
目前显示的是 十一月, 2020的博文

Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP) can be used as water softener in areas with hard water

  In areas with harder water, detergents will have poor washing effect. However, some lands are also deficient in phosphorus, and there is a lack of corresponding substitutes for phosphate rock resources.   Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP)   is widely used in water treatment, detergent additives, mineral processing industry as flotation agent, refractory additives, ceramics and other important additives. Use industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP) to configure soft water for garment washing, and the water quality is neutral. Washing clothes in soft water can increase the decontamination ability, making them cleaner and brighter. The calcium ion Ca ++  or magnesium ion Mg ++ , which determines the hardness of the water, enters the industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP) molecule and becomes a very stable soluble complex: Na 2 〔Ca 2 (PO 3 ) 6 〕and Na 2 〔Mg 2 (PO 3 ) 6  ], Ca ++  or Mg ++  in this complex is not easy to escape. The industrial grade sodium he

Which foods can add water retention agent sodium hexametaphosphate?

  Food processing itself is developing towards convenience foods and prepared products. Humectants have a wide range of applications in food processing. The use of   sodium hexametaphosphate   in food water retention agent can be used in common foods such as meat, aquatic products, ice cream and beverages. It can be added directly without a lot of addition, generally 0.3%-1% can have a good water retention effect, and it can also be used in combination. Food water-retaining agents currently used more frequently include sodium hexametaphosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate, and sodium pyrophosphate among phosphates. They can be used separately or mixed. It depends on the product category and functional requirements, and some do not require high water retention effects. For example, there will be a difference between high-end products that require water retention of 10-20 and water retention of more than 50. Conditioned foods need to be mixed with water-retaining agents. If you make Western-

Can potassium diformate solve the problem of poultry and livestock diarrhea?

  As the cold air goes south and the temperature drops, many poultry and livestock in the north will begin to experience diarrhea after the beginning of winter. In the first winter after no resistance, various alternative anti-resistance programs ushered in a real test. Can   potassium diformate   solve the fundamental problem when the seasons are prone to stress reaction and diarrhea? Potassium diformate is not only highly acidic, but also slowly released in the digestive tract. It has a high buffering capacity and can avoid excessive fluctuations in the acidity of the animal's gastrointestinal tract. 1. Improving protein digestibility and reducing protein levels are the basis for preventing diarrhea There must be a basic common sense: the fast-growing varieties cultivated by modern genetic breeding have higher protein requirements than our actual dietary protein levels. In the long run, we need to increase protein levels, not reduce protein levels. High-protein diets with low dig

The effect of using feed grade calcium formate in piglet feed is obvious

  Weaning of piglets is a critical period, requiring the use of feed and additives suitable for piglet digestion and nutrient absorption.   Feed grade calcium formate   is organic calcium that has good performance after digestion, absorption and redeposition, and the daily gain of suckling pigs at this stage is of great significance to the full growth performance of commercial pigs. During the piglet weaning period, the gastrointestinal tract is still not fully developed, and the content of anti-nutritional factors and allergic factors is low during feeding, and improving feed digestibility is the key to increasing the feed intake of suckling piglets. Feed grade calcium formate uses genuine formic acid as a raw material from the beginning of production, which can release trace amounts of formic acid in the gastrointestinal tract of piglets, effectively reduce and adjust the pH value of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby preventing the mass growth and reproduction of E. coli and other

Application of sodium hexametaphosphate in water-soluble synthetic metal grinding fluid

  With the continuous development and progress of industrial technology and the continuous emergence of new materials and new processes, the requirements for the working fluid that is consumed in the metal processing process, namely the metal working fluid, are becoming more and more precise and demanding. Choosing suitable metalworking fluids in precision and ultra-precision machining is essential for ensuring product processing quality, improving processing efficiency and reducing environmental pollution. Phosphate series  sodium hexametaphosphate   has anti-rust and corrosion inhibition effects, and plays an important role in the application of metal grinding fluids. Following Chuandong Chemical, the manufacturer of sodium hexametaphosphate, to see the composition of metal grinding fluid: The metal grinding fluid is composed of the following components: 5-40% by weight of rust inhibitor; 1-20% by weight of cleaning agent; 0.1-10% by weight of lubricating corrosion inhibitor; 1-20% b

What to do if animals lack calcium? Feed grade calcium formate manufacturer helps you choose the right calcium source

  Animals actually need calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements like humans. Calcium and phosphorus in animals are supplied by feed, they cannot be synthesized in the body, nor can they be transformed from other substances. Physiological reactions such as calcium will also occur, especially when the piglets need calcium supplementation when weaning, they need to choose calcium supplement that is easy to absorb.   Feed grade calcium formate   is an easily absorbed organic calcium source. Insufficient calcium in the feed will promote eating, excessive feed consumption, and supersaturated calcium content in the feed, which will reduce the animal's appetite and reduce daily weight. Follow us to see what calcium sources are in the feed? Inorganic calcium At first, calcium supplement products called "calcium carbonate, dibasic calcium phosphate" and other common calcium products in the market belong to inorganic calcium. Inorganic calcium is the earliest type, that is, the

The concentration of sodium hexametaphosphate plays an important role in mineral separation

  Sodium hexametaphosphate is often used to inhibit carbonates such as calcite and limestone in the flotation process, and can also be used as an inhibitor of gangue minerals such as quartz and silicate. For example, in the flotation of iron ore, tall oil is used as collector, and   sodium hexametaphosphate   and aluminum silicate are used as inhibitors of quartz and silicate to separate iron-containing minerals from quartz and silicate. Sodium hexametaphosphate competes with the collector sodium oleate for adsorption on the surface of diaspore and kaolinite minerals. Because the adsorption capacity of sodium oleate on the surface of diaspore is stronger than that on the surface of kaolinite. Therefore, sodium hexametaphosphate has a greater influence on the adsorption capacity of sodium oleate on the surface of kaolinite than the adsorption capacity on the surface of diaspore, which is beneficial to the separation of diaspore and kaolinite. However, when the concentration of sodium ol

Feed grade calcium formate manufacturer teaches you not to be deceived by fake feeds and feed additives

  Fish meal, methionine, shell meal, bone meal, calcium formate and other feed and feed additives are also pig feeds and additives that are used more frequently by farmers and farmers. Some formulas of pig feed and additives are unreasonable and even adulterated. Not only will it not promote the growth and development of livestock and poultry, but it will also miss the best period to supplement the trace elements needed by the body, which may entrap many farmers. The   feed grade calcium formate manufacturer   will tell you what are counterfeit feeds and feed additives. What are counterfeit feeds and feed additives? According to the relevant provisions of the "Regulations on the Administration of Feed and Feed Additives", we learned that fake and inferior feeds and feed additives are: 1. Use non-feed and non-feed additives as feed and feed additives. 2. Use this kind of feed or feed additive to pretend to be another kind of feed or feed additive. 3. Feed and feed additives do

Can piglets be fed with potassium diformate to promote growth?

  Under modern high-density and large-scale breeding methods, in order to make the breeding pigs ready for slaughter as soon as possible and reduce illness and death, heavy metals, hormones, antibiotics additives and various drugs are often exceeded in the piglet breeding process. Such substances remain in the piglets and enter the environment with the excrement of breeding, which seriously affect human health. It is said that   potassium diformate   can replace the feed additive that has the effect of antibiotics. So, can potassium diformate be added to promote growth in piglet feeding? Let's understand the effect of potassium diformate on piglet performance: 1. Lower the pH of the intestine Potassium diformate is relatively stable in an acidic environment, and easily decomposes formic acid in a neutral or alkaline environment. Therefore, it is easy to decompose in the weakly alkaline environment of the pig intestine, and its product can significantly reduce the pH value of the pi

Do you think that potassium diformate can only be used as an ordinary acidifier?

  The feed additive potassium diformate can be slowly released in the entire digestive tract of poultry and livestock, exerting the value of organic acidifier. Today, when it comes to antibiotics, pathogens or microorganisms are inseparable. When it comes to banning resistance, it is how to deal with microorganisms.   Potassium diformate   is not as simple as an acidulant, it is a growth promoter that can replace antibiotics. Potassium diformate is mainly a mixture of formic acid and potassium formate. Its substance content is as high as 98%, and clinical applications have proved that it can effectively inhibit the growth and reproduction of harmful pathogenic microorganisms, maintain animal respiratory and intestinal health, promote animal growth, reduce stress, and can be added safely for a long time without any harm and no residue. The performance of potassium diformate is better than ordinary compound acidifier. By lowering the pH of the gastrointestinal tract, regulating the micro

The manufacturer tells you how to buy high-quality industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate?

  Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate is widely used in industry. In order to achieve the desired effect of downstream products, quality should be considered when choosing   industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate . What we want to say here is that if you buy adulterated or unqualified industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate for a short period of time, it may bring even greater losses. High-quality industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate is a transparent glass flake or white powdery crystal. Strong hygroscopicity, it becomes sticky after moisture absorption, deliquescent in the air, and soluble in water. The solubility is greater in water, but the dissolution rate is relatively warm. The aqueous solution is acidic and easily hydrolyzed into phosphite. It has the ability to form soluble complexes for some metal ions (calcium, magnesium), so it can be used to soften water, and it can also form complexes with lead, silver, and barium salts. Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group,

How does potassium diformate stand out among many antibiotic alternatives?

Today in breeding industry, the use of antibiotics can be reduced through the improvement of breeding management measures and the addition of some feed additives. Feed prices seem to be rising regularly every year, and more scientific, accurate and effective measures are needed to replace antibiotics. How does  potassium diformate  stand out among many antibiotic alternatives? The reason why potassium diformate stands out among the anti-feed additives is because of the following aspects: 1. Extremely strong bactericidal and antibacterial effect, keeping the intestinal health of poultry and livestock It is generally believed that the improvement of production performance after adding antibiotics to feed is related to the suppression of subclinical infections. The reason why potassium diformate has the growth-promoting effect of antibiotics is actually its strong killing effect on pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal tract. Its unique antimicrobial function is based on the combined effe

Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate manufacturers allow heat source companies to improve quality and efficiency

  As the temperature continues to drop, the major cities in the north also usher in the heating season.   Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate manufacturers   know that in recent years, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei has been dismantling and integrating scattered small-tonnage coal-fired boilers in batches year by year, and transforming coal-fired boilers to "coal-to-gas" transformation, which will be far away from the waste heat of power plants in urban areas. The heat source plant introduced into the urban area is used for heating. In fact, the demolition and integration of the boiler room will not only greatly reduce the air pollution, but also significantly improve the heating quality. Industrial-grade sodium hexametaphosphate manufacturers allow new energy boiler equipment to increase heating capacity to achieve quality and efficiency improvement, so that heat users no longer have the problem of heating. To reduce load and air pollution emissions, heat source companies must

Adding food grade sodium hexametaphosphate to food processing can also make people eat healthy and eat at ease

  When it comes to food safety, many people will definitely think of food additives right away. In the eyes of many people, food additives are toxic and harmful chemicals, and they are also the culprit of food safety problems.   Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate   is a commonly used additive in food processing. Is it true that it plays a role in food? In fact, food grade sodium hexametaphosphate is not as terrible as everyone thinks, and illegal additives are the culprit. Illegal additives and food additives are not the same thing. Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate is a legal additive in the national food additive list. Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate is a phosphate product widely used in food additives. It is added as an additive in food to improve the quality and color, aroma and taste of food, as well as for the needs of anti-corrosion, preservation and processing technology. Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate plays an important role in food grade processing technology: 1.

Can potassium diformate solve the problem of poultry and livestock diarrhea in the first winter after no resistance?

  As the cold air goes south and the temperature drops, many poultry and livestock in the north will begin to experience diarrhea after the beginning of winter. In the first winter after no resistance, various alternative anti-resistance programs ushered in a real test. Can   potassium diformate   solve the fundamental problem when the seasons are prone to stress reaction and diarrhea? Potassium diformate is not only highly acidic, but also slowly released in the digestive tract. It has high buffering capacity and can avoid excessive fluctuations in the acidity of the animal's gastrointestinal tract. 1. Improving protein digestibility and reducing protein levels are the basis for preventing diarrhea. There must be a basic common sense: the fast-growing varieties cultivated by modern genetic breeding have higher protein requirements than our actual dietary protein levels. In the long run, we need to increase protein levels instead of lowering protein levels. Low-protein diets are no

Manufacturer of sodium hexametaphosphate transformed and upgraded in the food grade phosphate industry

  "Eat healthy and safe" is the current focus on food safety, and it also places new requirements on the food additive industry.   Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate   is an additive commonly used in phosphate products in food. Here we want to talk about why the current situation of the food grade phosphate industry stands in the position of "scattered, small, low, and chaotic". In fact, the specific performance is: 1. The production enterprise has serious waste of resources and low utilization rate. 2. The product structure is unreasonable and the refinement rate is low. 3. The enterprise is small in scale, high in cost and weak in competitiveness. 4. Environmental protection problems are prominent and pollution is serious. 5. Insufficient supervision of production and sales. Wansheng Chuandong strives to develop the leading industrial chain focusing on electronics and edible chemicals, highlighting the technological innovation and upgrading of the food grade phos

What are the advantages of potassium diformate to open a new road of resistance-free breeding?

  Solving food safety issues from the source, developing green animal husbandry and green food industry, and protecting the health of the people are the top priorities. Nowadays,   potassium diformate   is used in various feed additives such as pigs, chickens, ducks, aquatic products, etc., opening a new road of resistance-free breeding. What are the advantages? Advantages of potassium diformate: 1. Growth-promoting effect similar to antibiotics The reason why potassium diformate has the growth-promoting effect of antibiotics is that it is easy to understand and actually uses it to have a strong killing effect on pathogenic bacteria in the intestine. The unique antimicrobial function of potassium diformate is based on the combined effects of formic acid and formate. It is taken in the form of complete potassium diformate and passes through the acidic stomach to reach the neutral and alkaline posterior intestinal tract, which is automatically decomposed into formic acid and formate. The