people in the second half of the year to sprint the goal. It is hoped that the group will make full use of the golden period of raw materials in the second half of the year, and with 100 times confidence and a decisive attitude, in order to achieve the annual production and operation goals, it will spare no effor

What are the functions of calcium formate as a feed additive?

Calcium formate is a kind of feed additive with high safety, which has a positive effect on improving the growth performance of animals and increasing economic benefits. At the same time,  calcium formate  has a positive effect on improving survival rate, disease resistance rate and feed conversion rate. Do you know the role of calcium formate as a feed additive? 1. Improve the palatability of feed An appropriate amount of acid can improve the palatability of the diet and increase the feed intake of the piglets. Calcium formate contains organic small molecule formic acid. The use of calcium formate for early weaning piglets increases the weight gain rate by 5.1% and reduces the feed-to-meat ratio by 6.5%. Adding 1.5% to 2.0% calcium formate to the feed of growing piglets can increase appetite and speed up growth. 2. Lower the pH of the gastrointestinal tract and increase digestibility Calcium formate is mainly used to reduce the pH value of the stomach contents of weaned p

Potassium formate drilling fluid density can meet the need of balancing formation pressure

In drilling engineering, drilling fluid density and mud specific gravity are two equivalent terms. Potassium formate drilling fluid can ensure a very important substance for safe and rapid drilling and protection of oil and gas layers in drilling engineering construction. Let me talk about what the potassium formate drilling fluid does. The popular saying is that when drilling, the drilling pump is pumped into the well from the drill string through the drill bit, and then the fluid that returns to the surface through the annulus. Therefore, the density of  potassium formate drilling fluid  can meet the need of balancing formation pressure. The specific functions are: 1. Carry the drilled cuttings to the ground. 2. Cooling drill 3. Maintain the well wall  4. Establish a pressure balance downhole to prevent formation fluids (oil, gas and water) from entering the well uncontrollably (because formation fluids are under pressure, blowouts occur if the control is not good). The

Using potassium diformate to improve animals' digestive utilization of nutrients

The advantages of potassium diformate gradually became apparent after the feed was banned. Both the feed production enterprises and the farmers have given different degrees of praise. Everyone knows that potassium diformate is a substitute for antibiotics. It can adjust the pH value of the animal's digestive tract, improve the intestinal micro-ecological environment, and improve the digestion and utilization of dietary nutrients. Today, Chuandong Chemical will explain in detail to  potassium diformate  to increase the digestive utilization rate of nutrients by animals, and activate the production potential faster and more. Potassium diformate has similar effects to antibiotics, and has a beneficial effect on improving growth performance and preventing animal diseases. It can stimulate the feeding of animals, the production of endogenous secretions and the absorption of nutrients, by changing the pH in the gastrointestinal tract, increasing the gastric emptying time and improvi

How to determine the reliability of the use of potassium diformate for pig?

For feed enterprises and pig farmers, how to choose one or several alternative additives for the suspension of antibiotics, and how effective the problem is also a top priority. For the use of antibiotic feed additives, it is easy to test whether the application of  potassium diformate  is reliable. Potassium diformate has been researched on the synthesis method under laboratory conditions since 2003 by the Feed Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Formic acid and potassium carbonate are selected as raw materials, and potassium diformate is prepared by a one-step method. According to the amount of potassium formate contained in the primary filtrate, the method of mother liquor circulation is adopted to make the reaction yield of potassium diformate reach over 90% and the product content reach over 97%. The technical parameters for the production of potassium diformate were determined; the analytical determination method for detecting the content of potas

Scientific use of potassium diformate reduces the impact of industry chain

In order to meet the needs of industrialization, for the development of green substitute feed additives, ensuring product safety is the prerequisite and top priority. In the large family of antibiotics, there is a class of substances: it is the first non-antibiotic growth promoter approved by the European Union; it is a green, environmentally-friendly and residue-free feed additive; it is effective in immune function, anti-allergy, bacteriostasis and improvement Circulation and other aspects also have good results. What is it? It is  potassium diformate . Potassium diformate will reduce the impact on the industry chain after the feed is banned: 1. For feed companies, it may lead to an increase in the production costs of feed companies (the main reason for the widespread use of antibiotics is the high cost performance, so anti-antibodies are costly). Moreover, farmers' complaints about feed products will increase (the feed substitution solution needs constant debugging and im

Effectiveness of calcium formate in animal feed mold inhibitor

Since the beginning of summer, continuous rainstorm warning and flood disasters have occurred in many areas in the south, and the losses caused by continuous heavy rainfall are also very serious. All localities are actively and fully ensuring the safety of people's lives and property. Preventing and controlling Aspergillus flavus, which is harmful to feed, once again became the focus of the work that year. Today we will talk about the effectiveness of  calcium formate  in animal feed mold inhibitors. It is understood that the optimal growth temperature for Aspergillus flavus is 25℃-30℃, and the optimal relative humidity is 80%-90%. There are many types of chemical antifungal agents added to feed, which can be divided into two categories: single and compound. Unilateral such as propionate, formic acid and calcium formate, sorbic acid, citric acid, dimethyl maleate and allicin. These anti-mold additives have the effect of destroying or blocking pathogenic microorganisms, but

Using calcium formate skillfully to solve the problem of setting and hardening of cement

The early strength growth of cement is fast, and the later strength growth is slow. If the temperature and humidity are suitable, its strength can still increase slowly after several years or more than ten years. Today we will talk about clever use of  calcium formate  to solve the problem of setting and hardening of cement. Setting time is one of the important performance indexes of cement (1) The hydration of cement progresses from the surface to the inside gradually. With the continuation of time, the degree of hydration of cement is continuously increasing, and the hydration products are also continuously increasing and filling the capillary pores, so that the porosity of the capillary pores decreases and the porosity of the gel pores increases accordingly. Calcium formate can increase the concentration of Ca 2+  in the liquid phase and accelerate the dissolution rate of calcium silicate. And the effect of the same ion will accelerate the crystallization, increase the so

Using potassium diformate as a growth promoter to make antibiotic-free farming not alone

According to the 194th announcement issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, the production, operation, anti-resistance and use of some pharmaceutical additives will be stopped from July 1. The current green feeding concept of "substituting antibiotics and reducing antibiotics" has been deeply rooted in people's hearts. From feed production enterprises to farmers, more and more people use potassium diformate to replace antibiotics to improve the growth performance of livestock. After a large amount of antibiotics are used in animals, the immunity of livestock and poultry will be reduced, and pathogenic bacteria will take advantage of it, causing more serious harm. Choosing the right and suitable substitute products and scientific management methods can not only increase breeding profits and production benefits, but also increase animal welfare. Commonly used substitutes include acidulants, prebiotics, plant extracts, etc. Potassium diformate can inhibit bacteria and pr

Can potassium diformate for pigs solve the problems that may occur after antibiotics are banned?

The "antibiotic ban" in the breeding industry is now in progress, and pig farming is becoming more and more formal. It is said that the sale of pigs is under a real name system, and problems can be found at the source. After the anti-resistance, the pigs are paying attention to the intestine. Will the change in the formula of the feed cause poor resistance, and other diseases will be secondary, and the pressure is still relatively large. It is said that potassium diformate replaces antibiotics to raise pigs. The effect of adding  potassium diformate  can really solve the problems that may occur after forbidden resistance? After the feed is completely banned, our country's aquaculture industry may have a series of problems in a period of time, mainly reflected in the following aspects: 1. The problem of diarrhea in weaned piglets Most of the stress is diarrhea at the piglet stage before 25Kg, especially at the weaning stage, which leads to slow growth rate, increa

Potassium formate is the main organic salt in the drilling fluid system

Facing the current unfavorable situation of low oil price and epidemic prevention and control, it is becoming more and more difficult to select high-yield and high-efficiency well positions, and the borehole trajectory is extremely complicated. The  potassium formate drilling fluid  system is the main organic salt in the drilling fluid system. It achieves non-toxic, high-efficiency, anti-collapse, strong inhibition, gas reservoir protection and other high-quality performance based on the drilling industry. From the end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century, my country has studied the use of formate drilling fluids. We summarize the characteristics of potassium formate drilling fluid for your reference: (1) No sediment will form when it comes into contact with formation water, and the damage to the reservoir is low. (2) The biological toxicity is extremely low, harmless and non-toxic to human body, has little effect on aquatic community, and has little biolog

Calcium formate early strength agent can improve concrete performance and increase construction efficiency

In the historical construction and construction engineering systems, the production and application of early strength agents are relatively extensive. At present, my country's use of early strength agents and early strength water reducing agents is also hundreds of thousands of tons. However, with the deepening of people's understanding of the potential harm of chloride ions, sulfate ions and alkali metal ions on the performance and long-term stability of concrete,  calcium formate early strength agent  can not only play a good early strength effect, but also avoid The advantages of some early strength components causing corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete have been recognized. Calcium formate as an organic early strength agent, its unique properties can accelerate the hydration of cement and improve the early strength of mortar. Choosing the right calcium formate variety and dosage is crucial to whether it can play its due role in concrete mortar. Experiments