
目前显示的是 六月, 2021的博文

Is tetrasodium pyrophosphate/TSPP the same as sodium pyrophosphate decahydrate?

  Sodium pyrophosphate usually exists in two forms, decahydrate and anhydrous. When you buy tetrasodium pyrophosphate/TSPP, you have to distinguish what kind of sodium pyrophosphate you need from sodium pyrophosphate decahydrate. Tetrasodium pyrophosphate is more widely used. Food grade sodium pyrophosphate is a common legal food additive in food, while   industrial grade sodium pyrophosphate/TSPP   is widely used in water treatment, printing and dyeing, washing and other industries. Na4P2O7.10H2O, molecular formula of sodium pyrophosphate decahydrate, relative molecular weight 446.07, decahydrate is colorless or white crystalline or crystalline powder. Tetrasodium pyrophosphate/TSPP molecular formula Na4P2O7, relative molecular weight 265.90, anhydrous substance is white powder, soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol and other organic solvents. The quality requirement of sodium pyrophosphate is relatively high. The sodium pyrophosphate of Chuandong Chemical Group uses hot acid as raw

Technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP softening sater used in washing industry

  In the laundry industry,   technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP   is used to dispose soft water for laundry, and the water quality is neutral. Washing clothes in soft water can increase the ability of decontamination and make them cleaner and brighter. The principle of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate using industrial sodium hexametaphosphate to soften hard water is that the calcium ion Ca ++  or magnesium ion Mg ++ , which causes the hardness in water, enters the sodium hexametaphosphate molecule and becomes a very stable soluble complex: Na 2  [Ca 2 (PO 3 ) 6 ] and Na 2 [Mg 2 (PO 3 ) 6 ], Ca ++  or Mg ++  in this complex is not easy to run out. The Technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP product produced by Chongqing Chuandong Chemical (Group) Co., Ltd. is produced from the genuine raw materials obtained by the thermal process of the phosphate rock of its own refined phosphorus mine. The particles are uniform and the impurities are less, less usage.

Can potassium formate oil drilling fluid meet the six major trends of oil and gas exploration?

  Drilling fluid is an indispensable and important part of oil drilling engineering. On the one hand, it is related to safe, fast and high quality drilling, on the other hand, it is related to reservoir protection. The effects of potassium formate on drilling fluid can be summarized as follows: protecting borehole wall, balancing formation earth pressure, cooling and lubricating drilling tools, providing bottom hole power, hydraulic rock breaking and returning bottom hole samples. But can   potassium formate oil drilling fluid   meet the six major trends of oil and gas exploration? To develop a new generation of petroleum geological exploration theory and supporting exploration engineering technology, the deeper the well is drilled, the more important the drilling fluid is. Potassium formate drilling fluid is widely used and can solve various problems, which vary greatly from place to place. Six major trends in oil and gas exploration: Development from Tectonic Trap to Lithologic Strat

Can sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP technical grade be used in basic dyeing auxiliaries?

  At present, the traditional acid dyeing bath condition dyeing method is still used in the dyeing and finishing of polyester fabrics. The method has the disadvantages of poor quality, low output and high production cost in the production process, and it is more and more unsuitable for the production needs, especially for the dyeing of polyester fabrics after alkali treatment. The root of these problems lies in the lack of basic dyeing auxiliaries, while   sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP technical grade   is a widely used dyeing auxiliaries in phosphate products. First, look at the advantages of basic dyeing aids: Basic dyeing auxiliaries, which are used as special dyeing auxiliaries for basic dyeing of polyester fabrics, popularize the basic dyeing methods. By optimizing alkali resistant disperse dyes and using special alkali agent, polyester fabric can be dyed and processed in alkaline condition, which can make the fabric bright in color, reduce defects such as color difference, flower

Manufacturer of Sodium tripolyphosphate/STPP tell you the importance of phosphate in meat processing

  Phosphate is the most widely used food quality improver in the world. In all fields of food production, phosphate plays an irreplaceable role in improving the quality of food, especially in meat processing. At present, there are many kinds of phosphates approved for use in food additives in China, including   sodium tripolyphosphate/STPP , sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP, sodium pyrophosphate, trisodium phosphate, disodium hydrogen phosphate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, sodium acid pyrophosphate, etc. The scientific addition of the above phosphates in food can help to diversify food varieties, improve their color, aroma, taste and shape, maintain the freshness and quality of food, and meet the needs of processing technology. They are important quality improvers. In the processing of meat products, adding phosphate has the following functions: increasing the pH value of meat; chelating metal ions in meat; increasing the ionic strength of meat; dissociating actin. Therefore, the water r

Formic acid feed grade can also be used as acidifier for poultry feed

  At present, acidifier has been widely used in piglet feed, poultry feed, silage and other fields as an effective, pollution-free and residue-free feed additive.   Formic acid feed grade   can greatly improve the function of feed. It can not only reduce the pH value of gastrointestinal tract, but also have good bacteriostasis and bactericidal effect. Formic acid (chemical formula HCOOH, molecular formula CH 2 O 2 , molecular weight 46.03), commonly known as formic acid, is a simple carboxylic acid. A colorless, irritating liquid. Weak electrolyte, melting point 8.6°C, boiling point 100.8°C. It is very acidic and corrosive and can stimulate skin blistering. It is found in the secretions of bees, certain ants and caterpillars. It is an organic chemical raw material and also used as a disinfectant and preservative.  Many mechanisms of action of feed acidifier are due to its acidification effect, that is, by reducing the pH value of digestive tract, some related factors affecting animal g

What is the function of food grade tetrasodium pyrophosphate/TSPP? The manufacturer tells you

  With the development of modern industry, food additives have become an indispensable part of life.   Tetrasodium pyrophosphate/TSPP   is also one of the food additives. Tetrasodium pyrophosphate/TSPP can react with metal ions. The pH value of its 1% aqueous solution is 10.0-10.2. It has the general properties of common polyphosphate, such as emulsifying, dispersing, preventing fat oxidation, improving protein binding, and inhibiting food oxidation and fermentation under high pH value. What is the function of food grade sodium pyrophosphate? Here, Chuandong Chemical Group listed several: 1. For the canned pork sausage, compound phosphates (60% sodium pyrophosphate, 40% sodium tripolyphosphate) were added when the meat was chopped and mixed. 2. In the process of heating, the canned poultry such as duck four treasures, mushroom duck wings and mushroom stewed duck are easy to release hydrogen sulfide, which reacts with iron ion in the tank to form black iron sulfide, affecting the qualit

Feed-grade calcium formate for efficient calcium supplementation in aquaculture

  Aquatic farmers know that the hardness of the water body is very important, not only for the conversion of organic matter, but also for reducing the toxicity of toxic substances (heavy metals, hydrogen sulfide), but also for the growth and development of algae and prawns. The hardness of water refers to the content of divalent and multivalent metal ions in the water, including calcium, magnesium, iron and so on. Therefore, to maintain the hardness of the water body, it is also a good choice to use   feed-grade calcium formate   to supplement calcium ions. First of all, if the water body's hardness is insufficient, the prawn's shelling and solidification physiological activities will be hindered. Therefore, the phenomenon of difficult shelling and soft shell is one of the main reasons for the disease of prawns. Shrimps need calcium to resist stress. The role of feed-grade calcium formate: 1. Calcium supplement: organic calcium with high calcium content can absorb quickly by sh

The solubility of technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP is related to temperature and pH

  Chemical formula of   sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP : Na 6 P 6 O 18 . It is a polar inorganic compound, soluble in water, with a relative density of 2.484 and a melting point of 616 ℃ (decomposition). The solubility in water is large, but slow. Phosphorus oxide and its hydrate have relatively strong water absorption, and become sticky after moisture absorption, so it is easy to deliquesce in the air. In general, with the increase of temperature, the solubility will increase (with some exceptions, such as calcium hydroxide). Therefore, the solubility of technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP is greatly affected by temperature. At 20 ℃, its solubility is 963.2g, while at 80 ℃, its solubility is as high as 1744g / kg (equivalent to two kilograms of product dissolved in one kilogram of water). However, its dissolution rate is slow, its aqueous solution is acid, and it is easy to hydrolyze to orthophosphate in warm water or acid-base solution. The hydrolysis process is irreversible

Sources and functions of food grade sodium tripolyphosphate/STPP

  China's interpretation of food additives is to improve food quality and color, aroma and flavor, as well as to preserve, preserve and process the need to add synthetic or natural substances in food. However, the role of sodium tripolyphosphate in food processing may be unclear to many people. Today, Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group will tell you about the source, classification and function of the   food grade sodium tripolyphosphate/STPP . First of all, sodium tripolyphosphate has two grades: food grade and industrial grade. The source of sodium tripolyphosphate is produced by phosphoric acid processing technology. Here is an important information that food grade sodium tripolyphosphate must be produced by thermal phosphoric acid in order to achieve the corresponding impurities, heavy metals and other control indicators. Sodium tripolyphosphate/STPP food grade is widely used in food industry. The following are used in daily life: 1. Sodium tripolyphosphate is used in meat prod

Using sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP technical grade to improve grinding efficiency and reduce grinding energy consumption

  Calcium carbonate is one of the most widely used inorganic fillers, which can be divided into two categories: heavy calcium and light calcium. The former is made of natural minerals (mainly limestone and calcite) after grinding, and the latter is obtained by chemical precipitation. With the development of technology, environmental protection and energy problems,   sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP technical grade   has become a grinding aid to improve grinding efficiency and reduce grinding energy consumption. One of the reasons for the low output of heavy calcium is the lack of mature superfine grinding technology. Superfine grinding is a process of high energy consumption. How to reduce the energy consumption and improve the efficiency of superfine grinding is an urgent problem to be solved. Then Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group, the manufacturer of sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP technical grade, tells you that the use of grinding aid industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate can impr

Is your food safe without adding food grade SHMP?

  For ordinary consumers, it may be difficult to see the variety of food additives. Therefore, when choosing and purchasing processed food, there is a relatively simple and safe way, that is, we must pay attention to the selection of all kinds of food produced by regular manufacturers. Because regular manufacturers use additives in strict accordance with national regulations to regulate their production and consumption, as well as the purchase of food additives are very strict, so the food you see contains   food grade SHMP   is not necessarily a bad thing? For example, those preserved fruits that have been kept in supermarkets for a long time, those soy sauces and salted vegetables, without the help of two "natural preservatives" of sugar and salt, will be quickly destroyed by bacteria and mold. But now people all know that eating too much salt and sugar is not good for health. So low-sugar preserved fruits and low-salt pickles have to resort to synthetic preservatives. For

Manufacturer of sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP tells you the importance of direct selling

  In the trade environment of "one belt and one road", the importance of logistics is beyond doubt. For those who like online shopping, express logistics is really familiar. The logistics information of packages can be directly seen in the current common application of electronic commerce platform, which shows that logistics plays an important role in the direct sales of products by electronic commerce and   manufacturer of sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP . Now, manufacturers of sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP are also vigorously developing online direct supply, so that large chemical products can also achieve online transactions. Sodium hexametaphosphate, a manufacturer, ensures the supply and transportation of goods in warehousing and logistics. Therefore, it is also very important for the electronics business to choose a good logistics. It is more important to choose a good sodium hexametaphosphate manufacturer for direct marketing, and less intermediate docking links. Direct

Whether food grade sodium tripolyphosphate is good or bad in food processing

  Various opinions about food additives have come out with various news and aroused fears of many small partners about food additives. In fact, some friends'understanding is biased. So sodium tripolyphosphate as one of the food additives, Chongqing Chuandong Chemical will tell you whether the use of   food grade sodium tripolyphosphate   in food processing is good or bad. Food grade sodium tripolyphosphate is mainly used as a quality improver in food processing. It can improve the complex metal ions, adjust the pH value and increase the ionic strength of food, thereby improving the binding force and water holding capacity of food. Sodium tripolyphosphate is used as a quality improver and water retainer for meat products, fruit juice drinks, beer, dairy products and soybean products. It can be used for ham and canned food to soften meat and increase adhesion force, for aquatic products to gain weight and keep fresh, for milk products to prevent protein from condensation and precipit

How to make up for calcium deficiency in pigs? Teach you to use feed grade calcium formate to save money and be effective

  In pig production, calcium deficiency in sows and piglets is a common metabolic disease. In normal pigs, calcium accounts for about 1.5% to 2.2% of body weight. Among them, 99% of calcium exists in bones and teeth in the form of apatite, and the rest is distributed in body fluids and soft tissues in a dissolved state. So how to make up for calcium deficiency in pigs? Teach you to use   feed grade calcium formate   to save money and be effective. 1. Symptoms of calcium deficiency in pigs Calcium deficiency in pigs used to be a common metabolic disease, and the body temperature of calcium-deficient pigs is generally not high. But it will cause the pigs to stand unsteadily, poor in spirit in the later stage, and become lethargic. Calcium deficiency can also cause hindquarters to be insensitive to painful stimuli, and reduce food intake and drinking. However, since the advent of pig premix, the ratio of calcium to phosphorus has been prepared according to the growth stages of pigs, and t

How about the quality of potassium formate drilling fluid?

  Since the beginning of this year, in the face of unfavorable factors such as deep well depth, high pressure, and large temperature difference in the southwestern work area, requirements for the lubrication of drilling fluid, wellbore stability and wellbore cleaning capabilities are extremely high. In drilling operations, there are generally at least two cementing (production wells) and as many as 4 to 5 cementing (deep exploratory wells).   Potassium formate   is a new type of drilling fluid at present. It does not paste the vibrating screen or run the slurry when drilling. It has strong inhibition, good wall-building properties, good lubricity, fast mechanical drilling speed, low cost, and good cementing effect. And other features are widely used. Purpose of using potassium formate drilling fluid for cementing: 1. Potassium formate drilling fluid can isolate complex formations that are easy to collapse and lose, consolidate the drilled wells, and ensure the smooth progress of drilli

Application of sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP in new flour improver

  Processing fresh noodles only has the best effect of gluten source. Fresh noodles, wonton skin, dumplings and other raw and wet fresh noodles products have smooth gluten track, good boiling resistance and not muddy soup, good elasticity, no shrinkage and cracks in freezing, so as to prevent acid, bright and no color change. That is to add additives or improvers to flour. Today, Chuandong Chemical Group will tell you about the use of   sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP   in new flour improvers. As a new flour improver, sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP is mainly used in four ways: 1. Improving the hardness of Water Water is one of the four basic raw materials for bread processing. The quality of water used in bread processing also has its specific requirements. The quality of water is closely related to the bread processing process and final quality. The hardness of bread processing water should be moderate, that is, 8-16 degrees. Too hard or too soft water is not suitable for bread processin

Sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP) can not only improve food quality but also reduces cost

  In modern society, food additives are ubiquitous. Food additives are designed to improve food satisfaction, but what food can be added, what food can not be added, how much is strictly controlled, are measured by scientific standards. For example,   sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP)   has been scientifically validated before it is included in the legal scope. As long as it is added according to the national standards in food production, it will not cause health hazards. How to use sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP) to reduce the cost of food processing without reducing the quality of food? Following CDchem, let's first look at the principles of choosing sodium hexametaphosphate as water retention agent. 1. Sodium hexametaphosphate must have food grade production license, such as Chuandong Chemical Group. More importantly, it needs food grade thermal production to control heavy metals and impurities more effectively. 2. The solubility of sodium hexametaphosphate must be good. The retaine