What is the role of phosphate in grain and oil products? Manufacturer of sodium tripolyphosphate tells you

 Phosphorus is an essential mineral element for human body. The main source of phosphorus intake is natural food or food phosphate additives. Phosphate is one of the natural components of almost all foods. At present, there are many kinds of phosphates approved for use in food additives in China, including sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium hexametaphosphate, sodium pyrophosphate, trisodium phosphate, disodium hydrogen phosphate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, sodium acid pyrophosphate, etc. So, what is the role of phosphate in grain and oil products? Manufacturer of sodium tripolyphosphate tells you.

Phosphates can improve noodles mainly by increasing gluten strength and reducing starch extracts, enhancing viscoelasticity and improving surface finish of noodles.

The application of phosphate in the production of quick-frozen steamed bread is mainly to improve the texture and taste of steamed bread; increase the water-holding capacity of steamed bread, reduce the moisture loss of steamed bread during cooling after forming, proofing and steaming; increase the bulkiness of steamed bread; reduce The crack after the hoe is thawed; the airbag of the steamed bread is more uniform, the texture is fine, and the taste is good.

Compound phosphate also has some influence on quick-frozen dumplings. Adding phosphate can inhibit the color deepening of dumpling skin after thawing. The application of compound phosphates in seafood processing can effectively solve the problem of loss of seafood flavor and nutrients, prevent and reduce oxidation, reduce the discoloration and taste of the body, make its muscle tissue have better water retention and taste, and improve its water retention during thawing.



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