
目前显示的是 六月, 2020的博文

Potassium diformate can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine

Saying "sickness comes from the mouth" is not just the entire digestive system of humans, but also of animals. The health of the gastrointestinal tract is an important condition that determines the health of the entire body.  Potassium diformate  has similar growth-promoting effects as feed antibiotics, but the principle of action is completely different from feed antibiotics. Feeding antibiotics "kill" all microorganisms indiscriminately, regardless of beneficial and harmful bacteria, killing them all, with great side effects. Potassium diformate competitively inhibits pathogenic bacteria by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, thereby inspiring the essential growth performance of animals. Therefore, the feed additive potassium diformate has the advantages of no toxic side effects, no residue, no drug resistance, no environmental pollution and low cost, and is an ideal substitute for antibiotics for feed. What role does potassium d

Achieving the "antibiotic ban" of feed, the green feed additive potassium diformate is promising

In each link of the whole animal breeding chain, it is necessary to reduce the chance of contact with the source of the disease and improve the autoimmunity. As a feed additive that can replace the role of antibiotics, potassium diformate plays an important role in the aquaculture field with the full-chain antibiotic reduction substitution technical regulations.  Potassium diformate  has a lot to do in the final realization of feed "antibiotic", breeding "reduced resistance", and product "no resistance". The main contents of the withdrawal of pharmaceutical feed additives and the adjustment of management policies have three aspects: First, all growth-promoting feed additives (except traditional Chinese medicines) were withdrawn, and varieties of anticoccidial feed additives were retained. The second is to change the management methods of anticoccidial and traditional Chinese medicine feed additives, and no longer issue the approval number of &qu

Potassium diformate replaces antibiotics is coming

From July 1st, the livestock animal and poultry feed "ban order" will be fully implemented. Everyone knows that antibiotics are easy to use, but the main harm caused by abuse is the destruction of people and the ecology and environment. When your competitors are using a lot of antibiotics and relying on antibiotics to ensure production performance, you have got rid of antibiotics, what a big competitive advantage. The application effect of antibiotics has two main points: 1. Antibacterial, health care, improve survival rate. 2. Promote growth, increase output and improve feed conversion efficiency. These are indicators closely related to economic benefits. Potassium diformate as a feed additive is very important to replace antibiotics to achieve these targets. Introduction of potassium diformate as anti-feed additive Since the 1950s, the abuse of antibiotics has caused drug-resistant strains in animals and caused drug residues. The use of antibiotic growth promoter

Don't underestimate the strength effect of calcium formate in construction

The field of engineering construction concrete mortar is not simple artisans and mud, it is complicated because it is not as mature as paint. Many reaction mechanism formulations need to be studied and tested in detail. The polymer interacts with the cement to form a cured body. The effect of increasing strength with  calcium formate  is simply an admixture used for concrete mixing. It has the advantages of improving the early strength of concrete, for early demoulding, improving concrete antifreeze performance, and early use of concrete structures. Calcium formate is an additive that does not have any aggressive effect on reinforcing steel. Under the premise of ensuring the quality of concrete, the final setting time can be greatly shortened, so that it can be demoulded as soon as possible, thereby speeding up the turnover of the formwork. Save formwork, save energy and save cement, reduce production costs, and increase the output of concrete products. So don't underestimate

Development direction of early strength properties of calcium formate in concrete admixture

The raw materials of the concrete are abundant, the price is low, and the characteristics of the simple production process are increasing. Used in actual projects, the admixture has played an important role in improving concrete performance, improving construction efficiency and saving investment costs.  Calcium formate  early strength agent is one of them. Next, we mainly explain the development direction of some calcium formate early strength agents. Concrete early strength agent is one of the earliest used additives in the history of admixture development. So far, people have developed a variety of early strength additives in addition to chloride and sulfate, such as nitrite, chromate, etc., and organic early strength agents, such as calcium formate, urea, etc. However, with the deepening of people's understanding of the potential hazards of chloride ions, sulfate ions, nitrate ions and alkali metal ions on the performance and long-term stability of concrete, as well as

Use calcium formate admixture to break the high cost and low profit situation of engineering projects

Concrete and cement mortar are the basic materials commonly used in modern construction. Whether it is a first-tier city or a rural building, the use of some additives in the construction process of the project can break the situation of high cost and low profit of the project. In industry,  calcium formate  is an additive that can accelerate the early strength development of mortar. The purpose of adding it to the construction of the project is to create better economic benefits under the premise of short construction period and good quality. In order to meet the objective requirements of more construction engineering structure and technology development, the use of admixtures is becoming more and more common. The compressive strength of concrete refers to the maximum stress that its standard specimen can withstand until the unit area of failure is under pressure. In order to improve a certain performance of concrete, the ratio of raw materials can be adjusted, but this will ofte

Which stage of development of drilling technology for deep well and ultra-deep well is potassium formate drilling fluid?

The field of oil and gas exploration and development is expanding and expanding, and the difficulty of drilling is increasing. From land to tidal flat shallow seas, from shallow layers to deep layers, the requirements for well control technology and drilling fluid are getting higher and higher.  Potassium formate drilling fluid  has been widely used in the late 1990s. It can implement rapid drilling scientifically, safely, and with high quality to meet the requirements of increasingly complex formation pressure strata. Drilling in deep and ultra-deep wells has always been a problem in the drilling industry. Now that scientific drilling technology is widely used and the overall technical level of drilling is increasing, only when the control technology for oil and gas wells is developed can near-balanced pressure drilling be effectively implemented. The development of drilling fluid in the discovery of oil and gas layers, protection and liberation of oil and gas layers also played

How to use potassium formate drilling fluid to "extract" oil from deep wells

In the eyes of laymen, oil extraction is similar to water wells. In fact, oil extraction needs to go through a series of processes such as exploration, determining the position, number and depth of wells. In the drilling process, technical equipment (including drilling rigs, derricks) and a set of lifting system and drill rods, drilling tools and drill bits are also required. Drilling fluid is related to the environment, reservoir and petroleum quality. Oil extraction is not easy. How to use  potassium formate drilling fluid  to "extract" oil from deep wells? The oil was originally buried deep in the formation, and there was huge pressure from the overlying rock formation and formation water. Before drilling to open the reservoir, the pressure is in equilibrium. Once the formation above the oil layer is opened, this balance is broken, and oil flows from around the well to the bottom of the well where the pressure drops suddenly. The potassium formate drilling fluid i

Why is the viscosity of potassium formate drilling fluid neither too high nor too low?

With the advancement of drilling technology, the drilling speed is accelerated, and the requirements for drilling fluid are more precise. Viscosity is related to the safety factor of construction. The effect of pressure on the apparent viscosity at room temperature is indeed great, but as the temperature increases, the effect of pressure on the apparent viscosity gradually decreases. When drilling into deep formations, the effect of temperature on the apparent viscosity of drilling fluid significantly exceeds the effect of pressure.  Potassium formate drilling fluid  is currently widely used drilling fluid system. The viscosity of the drilling fluid has a great influence on the drilling fluid's ability to carry cuttings. In general, the viscosity of drilling fluid should be determined according to the specific situation. Generally, the viscosity should be low under the premise of ensuring that the cuttings are carried, and the total reflection of the internal friction between

It is important to choose a high quality feed grade calcium formate manufacturer

Calcium formate is used as a new feed additive. It can be added to the feed to increase the weight of the animal. When  feed grade calcium formate  is used as a feed additive for piglets, it can promote the appetite of the piglets and reduce the diarrhea rate. It is more obvious that adding 1.5% calcium formate to the feed in the first few weeks after weaning of the piglets can increase the growth rate of the piglets by more than 12% and the feed conversion rate by 4%. Therefore, the requirements of feed grade calcium formate must comply with the production of feed grade additives. Manufacturers producing feed-grade calcium formate should also have a feed-grade production license and related production assets, and strictly follow the production process to produce products suitable for addition to feed. The feed grade calcium formate produced with genuine formic acid has better calcium content, heavy metal and impurity content than those produced by-product formic acid, so

The difference of feed grade calcium formate compared to calcium lactate and calcium citrate in feed

As feed grade calcium formate is widely used in feed addition, the gap between feed grade calcium formate and other calcium sources is clearly arranged. For example: What is the calcium content of feed grade calcium formate? There is a gap in the comparison of feed calcium formate in feed addition. Here we will list the differences between  feed grade calcium formate , calcium lactate and calcium citrate in feed: Feed grade calcium formate The advantages are: it contains 31% calcium, high utilization rate of livestock and poultry, and neutral pH value. And low moisture content, good water solubility and neutral. Mixing calcium formate into the additive premix will not cause vitamin loss, and under the action of stomach acid, free formic acid can be separated, lowering the pH of the stomach, and improving the immune ability of the animal. Calcium formate has a high melting point and can only decompose above 400°C, and will not be damaged during the granulation process. Calciu

It is important to choose a high-quality feed grade calcium formate manufacturer

Calcium formate, as a new feed additive, can be added to feed to increase animal weight. When  feed grade calcium formate  is used as a feed additive for piglets, it can promote the appetite of piglets and reduce the diarrhea rate. It is more obvious that adding 1.5% calcium formate to the feed in the first few weeks after weaning of the piglets can increase the growth rate of the piglets by more than 12% and the feed conversion rate by 4%. Therefore, the requirements of feed grade calcium formate must comply with the production of feed grade additives. Manufacturers producing feed-grade calcium formate should also have a feed-grade production license and related production assets, and strictly follow the production process to produce products suitable for addition to feed. Feed grade calcium formate is produced using genuine formic acid in terms of calcium content, heavy metals, and impurities content are better than those produced by-product formic acid, so it is importa

Potassium formate drilling fluid becomes a “new darling” of gas fields with energy saving and environmental protection technology

Everyone who knows the current market knows that oil is in a cold winter period and wants to increase the productivity of a single well with high efficiency and low cost. For offshore oil, at present, during the drilling process,  potassium formate drilling fluid  can achieve the three guarantees for the environment, reservoir, and petroleum quality, which is a new favorite of gas fields with energy-saving and environmental protection technologies. Increase certain investment in exchange for safety stable drilling environment is cost-effective. During construction, the drill bit is optimized, the drilling parameters and hydraulic parameters are optimized, and the amount of drilling fluid is added according to the complexity of the downhole, the design and the formation. Potassium formate is a new type of environmentally friendly drilling fluid, and the demand is growing. It is not based on bragging. It has the results of on-site application. The potassium formate drilling flui

Is high-density drilling fluid potassium formate useful for the stability of surrounding rock?

During the drilling operation, the drilling fluid keeps circulating in the well. If the density of drilling fluid is not properly controlled, accidents such as well collapse, leakage, or blowout may occur. Therefore, the density of the  potassium formate drilling fluid  also plays an important role in the stability of the surrounding rock of the shaft wall. With the continuous development of drilling technology, there are more and more types of drilling fluids. At present, there are various classification methods for drilling fluids at home and abroad, among which the more concise classification methods are as follows: 1. According to the density, the drilling fluid can be divided into high-density drilling fluid and low-density drilling fluid. 2. Drilling fluid can be divided into inhibitory drilling fluid and non-inhibiting drilling fluid according to the degree of hydration with clay. According to the nature of the continuous phase, the drilling fluid can be divided into

Is sodium tripolyphosphate produced by thermal process or wet process better?

Due to different production processes, sodium tripolyphosphate on the market is divided into two production processes: wet process and thermal process. It is precisely because of the difference between the two production processes that the quality of sodium tripolyphosphate is polarized. Which process produces  sodium tripolyphosphate  with better quality? Wet process The raw materials of the wet process are very extensive (phosphorite is used directly), with a lot of impurities, and inevitably there will be many impurities left in the subsequent sodium tripolyphosphate products produced. Although the cost is low, the purity is low and there are many impurities. The quality can only be up to standard, and the stability is average. Thermal process The sodium tripolyphosphate produced by the thermal process has become mature after years of research and improvement. After entering the new century, a number of powerful thermal phosphoric acid production enterprises have emerge

Food grade sodium tripolyphosphate has a better effect on improving noodle products from eating to sensory

Food additives do not refer to a certain substance, but a large family. Food additives use standards divide it into 20 categories in China. Noodles are a complex high-molecular organic compound, and there are many problems involved in the processing process. In order to make the noodle products taste better, the quality of the noodles will be improved by adding one or several food additives during processing. Food grade sodium tripolyphosphate is a commonly used additive. Today we will tell you about the mechanism of  sodium tripolyphosphate  in noodle processing. A large number of experimental studies in the process of noodle processing have shown that the proper addition of food-grade sodium tripolyphosphate has a good effect on improving the quality of noodle products from eating to sensory. At present, the mechanism of action of sodium tripolyphosphate in noodle processing is explained as follows: 1. Promote gluten protein and starch to enhance the binding force of starch an