
目前显示的是 八月, 2019的博文

High quality potassium formate promotes rapid development of drilling fluid technology

Nowadays, high quality drilling fluid is not prepared by one or two kinds of materials (such as bentonite, commonly known as soil handling). To maintain the performance of drilling fluid, it is necessary to add various additives.  Potassium formate drilling fluid  is a new kind of additive with multiple effects. Potassium formate has been applied to drilling and completion in foreign countries since the end of 1990s, especially in high density drilling and completion fluid system, and good results have been achieved. With the development of research technology, potassium formate is mainly used in oil drilling, oil field drilling fluid, completion fluid, carbon black surface modifier, snow dissolving agent, mining and so on. The drilling fluid system prepared with potassium formate has the advantages of strong inhibition, good compatibility, environmental protection and reservoir protection. Potassium formate inhibits the hydration, dispersing and swelling ability of clay, and the drill

Can the food be eaten with sodium hexametaphosphate?

Food additives are the "soul" of modern food industry, but why do people always talk about food additives? Because these people know that making news with food additives can attract consumers'attention, when it comes to food safety, they intentionally or unintentionally rely on food additives.  Sodium hexametaphosphate  is a common food additive in phosphate. If it is added to food, can it still be eaten? Food additives have become scapegoats for many food safety incidents, and even in the eyes of some people, food additives have become synonymous with "food insecurity". Here, we want to tell you that for food additives such as sodium hexametaphosphate, our country has a very strict approval procedure. Before being put on the market for general use, there will be a "toxicological test", which is to find a harmless dose range for human body through experiments on animals. Only under the condition of ensuring that the human body will not have potential s

Does potassium formate drilling fluid protect oil layer?

The purpose of reservoir protection is to ensure that the seepage resistance of reservoir fluid will not increase during the implementation of various engineering and technical measures for oil, gas and water wells. The development effect of potassium formate drilling fluid in oilfield is embodied in various engineering and technical measures adopted in oilfield development, such as drilling, completion, oil recovery, water injection, workover operation and stimulation measures. During the whole process of development, the quality of systematic reservoir protection is related to the optimization of well-entry fluids and implementation technology of potassium formate drilling fluids according to Oilfield Geology and reservoir engineering design, so as to reduce the degree of formation damage, give full play to the reservoir potential, reduce the amount of operation to relieve reservoir damage and improve the benefit of oilfield development. Reservoir damage In the process of drill

What is the role of sodium tripolyphosphate in detergents? The manufacturer tells you

Sodium tripolyphosphate is an indispensable assistant in detergent. The content of most detergents is 10%-50%. What is the role of sodium tripolyphosphate in detergents ? The manufacturer tells you. The role of sodium tripolyphosphate in detergents is summarized as follows: 1. Chelation of metal ions: Hardening metal ions (mainly Ca2+, Mg2+) are commonly found in daily washing water. In the process of washing, they will form insoluble metal salts with the active substances in soap or detergent, which will not only increase the consumption of detergent, but also make the washed fabric have unpleasant dark grey. Sodium tripolyphosphate has excellent properties of chelating hard metal ions, thus eliminating the adverse effects of these metal ions. 2. Buffering effect: Sodium tripolyphosphate has a greater alkaline buffer effect, keeping the pH value of washing solution at about 9.4, which is conducive to the removal of acid fouling. 3. Improve the role of sol, emulsification and di

Why is potassium formate more suitable for use in drilling fluids?

With the development of drilling technology, the exploration and development of some oil and gas resources is very difficult. Many oil and gas reservoirs not only have large water depth and low mud line temperature, but also have the characteristics of high temperature and high pressure in the lower section. Why is potassium formate more suitable for use in drilling fluids? Because potassium formate is mainly used to prepare injection fluid for water-bearing oil wells and drilling fluid system with potassium formate, it has outstanding advantages such as strong inhibition, good compatibility, environmental protection and reservoir protection. On the one hand, the low temperature environment of sea water causes the increase of drilling fluid viscosity, shear force and rheological property in riser section, which leads to the increase of cyclic equivalent density and leads to lost circulation. On the other hand, the reservoir environment of high temperature and high pressure in deep

Whether sodium hexametaphosphate is used in food processing is an angel or a demon

Additives, when mentioned, seem to be all negative things. What dyes steamed bread, a drop of fragrance, hangs white cubes, and what glue can stick broken meat into whole meat, which sounds annoying; buy a package of snacks, look at the ingredients list, all can not understand, whether to eat or not? Is   sodium hexametaphosphate  harmful as a food additive? Is it an angel or a devil? Food additives should not be excluded from illegal additives. According to the understanding of normal people, all additives that are added to food actively should be regarded as additives except the main ingredients. Next, we say that sodium hexametaphosphate is a commonly used quality improver in food additives, used in meat products, fish sausage, ham, etc., can improve water holding capacity, enhance binding, prevent fat oxidation; used in soy sauce, soy sauce can prevent discoloration, increase viscosity, shorten fermentation period, regulate taste; used in fruit drinks, clear; Cold drinks can increa

Why are some sodium hexametaphosphate in the market not used in food?

Food-grade sodium hexametaphosphate is a common additive in modern daily life. It can be seen in many foods purchased from supermarkets and e-commerce. The effect of adding food-grade sodium hexametaphosphate is mainly to inhibit the reproduction of microorganisms in food, prevent food deterioration and prolong the shelf life of food. However, sodium hexametaphosphate should not be added too much or too little in food, and the relevant regulations of the state must be followed. Let's get to know the food grade sodium hexametaphosphate . Microorganisms cover a wide range of beneficial and harmful substances, including food, medicine, industry and agriculture, environmental protection, sports and many other fields. If the microorganisms added in food are in accordance with national standards, it will not be harmful to human body, but if excessive, it will affect human health. If too little, not to the shelf life of food mildew, will also make users poisoned or harmful to health.

Do potassium formate drilling fluids require PH values?

Drilling fluid is called "blood" of drilling. In shale gas exploration in China, the wide use of potassium formate drilling fluid has made a breakthrough in deep well drilling with domestic oil-based drilling fluid technology. The PH value has no requirement for the range of potassium formate drilling fluid . The Concept of PH Value of Potassium Formate Drilling Fluid The pH value of the drilling fluid is the pH value of the drilling fluid, which indicates the acidity and alkalinity of the drilling fluid. It is equal to the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration in the drilling fluid, also known as PH. When the pH is less than 7, the drilling fluid It is acidic. When the pH is equal to 7, the drilling fluid is neutral. When the pH is greater than 7, the drilling fluid is alkaline. The pH of the drilling fluid is usually determined by colorimetry. Effect of PH on potassium formate drilling fluid PH value has a great influence on the performance of potassi

Sodium tripolyphosphate can increase the decontamination ability of detergent

Detergent is a spare part in daily life and work. It plays an important role in healthy and clean environment and industrial production. The formation of all kinds of dirt is different. Detergent is used widely. However, detergent detergency is also formulated according to a certain formula.  Sodium tripolyphosphate   is an indispensable good adjuvant in detergent. The content of most detergents is 10-50%. Its main functions can be summarized as follows. 1. Sodium tripolyphosphate mainly chelates metal ions in detergents. In daily washing water, it usually contains hard metal ions (mainly Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ ). In the washing process, various metal ions form insoluble metal salts with the active substances in soap or detergent, which not only increases the consumption of detergent, but also makes the washed fabric have unpleasant dark grey. Sodium tripolyphosphate has excellent properties of chelating hard metal ions, thus eliminating the adverse effects of these metal ions. 2. Sodium tripol

Sodium tripolyphosphate manufacturer tells you its importance in food processing

Food additives are chemically synthesized or natural substances added to food to improve its quality, color, aroma and taste, as well as to meet the needs of preservation and processing technology. Next, the  manufacturer of sodium tripolyphosphate   tells you its importance in food processing. With the development of society and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, many people feel that the development of food additives has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the state has strict standards for the use and addition of food additives. Food-grade sodium tripolyphosphate has increased the variety and convenience of food in food processing. Its specific functions are as follows: Sodium tripolyphosphate is widely used as a food regulator because it can effectively stabilize the liquid phase in the medium within a certain range of PH value and make food taste more delicious. Sodium tripolyphosphate has the function of dispersing or stabilizing the incompatible su

Basic composition and function of potassium formate drilling fluid

Solid-free drilling fluids are composed of inorganic salts and different kinds of polymers, which have constant rheological properties and filtration characteristics. Potassium formate drilling fluid has the characteristics of high solubility, high density, high PH value and low crystallization point. Appropriate water loss is conducive to improving drilling rate and is a new type of drilling fluid with film-forming wall protection effect. Potassium formate has a density of 1.9100g/cm 3  and is easily soluble in water, non-toxic and non-corrosive. The water solution is colourless and transparent, and the saturated solution has a specific gravity of 1.58 g/cm 3 . The basic components and functions of potassium formate drilling fluid are as follows: 1. Potassium formate drilling fluid is moderately crosslinked with organic polymers to increase the viscosity (mainly structural viscosity) of the solution and reduce the water loss of the solution. 2. Potassium formate drilling fluid regula

Whether sodium tripolyphosphate is good or bad in food processing

Various opinions about food additives have come out and aroused fears of many small partners about food additives. In fact, some friends'understanding is biased. So sodium tripolyphosphate as one of the food additives, Chongqing Chuandong Chemical will tell you whether the use of sodium tripolyphosphate in food processing is good or bad. Food grade sodium tripolyphosphate is mainly used as a quality improver in food processing. It can improve the complex metal ions, adjust the pH value and increase the ionic strength of food, thereby improving the binding force and water holding capacity of food. Sodium tripolyphosphate is used as a quality improver and water retainer for meat products, fruit juice drinks, beer, dairy products and soybean products. It can be used for ham and canned food to soften meat and increase adhesion force, for aquatic products to gain weight and keep fresh, for milk products to prevent protein from condensation and precipitation, to prevent beverage oxidatio

Application of sodium hexametaphosphate in new flour improver

Processing fresh noodles only has the best effect of gluten source. Fresh noodles, wonton skin, dumplings and other raw and wet fresh noodles products have smooth gluten track, good boiling resistance and not muddy soup, good elasticity, no shrinkage and cracks in freezing, so as to prevent acid, bright and no color change. That is to add additives or improvers to flour. Today, Chuandong Chemical Group will tell you about the use of  sodium hexametaphosphate  in new flour improvers. As a new flour improver, sodium hexametaphosphate is mainly used in four ways: 1. Improving the hardness of Water Water is one of the four basic raw materials for bread processing. The quality of water used in bread processing also has its specific requirements. The quality of water is closely related to the bread processing process and final quality. The hardness of bread processing water should be moderate, that is, 8-16 degrees. Too hard or too soft water is not suitable for bread processing. 2. Adjustin

Is calcium formate a safe, non-residual feed additive?

With the change of poultry farming industry from quantity to quality and benefit, the research and development of poultry functional feed and feed additives will become an inevitable trend in the development of poultry feed industry and an effective measure to promote the healthy and sustainable development of poultry farming industry. Now there are a lot of pig feed additives on the market, functional additives, nutritional additives, pharmaceutical feed additives and general additives. When farmers choose, they need to be cautious. Previously, calcium formate was used as a mildew inhibitor in a small amount in feed additives. With the study of calcium formate, it is found that calcium formate is a small molecule of organic calcium with a calcium content of up to 30.4%. Compared with some inorganic calcium like stone powder, it can be absorbed by animals more easily. Especially in weaned piglets, the gastrointestinal tract is not fully developed and the gastric acid is not secreted en

Is food grade sodium hexametaphosphate a condiment? The manufacturer tells you

In everyday life, whether you buy drinks or snacks carefully selected, they contain food additives.  Sodium hexametaphosphate  in food additives improves the quality of food and prolongs its shelf life, while condiments such as salt, soy sauce, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, sugar, anise, pepper and mustard are used everyday, which is different from food additives. Seasonings are divided into traditional seasonings and new compound seasonings. Compound condiment is a kind of condiment which can give special flavor or condiment to food and dishes through special flavor design and industrial scale production. Food condiments include salts, sours, sweeteners, flavors and spices, such as salt, soy sauce, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, sugar, anise, pepper, mustard and so on. Food additives refer to a kind of chemical synthesis or natural substances used to improve food quality, prolong the shelf life of food, facilitate food processing and increase the nutritional components of food. Inclu

Can sodium tripolyphosphate be used as the water retainer?

Water retention agent refers to a kind of substance which can improve the stability of the product, maintain the water holding capacity of the food and improve the shape, flavor and color of the food in the process of food production and processing. In order to help maintain water content in food, substances added are usually used in meat and aquatic products processing to enhance water stability and high water holding capacity of phosphate. Sodium tripolyphosphate is one of the water retention agents. Can sodium tripolyphosphate be used as the water retainer? The answer is yes. Food-grade sodium triphosphate can keep the water holding capacity of meat, enhance the binding force, and maintain the nutritional composition and tenderness of meat in meat products. The mechanism of sodium tripolyphosphate improving water holding capacity of meat is as follows: 1.Sodium tripolyphosphate can increase the PH of meat and make it deviate from the isoelectric point of meat protein (PH5.5). 2.Sodi

What is the basis for adding sodium hexametaphosphate in food processing?

The use of food additives should be safe and effective, and the most important thing is to ensure safety. In addition to meeting relevant standards and regulations, such as hygienic standards for the use of food additives, quality standards for food additives and good production and operation standards, the most important thing is to ensure that the intake of added food additives does not exceed the daily allowable intake and the additions during production and processing.   Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate  is no exception. It is also the basis of the amount of food additives added in food processing. For specific application, if an additive can be used in solid food and beverage, an ADI distribution coefficient F should be given between solid food and beverage according to their dietary configuration ratio, so that FS (proportion of solid food) +FB (proportion of beverage) = 1; if the additive is only used in solid food but not used in solid food. In beverages, FS = 1, FB = 0; and

What should we pay attention to when purchasing food grade sodium hexametaphosphate?

With the development of society, great changes have taken place in the pattern of food consumption, which has gradually changed from home-made and near-home purchasing to eating delicacies all over the world without leaving home. Food additives play an important role in this respect. If   sodium hexametaphosphate  is to be a food additive, strict scientific experiments are needed to ensure its safety. The long-term and large-scale edible effects have been considered in the experiment. This "large amount" can be described as "eating sodium hexametaphosphate as a meal". The "long-term" is measured by the length and strength of "lifelong" and "daily" as the scientific basis for standard-setting. Therefore, as long as it is used according to the standard, its safety is not enough to worry about. Therefore, when choosing and purchasing sodium hexametaphosphate, it must be strictly checked. How do food company choose sodium hexametaphosphate

Adding potassium formate drilling fluid is the basic method to maintain hole wall stability

Inhibitory mud, such as lime mud, gypsum mud, calcium chloride mud and potassium-based mud, was widely used in mud shale formation to prevent collapse and stabilize borehole lining in the 1960s, which played a good role in treating unstable rock formations in water. Since the 1970s, the anti-collapse mud composed of polymer and potassium salt has been recognized as an ideal system, and nowadays  potassium formate drilling fluid   system has been widely used. 1. Common methods of maintaining hole wall stability (1) Cement slurry maintains hole wall stability As a common consolidation material, cement has the advantages of wide supply, easy access, low cost, non-toxic, non-environmental pollution, easy use and easy to pour into the hole, compared with other anti-collapse slurry liquids. At present, cementitious materials, which are still widely used, are called "conventional weapons" to maintain hole wall stability. Practice shows that cement slurry must be used in the case of