
目前显示的是 三月, 2023的博文

The manufacturer of sodium pyrophosphate food grade in China tells you it is also a water-retaining agent

  Food additives are getting more and more widely used in the current food processing industry. Food additives can improve the color, flavor and taste of food. The   manufacturer of sodium pyrophosphate food grade in China   tells you it is also a water-retaining agent. Polyphosphate is a very hydrophilic moisture retention agent, which can stabilize the moisture contained in food well. Its water holding capacity is related to the type, amount of polyphosphate, PH value of food, ionic strength and other factors. For meat products and seafood, the best water holding capacity is pyrophosphate, such as food grade sodium pyrophosphate. The second is tripolyphosphate. As the chain length increases, the water holding capacity of polyphosphate will weaken. The general mechanism of food grade sodium pyrophosphate water retaining agent are: 1. Raise the PH of meat Let the PH value of the meat move to the alkaline direction, away from the isoelectric point, so that the water holding capacity is

The manufacturer in China reveals the various production methods of sodium hexametaphosphate

Recently, we found that everyone has studied and discussed a lot on the production process of sodium hexametaphosphate, such as thermal or wet production, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each, I believe everyone is familiar with it. And the manufacturer in China want to tell you the production method of   sodium hexametaphosphate : 1. Sodium dihydrogen phosphate method The soda ash solution is neutralized with phosphoric acid at 80-100°C. For 2 hours, and the resulting sodium dihydrogen phosphate solution is evaporated and concentrated, cooled and crystallized to obtain sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate. Heat to 110-230°C to remove 2 crystal water, continue heating to remove structural water, and further heat to 620°C to dehydrate, the resulting sodium metaphosphate melt will be polymerized into sodium hexametaphosphate. Then it is discharged and quenched from 650°C to 60-80°C to form tablets, and then crushed to obtain a finished product of sodium hexametaphosphat

Can sodium tripolyphosphate be added to the production of oil stain cleaning agents for metal parts?

Mechanical oil used in metal processing. If oil stains adhere to the surface of metal parts, they will affect the coating and assembly of subsequent parts, and the oil stains on the parts will cause the entire production environment to be unable to maintain cleanliness. Therefore, the surface dirt in each process needs to be promptly cleaned with industrial cleaning agents, and   sodium tripolyphosphate   is one of the auxiliary industrial cleaning agents. Sodium tripolyphosphate, also known as pentasodium phosphate, is a white powder or granular solid. Soluble in water, capable of complexing alkali metals with metal salts, capable of softening water, adjusting and buffering the PH value of the saponification value, with a PH of 9.7 for 1% solution, and having ion exchange capacity. Emulsification, dispersion and solubilization properties of sodium tripolyphosphate Sodium tripolyphosphate has characteristics of dispersion, emulsification, and gelation for fine dust particles and oil dr

The manufacturer of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate in China tell you the principle of paper pulp dispersant

When it comes to paper, it is a common item in life. Household paper and work paper are used in a wide range of applications, and the quality requirements for paper are more stringent. Manufacturers of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate also have a full understanding of the dispersion effect of   industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate   in papermaking, so that the downstream papermaking industry can produce better quality paper. For the papermaking process, fibers, fillers, and some additives are all water-insoluble and tend to accumulate in the aqueous solution, and different materials are often kept away as far as possible due to incompatibility. This makes it difficult to obtain paper with uniform properties and ideal strength. Therefore, industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate is added in the paper production process. Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate is an inorganic dispersant and is easily soluble in water. It can promote a good dispersion of paper fibers and

The manufacturer of sodium hexametaphosphate in China tells you correct addition of SHMP in food processing can also make people eat healthier and eat at ease

When it comes to food safety, many people will definitely think of food additives right away. In the eyes of many people, food additives are toxic and harmful chemicals, and they are also the culprit of food safety problems.   Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate in China   is a commonly used additive in food processing. Is it true that it plays a role in food? In fact, food grade sodium hexametaphosphate is not as terrible as everyone thinks, and illegal additives are the culprit. Illegal additives and food additives are not the same thing. Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate is a legal additive in the national food additive list. What is food grade sodium hexametaphosphate? Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate is a phosphate product widely used in food additives. It is added to food as an additive to improve food quality, color, aroma and taste, as well as for the needs of anti-corrosion, preservation and processing technology. Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate in China plays an impo

The manufacturer tells you why is there a big difference in the market price of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate

Although the phosphorus chemical industry is mainly based on phosphate ore, with the development of science and technology, the phosphorus chemical industry is gradually transitioning to the fine phosphorus chemical industry. Many phosphorous chemical products such as sodium hexametaphosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium pyrophosphate, etc. are playing an increasingly important role in people's clothing, food, housing, and transportation. The manufacturer tells you why is there a big difference in the market price of   industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate . In industry, sodium hexametaphosphate is one of the basic raw materials of the chemical industry. Let's take a look at why the market price of sodium hexametaphosphate is different? 1. The prices of dealers and manufacturers are not uniform, and the manufacturers do the quantity, so they are generally much cheaper than the dealers. 2. There are substandard products adulterated, and some unscrupulous merchants sell t

The manufacturer tells you significance and effect of food grade sodium hexametaphosphate on food improvement

"The more the food is in its original flavor and natural, the safer and healthier it is." This is what many people think now. In fact, modern food production and processing are inseparable from food additives, and there is almost no real zero-addition processed foods. The so-called zero-addition is just a trick of business promotion.   Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate   is a commonly used food water retention agent and a quality improver. Today, the manufacturer will tell you significance and effect of food grade sodium hexametaphosphate on food improvement. After food sodium hexametaphosphate is used in the food industry, it plays the following important roles: (1) Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate can improve sensory indicators such as food color, aroma, taste and taste. Food color, aroma, taste, shape and taste are important indicators to measure food quality. Food processing generally involves physical processes such as grinding, crushing, heating, and pressure. Duri

What is the basis for the amount of food additive sodium tripolyphosphate/STPP in food processing?

Food additives have greatly promoted the development of the food industry and are known as the soul of the modern food industry, which is mainly because it brings many benefits to the food industry. But the use of food additives should be safe and effective, and the most important thing is to ensure safety. In addition to complying with relevant standards and regulations, such as food additive hygiene standards, food additive quality specifications and good manufacturing practices, the most important thing is to ensure that the intake of added food additives does not exceed the daily allowance. Intakes and additions during production and processing.   Sodium tripolyphosphate/STPP   is no exception as a member of food additives. Sodium tripolyphosphate is an additive added to food. The specific dosage is introduced below.  "Sanitary Standards for the Use of Food Additives" (GB2760-2011) of china stipulates that the maximum amount of sodium tripolyphosphate canned food, fruit j

The manufacturer of food grade sodium hexametaphosphate in China tells you it is a high-quality food additive

When it comes to food additives, most people hear about it. Maybe you always want to avoid food additives, but you never understand its mystery. As a commonly used food additive, sodium hexametaphosphate is a high-quality food improver with its performance meeting requirements and good safety. The following the manufacturer will uncover the mystery of the   food additive sodium hexametaphosphate . Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate is a phosphate produced by thermal phosphoric acid. Sodium hexametaphosphate is commonly used in the list of food additives. Is the food additive sodium hexametaphosphate safe? In fact, the safety of food additive sodium hexametaphosphate itself is relatively high. Because the world uses uniform food additive safety assessment methods and standards, its management is implemented in a real-time dynamic supervision. Its management includes the Health and Family Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China and the State Food and Drug Administratio

Food safety should not be careless - the manufacturer of food grade sodium tripolyphosphate in China tells you its safety

Additives and food additives are different concepts. The application of sodium tripolyphosphate as a food additive in food can effectively improve the quality, color, aroma, and shape of food, as well as extend the storage life of food. The   manufacturer of food grade sodium tripolyphosphate in China   tells you its safety. Nowadays, many people object to food additives because they are afraid that foods with additives are not nutritious and unsafe. However, reasonable food additives can precisely adjust the nutritional structure and achieve balanced nutrition and supplementary nutrition. In large-scale and modern food production, the correct and standardized use of the food additive sodium tripolyphosphate has the following benefits: (1) Increase the storage performance of food, extend the shelf life, and prevent spoilage caused by microorganisms And deterioration caused by oxidation. (2) Improve the color, aroma, and texture of food. (3) It is conducive to food processing operations

Is sodium tripolyphosphate in China used for food processing water retention or water injection?

Water conservation and water injection of food are two different concepts. Water injection is illegally used by some unscrupulous businesses for the benefit of interests, while   sodium tripolyphosphate   is a water retaining agent and one of the food additives, which is safe and guaranteed when used in accordance with the requirements of national standards. In fact, we should know from the name that water retention can increase the water content of food by 10% - 60% without damaging the taste, and increase the water content of food cells without damaging them. However, water injection is simply to inject water into muscle tissue. The free water, which is still in a free state, will be lost from muscle tissue by slight processing (heat treatment or freezing treatment), which will not only improve the appearance and taste of meat, but also affect the later consumption. The use of water retention agent for different foods is also different. Sodium tripolyphosphate is a commonly used wate

What is the use of calcium formate in construction? The manufacturer of calcium formate in China tells you

With the development of the city's economy, the construction of highways, bridges, tunnels, and civil construction projects will require stricter use of early strength agents. Especially in winter, in order to improve the construction period, the cement mortar needs to be raised as soon as possible and put into use. What is the use of calcium formate in construction? The   manufacturer of calcium formate in China   tells you. Calcium formate is a good early strength agent. Although both calcium formate and calcium chloride are calcium salts, relatively speaking, the performance of calcium formate is more stable. Because the formic acid in calcium formate is a weak acid. The solution will be weakly alkaline during the hydrolysis in the aqueous solution. It can be widely used in mortar. Calcium formate is now a newly developed low temperature early strength accelerator in China, which has been widely used in various construction cement mortars. The earliest known and used chlorine sa

The manufacturer of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP tell you the principle of paper pulp dispersant

When it comes to paper, it is a common item in life. Household paper and work paper are used in a wide range of applications, and the quality requirements for paper are more stringent. Manufacturers of   industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP   also have a full understanding of the dispersion effect of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate in papermaking, so that the downstream papermaking industry can produce better quality paper. For the papermaking process, fibers, fillers, and some additives are all water-insoluble and tend to accumulate in the aqueous solution, and different materials are often kept away as far as possible due to incompatibility. This makes it difficult to obtain paper with uniform properties and ideal strength. Therefore, industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate is added in the paper production process. Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate is an inorganic dispersant and is easily soluble in water. It can promote a good dispersion of paper fibers

The manufacturer of industrial grade sodium pyrophosphate in China tells you it can act as washing aid in detergents

What is a washing aid? Adding auxiliary materials related to decontamination and improving washing performance to detergents is called washing assistants. Detergent assistants are an important part of detergents. The   manufacturer of industrial grade sodium pyrophosphate in China   tells you it can act as washing aid in detergents. What are the main functions of detergent auxiliaries: first, they soften water, second, they play the role of alkaline buffer, and last, they have the role of wetting, emulsifying, suspending and dispersing, mainly to prevent dirt from attaching to clothing and anti redeposition. In addition to the function of softening water, industrial grade sodium pyrophosphate can also redissolve insoluble salts of calcium and magnesium, such as clothes fiber, which contains dirt formed by insoluble calcium soap or other metal soaps, which can re-dissolve and improve Decontamination ability. In addition, sodium pyrophosphate has a deflocculating effect, which makes the

Sodium pyrophosphate can also be used as a food additive

  Food additives have been widely used in daily life. Under the condition of not exceeding the scope and quantity of use, food additives bring more high-quality choices for life. In many food ingredients, we can see the figure of   food grade sodium pyrophosphate . Sodium pyrophosphate can also be used as a food additive. Sodium pyrophosphate, also known as tetrasodium phosphate, is divided into anhydrous and decahydrate. Decahydrate is colorless or white crystalline or crystalline powder, anhydrous is white powder, soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol and other organic solvents. The complex ability with Cu 2+ , Fe 2+ , Mn 2+  and other metal ions is strong. The aqueous solution is stable below 70 ℃, and hydrolyzed to disodium hydrogen phosphate when boiling. In the food industry, sodium hexametaphosphate, sodium pyrophosphate and sodium tripolyphosphate, as food quality improvers, have the functions of pH regulator, metal ion chelating agent, emulsifying dispersant and adhesive. Sod

The manufacturer tells you industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate in China can effectively remove gray matter from dyed fabrics

The PH value of   industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate   aqueous solution is close to neutral, so its traditional use in dyeing and finishing is mainly used as a water softener. It can prevent the agglomeration of dyes and soaps, and can also treat boilers, recycle water and use it as a scouring aid. Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP can also require particularly strict requirements for the elasticity and whiteness of white fabric production. The accumulation of some dyes in the fabric production will affect the surface quality of the fabric and cause the luster of the fabric to be dull. Even gray areas appear on the cloth surface, making some special fabrics fail to meet the quality requirements. Such a problem can be solved through the hot water boiling process of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate produced by Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group in China. One thing to note is that the temperature is 100°C and the holding time is 30min. The fluorescent whitenin

Sodium tripolyphosphate produced by Chongqing Chuandong Chemical in China can increase the decontamination ability of detergent

  Detergent is a spare part in daily life and work. It plays an important role in healthy and clean environment and industrial production. The formation of all kinds of dirt is different. Clean water is not clear. Detergent is used widely. However, detergent detergency is also formulated according to a certain formula. The   manufacturer of sodium tripolyphosphate in China   tells you it is an indispensable good adjuvant in detergent. The content of most detergents is 10-50%. Its main functions can be summarized as follows. 1. Sodium tripolyphosphate mainly chelates metal ions in detergents. In daily washing water, it usually contains hard metal ions (mainly Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ ). In the washing process, various metal ions form insoluble metal salts with the active substances in soap or detergent, which not only increases the consumption of detergent, but also makes the washed fabric have unpleasant dark grey. Sodium tripolyphosphate has excellent properties of chelating hard metal ions, thu