
目前显示的是 八月, 2020的博文

How about the cementing quality of potassium formate drilling fluid?

  Since the beginning of this year, in the face of unfavorable factors such as deep well depth, high pressure, and large temperature difference in the southwestern work area, requirements for the lubrication of drilling fluid, wellbore stability and wellbore cleaning capabilities are extremely high. In drilling operations, there are generally at least two cementing (production wells) and as many as 4 to 5 cementing (deep exploratory wells).   Potassium formate   is a new type of drilling fluid at present. It does not paste the vibrating screen or run the slurry when drilling. It has strong inhibition, good wall-building properties, good lubricity, fast mechanical drilling speed, low cost, and good cementing effect. And other features are widely used. Purpose of using potassium formate drilling fluid for cementing: 1. Potassium formate drilling fluid can isolate complex formations that are easy to collapse and lose, consolidate the drilled wells, and ensure the smooth progress of drilli

Potassium diformate can replace antibiotic supplementary feed to play a complementary and cooperative effect

  After the feed is banned, farmers and feed companies are turning more energy to precise nutrition formula design because they need to meet animal nutrition needs through feed preparation. To improve the immunity of the entire animal body, the formulation of a precise nutrition plan must be achieved through feed formula.   Potassium diformate , a new green and safe antibiotic substitute, has also been fully prepared. Why is potassium diformate a green, safe and residue-free feed additive that can replace antibiotics? First of all, potassium diformate added to feed can improve the palatability and utilization of feed for livestock and poultry, inhibit gastrointestinal pathogenic infections, and enhance the body's immunity. By adding potassium diformate to the pre-preparation technology of feed ingredients, it reduces pathogenic bacteria in the feed, eliminates anti-nutritional factors, improves intestinal health, and improves the ability of animals to resist pathogenic bacteria. In

Under the background of reducing resistance, how to use potassium diformate to effectively prevent and control diseases in pigs

  Diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration and other symptoms caused by the swine epidemic virus have a high fatality rate. After the ban on anti-antibiotics, a major challenge for pig sites is the frequent occurrence of bacterial diseases. In this situation, in addition to improving feeding management, timely and precise immunization prevention and control, timely treatment or elimination of diseased pigs, and timely preventive administration, how to use   potassium diformate   as an alternative to antibiotics to effectively prevent and control diseases. The application of antibiotics in pig farms mainly plays two roles. On the one hand, it can promote the growth of pigs and reduce the feed-to-weight ratio, thereby reducing the cost of breeding. On the other hand, it is mainly used for disease prevention and control, reducing the prevalence and mortality of pigs at various stages. Escherichia coli is one of the most "common" pathogens in pig farms, and it is divided into enterotoxige

Prevent diseases from mouth, potassium diformate makes chicken feed and drinking water cleaner

  There is a saying in the chicken industry: 30 days without respiratory disease, 70% success in raising chickens, 35 days without respiratory disease, 90% success in raising chickens, and no respiratory disease in 38 days, then this batch of chickens is basically successful. Chicken flocks are really harmful to disease, and there are many losses. Usually, more attention should be paid to prevent the disease from entering the mouth. Adding  potassium diformate   can make chicken feed and drinking water cleaner, and more effectively prevent and control respiratory diseases and intestinal diseases in chickens. At the same time, improve immunity, good immunity can promote a virtuous circle of chickens. Let's talk about the use of potassium diformate in the process of raising chickens to effectively inhibit intestinal diseases, increase feed conversion rate, reduce feed-to-meat ratio, and use it on the intestines of chickens: 1. Potassium diformate has the advantages of no toxicity, no

The price of pork is rising. Is the price of potassium diformate which has good effect on pig raising?

  As we all know, affected by the epidemic, consumer prices across the country have risen year-on-year, and the increase in pork on the table has also reached a record high. Since the implementation of the “ban on resistance” in breeding, the animal husbandry industry is making adjustments and changes for the prohibition, reduction and replacement of resistance. The feed additive potassium diformate is also playing an important role in improving the quality and safety of animal husbandry products, increasing the supply of green and high-quality animal husbandry products, reducing breeding production costs, and realizing the sustainable development of animal husbandry. Now that the price of pork is rising, what about the price of   potassium diformate ? It's often said that you get what you pay for. Let's take a look at the role of potassium diformate in pig production: 1. The effect on pig performance. Studies have shown that adding 1.2%, 0.8%, and 0.6% potassium diformate to t

What is the dosage of potassium formate for high potassium water-soluble fertilizer?

  The macro-element water-soluble fertilizer, as its name implies, is the three-element water-soluble fertilizer containing a large number of elements nitrogen N, phosphorus P and potassium K. Potassium formate is widely used in modern agricultural planting and fertilization due to its good solubility and fast absorption. So what are the types of water-soluble fertilizers? What is the amount of   potassium formate water-soluble fertilizer ? Commonly used water-soluble fertilizer types 1. Balanced type. Balanced fertilizer is also called universal fertilizer, which means that the ratio of nutrients in macronutrients is the same. 2. High potassium type. The macro-element high-potassium water-soluble fertilizer is especially suitable for the middle and late stages of fruiting crops. It can quickly supplement potassium, expand the fruit, increase the color and brightness, and increase the taste and sweetness. At the same time, it can promote early maturity, potassium formate water-soluble

What should we pay attention to when buying antibiotic-free feed growth promoter potassium diformate? The manufacturer tells you

  For the current non-antibiotic feed additive market, there are too many products under the slogan of anti-antibiotics. The normal growth and production of poultry and livestock require nutrients such as protein and energy, and feed additives are needed to help them absorb and transform. Potassium diformate is a new type of non-antibiotic feed growth promoter, and it has been widely used as a feed additive to replace antibiotics in foreign countries as early as the last century. What should we pay attention to when buying   potassium diformate ? The manufacturer tells you. What should we pay attention to when buying potassium diformate? 1. Determine the source. The first thing is to buy from a reputable manufacturer, check whether the manufacturer has a feed additive production license, and do not buy unlabeled, unclear label or unknown potassium diformate (the potassium diformate produced by Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group is patented formic acid and genuine potassium formate are

Can adding potassium diformate help poultry and livestock adapt to the "ban on antibiotics" process in feed?

  In recent years, the drug resistance situation of animal-derived bacteria has been severe. On the one hand, the resistance of shared antimicrobials between humans and animals has increased, threatening human life and medical resources. On the other hand, the drug resistance of animal-specific antimicrobials is also increasing year by year, increasing the cost of breeding, but also affecting food safety and public health safety. Therefore, it is wise to regulate the use of antibiotics and to "ban resistance" and "reducing resistance" in the breeding industry. How to add   potassium diformate   to allow livestock to adapt to the process of "ban on antibiotics" to feed? First of all, farmers have to face up to the changes it brings, especially to understand the impact of the current feed "ban on antibiotics". First, the production level of the aquaculture industry has decreased within a certain period of time, and the cost of aquaculture has incre

Demystifying the chaos of potassium formate water-soluble fertilizer, be careful when buying!

  There are many types of foliar fertilizers. According to their functions, foliar fertilizers can be summarized into four categories: nutrient type, regulating type, biological type and compound type. In particular, phosphorus, copper, zinc, potassium and other elements that are easily fixed by the soil can be sprayed as foliar fertilizers, which have the characteristics of good nutritional effects. Therefore,   potassium formate foliar fertilizer   allows the leaves to absorb nutrients faster than the roots, which helps to meet the requirements of crop growth and development in time. Because of the good effect of potassium formate foliar fertilizer, it is widely used by various "Flicker" and small individual factories in the market. It mainly grasps people's mentality of saving labor, labor and money, and takes fake high nitrogen fertilizer as fertilizer with high potassium content. 1. Foreign imports are currently a common propaganda slogan, selling high prices under t

What is the effect of feed grade calcium formate as an additive in animals?

  Feed grade calcium formate  as an additive in animals can effectively reduce and adjust the PH value of the gastrointestinal tract, promote digestion and absorption of nutrients, and has the functions of disease prevention and health care, especially for piglets. The role of feed grade calcium formate: 1. Lowering the pH of the gastrointestinal tract of pigs is beneficial to activate pepsinogen. In particular, it can make up for the insufficient secretion of digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid in the piglet's stomach, and improve the digestibility of pig feed nutrients. 2. Maintain a low pH in the gastrointestinal tract of pigs, thereby preventing the mass growth and reproduction of E. coli and other pathogenic bacteria. At the same time, it promotes the growth of some beneficial bacteria (such as Lactobacillus). Feed grade calcium formate produces volatile fatty acids in the cecum and nodules to act as antibiotics, preventing them from being invaded by toxins produced by Esc

Potassium diformate, let you see what is non-antibiotic feed additive

  2020 is the first year when the feed end "resistance ban", the breeding end "resistance reduction, limit resistance", and animal products "no resistance", the animal husbandry feed industry is facing huge challenges.   Potassium diformate   is a growth-promoting agent without antibiotics in a comprehensive solution without antibiotics, ushering in explosive growth.  Growth-promoting medicinal feed additives withdrew from the stage of history, healthy breeding, no anti-feed additives, potassium diformate, is a feasible feed alternative solution for the specific requirements of different animals and different physiological stages, and promotes the smooth entry of the feed industry into "post-feed antibiotics" New Era. 1. Improve feed utilization After adding potassium diformate to feed ingredients, it will become easier to digest. The reason is that potassium diformate is a mixture of organic formic acid and potassium formate, which can improve t

The effect of calcium supplement with feed grade calcium formate is good when crops are short of calcium

  Is it true that crops also need calcium supplements? it is true. Crops are plants, like humans and animals, that need rich trace elements to help them grow. When crops are calcium-deficient, plant growth is hindered, and the internodes are shorter, so they are generally shorter than normal plants and have soft tissues. Since calcium has such a big effect, is it good to use   feed grade calcium formate   to supplement calcium? The meristems such as the apical buds, lateral buds, and root tips of crops with calcium-deficient plants first appear nutrient deficiency, which is perishable, the young leaves are curled and deformed, and the leaf edges begin to turn yellow and become necrotic. For example, calcium deficiency can cause leaf scorch disease in cabbage, cabbage and lettuce; tomato, pepper, watermelon, etc. have heart rot; apples have bitter pox and water heart disease. No matter how much is useless, the crops are short of calcium. If we want to achieve the actual effect, what sho

Is it true that the solubility of potassium formate in water can reach 310g/100g?

  The solubility of a solid refers to the time when a certain amount of substance dissolved in 100 g of solvent reaches a saturated state when the temperature is constant. The quality of the dissolved substance and the solubility of different substances are different. For example, water and alcohol can be miscible with any ratio. Therefore, it is true that Chuandong Chemical tells you that  potassium formate   has a large solubility in water. Everyone knows that the solubility of solid substances requires four elements: temperature, 100g solvent, saturation state, and unit (g). What is the solubility of potassium formate solid? Temperature: Normal temperature (25℃) 100g solvent: potassium formate has a density of 1.91 and has a slight smell of formic acid. Easily soluble in water and glycerin, slightly soluble in ethanol. Saturated state: The viscosity of the saturated potassium formate solution is 10.9 cp. The formate aqueous solution can maintain a low viscosity even at high density

Can calcium supplementation for piglets be replaced with organic calcium formate?

  Regarding the question of whether calcium supplementation for pigs can be replaced with calcium formate, presumably many farmers have some doubts about this. Here Chuandong Chemical would like to tell everyone that it is your wise decision to change calcium supplementation to calcium formate for pigs. The characteristics of   calcium formate are: good digestion, good absorption, good use, and does not require the participation of gastric acid, reducing the use of acidifiers, thus reducing the cost of feed. Piglets cannot produce enough acid in the stomach after weaning, and the PH value of the lysate in the stomach is too high to achieve a better digestion effect. The required pH is less than 4. This lack of acidity can lead to many problems including insufficient activation of pepsin, increased gastric emptying rate and poor ability to control gastrointestinal flora. This inhibits the digestion of protein, causing piglet indigestion, diarrhea, diarrhea, and the utilization rate of f

Do you think potassium diformate can only be used as an ordinary acidifier?

  The feed additive potassium diformate can be slowly released in the entire digestive tract of poultry and livestock, exerting the value of organic acidifier. Today, when it comes to antibiotics, pathogens or microorganisms are inseparable. When it comes to banning resistance, it is how to deal with microorganisms.   Potassium diformate  is not as simple as an acidulant, it is a growth promoter that can replace antibiotics. Potassium diformate is mainly made by mixing formic acid and potassium formate. Its substance content is as high as 98%, and clinical application has proved that it can effectively inhibit the growth and reproduction of harmful pathogenic microorganisms, maintain animal respiratory and intestinal health, promote animal growth, and reduce stress. It can be added safely for a long time, harmless and no residue. The performance of potassium diformate is better than ordinary compound acidifier. By reducing the pH of the gastrointestinal tract, regulating the microbial