
目前显示的是 五月, 2022的博文

Food additive sodium tripolyphosphate has a good effect on improving noodle products from eating to sensory

  Food additives do not refer to a certain substance, but a large family. Food additives use standards divide it into 20 categories in China. Noodles are a complex high-molecular organic compound, and there are many problems involved in the processing process. In order to make the noodle products taste better, the quality of the noodles will be improved by adding one or several food additives during processing.   Food additive sodium tripolyphosphate   is a commonly used additive. We will tell you about the mechanism of sodium tripolyphosphate in noodle processing. A large number of experimental studies in the process of noodle processing have shown that the proper addition of food additive sodium tripolyphosphate has a good effect on improving the quality of noodle products from eating to sensory. At present, the mechanism of action of sodium tripolyphosphate in noodle processing is explained as follows: 1. Promote gluten protein and starch to enhance the binding force of starch and g

Manufacturer of potassium diformate tells you how to "replace antibiotics"

  In the past, antibiotics were commonly used in animal husbandry to change the microflora environment in the intestinal tract, which has the effect of promoting growth. The first issue is drug resistance, followed by food and product safety issues. With the increasing infection rate of animal diseases, green additives are an inevitable requirement for the development trend of modern animal husbandry. The use of   potassium diformate feed additive  instead of antibiotics is also conducive to ensuring food safety at the source, achieving green farming, and producing food of green animal origin. Potassium diformate is a mixture of organic formic acid and potassium formate, which can replace the efficacy of antibiotics in livestock breeding. Everyone talks about "prohibiting antibiotics", and now manufacturer will tell you how to use potassium diformate to "replace antibiotics". The efficacy of potassium diformate: 1. Has a broad-spectrum high-efficiency sterilization

Is it true that calcium formate can be added to tile adhesives? The manufacturer tells you

  Because of the epidemic, various industries are more or less affected, as is architecture. Recently, many friends asked us whether calcium formate can be added to the tile adhesive. There are also many consultations every day. In order to let everyone step on the thunder and improve the efficiency of the response, the relevant uses of   calcium formate   in the tile adhesive are organized and sent out in the hope that it will be helpful to everyone. Ceramic tile adhesive refers to cement-based ceramic tile adhesive. The main ingredients are cement, sand, cellulose and calcium formate mixed together. In mortar, calcium formate can improve the adhesion, not only the early strength agent, but also can be used in thermal insulation board and tile adhesive.First look at the role of tile adhesive: 1. Strong binding force, which is 3-5 times that of traditional cement, river sand and brick. 2. No empty drums, no falling bricks, no sliding. 3. Water-resistant, moisture-proof and anti-aging.

How to use feed additive potassium diformate to get rid of the dependence on antibiotics for pig?

  Veterinary antibiotics, like food additives, suffer from abuses in the application section, and they have similarities. Using their growth-promoting functions, abuses such as overdose, overrange, and non-implementation of drug withdrawal periods are common. This has led to a series of incidents such as production safety and food safety in the aquaculture industry. With the publication of the Ministry of Agriculture's website on food animals, some pharmaceutical preparations banned can be seen as a general trend in breeding. Farms should consciously choose non-antibiotic substitutes of   feed additive potassium diformate   for animal health. The raw material of pig feed is mainly cheap ration, in order to ensure the growth performance of live pigs and accelerate the conversion of slaughter. Antibiotics have become popular among farmers, so how to use feed additive potassium diformate to get rid of pigs' dependence on antibiotics? You can start from the following aspects: 1. Pr

Liucheng Chuandong conducts emergency plan drills for hazardous chemical accidents

On the afternoon of May 19,   Liucheng Chuandong Company   carried out a drill on emergency response plans for hazardous chemical accidents. Taking the leakage of No. 5 storage tank of phosphorus phosphate library as the emergency disposal method, the company-level emergency procedure was sounded, and the whole exercise process was tense and orderly. It not only trains the emergency response team, but also improves the level of emergency response. The drill was carried out from discovery reporting, plan initiation, on-site rescue, medical rescue, safe evacuation, and accident reporting, covering all aspects of emergency rescue. During the drill, the enterprise leadership was strong, the response was positive, the response was quick, the drill was coherent, the disposal measures were in place, the organization and coordination were thorough, the drill was close to actual combat, and it played a strong role in safety education and demonstration. Through this drill, the drill goals of tes

Is potassium formate divided into solid and liquid? The factory tells you

  Recently, we received a consultation about why some potassium formate content is more than 90%, some content is only more than 70%. Is the low content of potassium formate fake? So today, we will give you a detailed explanation about the quality of potassium formate. In fact, as long as the quality of potassium formate produced by regular manufacturers like Chongqing Chuandong Chemical is guaranteed. Why is there so much difference in content? In fact,   potassium formate   is divided into solid and liquid. The content of solid potassium formate is more than 96% in the quality index. The solid potassium formate is white solid. It is easy to absorb moisture. It can react with strong oxidant. Its density is 1.9100g/cm 3 . It is soluble in water, non-toxic and non-corrosive. The content of potassium formate is more than 74% is liquid, and the liquid is colourless and transparent (like pure water). Potassium oxide has high solubility in water (ten or even tens of times as much as other p

What are the advantages of ceramic grade sodium tripolyphosphate in the ceramic industry? The factory tells you

  Sodium tripolyphosphate has excellent properties of chelating hard metal ions and has a good degumming effect in ceramic production. Chuandong Chemical Group's technological innovation in the original sodium tripolyphosphate thermal process has developed   ceramic grade sodium tripolyphosphate   specifically for the ceramic industry, so the effect reflected in the ceramic industry is more obvious and better. In ceramic enterprises, how to effectively reduce production costs and increase output? First of all, we must reduce the viscosity of the mud and improve the fluidity of the mud. Reduce mud water content, thereby reducing energy consumption of ball mill and spray drying tower. Increase the output, and make the particle gradation of the powder more reasonable, improve the comprehensive performance of the powder, and increase the strength of the green body. Compared with other domestic sodium tripolyphosphate or ceramic diluent, the sodium tripolyphosphate used for the degummin

Can the purity of potassium diformate feed grade reach 98%?

  Do you really understand the new non-antibiotic feed additives? Feed additives that replace antibiotics are on the market like overnight mushrooms. In order to save costs, many feed enterprises and farmers have ignored the standard of feed addition and selected some relatively low-cost additive raw materials. However, how effective is this? Can the purity of   potassium diformate feed grade   reach 98%? In China, due to the environmental conditions, density conditions, epidemic prevention conditions and other factors of large-scale breeding, anti-resistance has also gone through the data research of the resistance-free pilot, a period of persistence and the implementation of auxiliary measures. For example, improving the breeding environment, increasing animal health investment, and improving management can restore the breeding benefits after antibiotics are stopped. The rational use of non-antibiotic feed additives after anti-resistance is also to adjust animal nutrition and reduce

Choose a good manufacturer of sodium hexametaphosphate to make consumers feel more at ease

  Food safety has always been one of the focus areas of consumer concern. As the   manufacturer of sodium hexametaphosphate , we think that the safety of food additives is also a top priority. Choosing sodium hexametaphosphate should start with the manufacturer. The credit of the manufacturer who specializes in producing phosphate, such as Chongqing Chuandong Chemical, is very good. Sixty-four years of research and development of production technology, but also with the relevant qualifications of food grade production, so that sodium hexametaphosphate in food applications more widely. Secondly, the production of food grade sodium hexametaphosphate must be based on food grade phosphoric acid and soda by thermal method. Because wet-process phosphoric acid can not achieve the quality of food grade production, because in the preparation method, the thermal process is yellow phosphorus furnace to produce yellow phosphorus, and then burning water to absorb into phosphoric acid. The wet proce

What is the effect of temperature on the use of potassium formate in completion fluids? The factory tells you

When drilling into target formation, in order to protect oil and gas reservoirs, a special drilling fluid is often used for drilling. This special drilling fluid is completion fluid. Potassium formate is a new additive for drilling and completion fluids. It has many advantages, such as strong inhibition, good temperature stability and compatibility, low corrosion, environmental protection and good reservoir protection. So, what is the effect of temperature on the use of  potassium formate  in completion fluids? The factory tells you. The effects of potassium formate concentration, dissolution temperature and dissolution time on the solubility of sodium chloride and calcium sulfate have been studied experimentally. The results show that temperature has a great influence on the solubility of calcium sulfate in potassium formate solution. The dissolution of calcium sulfate in potassium formate solution with the same concentration increases with the increase of temperature. Temperature als

Thermal phosphoric acid of Liucheng Chuandong output reached a new high

  Recently, good news came from Liucheng Chuandong, a subsidiary of the group company. The company should go all out to carry out work around the production of thermal phosphoric acid. The   thermal phosphoric acid   of Liucheng Chuandong output reached a new high. The group company issued the monthly production index of industrial grade polyphosphoric acid and purified phosphoric acid products to Liucheng Chuandong, requiring the large and small systems of phosphoric acid workshop to produce at full capacity, and the daily output of purified phosphoric acid should reach the specified data. In order to clarify the production responsibility, Liucheng Chuandong adjusted the organizational structure of the phosphoric acid workshop and clearly defined the responsibilities of the person in charge of the workshop, so as to deal with relevant matters in production faster and more effectively, pay close attention to detail management, successfully completed the production task assigned by the

The manufacturer of technical grade sodium tripolyphosphate(STPP) tells you whether the effect of the dispergator is related to the amount of the dispergator used

  It is well known that technical grade sodium tripolyphosphate(STPP) is used as a dispergato in the ceramic industry. If a good dispergato is used, it can not only reduce the amount of additions in the production of raw materials, reduce the production cost of enterprises, but also improve the properties of mud. Therefore, technical grade sodium tripolyphosphate(STPP) as a kind of paving material in dispergato products plays a vital role in the production of ceramic raw materials. Talking about the importance of the dispergator, the manufacturer of   technical grade sodium tripolyphosphate(STPP)   tells you whether the effect of the dispergator is related to the amount of the dispergator used. As a professional manufacturer of ceramic additive sodium tripolyphosphate(STPP), Chongqing Chuandong Chemical has independently developed ceramic grade sodium tripolyphosphate(STPP) specializing in the properties of various ceramic additives, including dispergator, green body additive, water re

What is the role of phosphate in grain and oil products? The manufacturer of sodium tripolyphosphate tells you

  Phosphorus is an essential mineral element for human body. The main source of phosphorus intake is natural food or food phosphate additives. Phosphate is one of the natural components of almost all foods. At present, there are many kinds of phosphates approved for use in food additives in China, including sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium hexametaphosphate, sodium pyrophosphate, trisodium phosphate, disodium hydrogen phosphate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, sodium acid pyrophosphate, etc. So, what is the role of phosphate in grain and oil products? The manufacturer of   sodium tripolyphosphate   tells you. Phosphates can improve noodles mainly by increasing gluten strength and reducing starch extracts, enhancing viscoelasticity and improving surface finish of noodles. The application of phosphate in the production of quick-frozen steamed bread is mainly to improve the texture and taste of steamed bread; increase the water-holding capacity of steamed bread, reduce the moisture loss of st

What is the role of phosphate in grain and oil products? The manufacturer of sodium tripolyphosphate tells you

  Phosphorus is an essential mineral element for human body. The main source of phosphorus intake is natural food or food phosphate additives. Phosphate is one of the natural components of almost all foods. At present, there are many kinds of phosphates approved for use in food additives in China, including sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium hexametaphosphate, sodium pyrophosphate, trisodium phosphate, disodium hydrogen phosphate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, sodium acid pyrophosphate, etc. So, what is the role of phosphate in grain and oil products? The manufacturer of   sodium tripolyphosphate   tells you. Phosphates can improve noodles mainly by increasing gluten strength and reducing starch extracts, enhancing viscoelasticity and improving surface finish of noodles. The application of phosphate in the production of quick-frozen steamed bread is mainly to improve the texture and taste of steamed bread; increase the water-holding capacity of steamed bread, reduce the moisture loss of st

Can the purity of potassium diformate feed additive reach 98%? The factory tells you

  Do you really understand the new non-antibiotic feed additives? Feed additives that replace antibiotics are on the market like overnight mushrooms. In order to save costs, many feed enterprises and farmers have ignored the standard of feed addition and selected some relatively low-cost additive raw materials. However, how effective is this? Can the purity of   potassium diformate feed additive   reach 98%? The factory tells you. In China, due to the environmental conditions, density conditions, epidemic prevention conditions and other factors of large-scale breeding, anti-resistance has also gone through the data research of the resistance-free pilot, a period of persistence and the implementation of auxiliary measures. For example, improving the breeding environment, increasing animal health investment, and improving management can restore the breeding benefits after antibiotics are stopped. The rational use of non-antibiotic feed additives after anti-resistance is also to adjust an

The manufacturer tells you what role does food additive sodium pyrophosphate play in food

  The National Food Safety Standard clearly states that food additives are artificial or natural substances added to foods to improve food quality and color, aroma, and taste, as well as for the needs of antiseptic, freshness, and processing techniques. Adding food additives to food is to make the food taste or quality better, longer storage time, safer and so on. Food grade sodium pyrophosphate is also one of the food additives. The manufacturer will tell you what role does   food additive sodium pyrophosphate   play in food. Food additive sodium pyrophosphate is used as a quality improver, emulsifying and dispersing agent, buffering agent, chelating agent, etc. in food processing. It has the generality of condensed phosphate. The chelating and dispersing effect is obvious. It can resist flocculation; it can prevent fat oxidation and fat. Protein thickening and other effects. When the PH value is high, it has the effect of inhibiting food spoilage and fermentation. Sodium pyrophosphat

The concentration of sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP) plays an important role in mineral separation

  Sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP)   is often used to inhibit carbonates such as calcite and limestone in the flotation process, and can also be used as an inhibitor of gangue minerals such as quartz and silicate. For example, in the flotation of iron ore, tall oil is used as collector, and sodium hexametaphosphate and aluminum silicate are used as inhibitors of quartz and silicate to separate iron-containing minerals from quartz and silicate. Sodium hexametaphosphate competes with the collector sodium oleate for adsorption on the surface of diaspore and kaolinite minerals. Because the adsorption capacity of sodium oleate on the surface of diaspore is stronger than that on the surface of kaolinite. Therefore, sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP) has a greater influence on the adsorption capacity of sodium oleate on the surface of kaolinite than the adsorption capacity on the surface of diaspore, which is beneficial to the separation of diaspore and kaolinite. However, when the concentration of

The factory tells you how to distinguish genuine or imitative sodium tripolyphosphate

  Many people do not know that   sodium tripolyphosphate(STPP)   is not only used in water treatment agents, surfactants and food additives, but also widely used as an important detergent additive in synthetic detergents, as well as in ceramics production. Therefore, the demand for sodium tripolyphosphate in the market remains high. In order to prevent some malicious business, the factory will tell you how to distinguish genuine or imitative sodium tripolyphosphate. First, the appearance of sodium tripolyphosphate. It has a white granule or powder appearance. Those who have been exposed to high quality sodium tripolyphosphate should be aware that it should feel like an expanded particle or powder. If you pinch it and it's loose and sticky, you need to pay attention to it! Secondly, take clear water and dissolve proper amount of sodium tripolyphosphate of Chuandong Chemical in water. The genuine sodium tripolyphosphate solution should be clear and transparent. If you add the same am

Can sodium tripolyphosphate in the list of food ingredients be eaten normally?

  Food refers to all kinds of finished products and raw materials for human consumption or drinking. Food safety is a major basic livelihood issue related to every family and everyone. Food additive industry of our coutry started late, but developed very rapidly. Adding   sodium tripolyphosphate   in food processing is to improve the quality of products and provide higher quality products. Food additives play an important role in improving the color, flavor, nutritional value and shelf life of food. On the one hand, food additives have greatly promoted the development of food industry and are known as the soul of modern food industry. On the other hand, the abuse of food additives and the non-standard of the industry have brought more and more problems to food safety. Sodium tripolyphosphate is an additive used in food additives to improve food quality, prolong food storage life, facilitate food processing and increase food nutrients. It is often used to improve the quality of food suc

Can calcium supplementation for piglets be replaced with organic feed grade calcium formate?

  Regarding the question of whether calcium supplementation for pigs can be replaced with   feed grade calcium formate , presumably many farmers have some doubts about this. Chuandong Chemical Group would like to tell you that it is your wise decision to change calcium supplementation to calcium formate for pigs. The characteristics of calcium formate are: good digestion, good absorption, good use, and does not require the participation of gastric acid, reducing the use of acidifiers, thus reducing the cost of feed. Piglets cannot produce enough acid in the stomach after weaning, and the PH value of the lysate in the stomach is too high to achieve a better digestion effect. The required PH is less than 4. This lack of acidity can lead to many problems including insufficient activation of pepsin, increased gastric emptying rate and poor ability to control gastrointestinal flora. This inhibits the digestion of protein, causing piglet indigestion, diarrhea, diarrhea, and the utilization r