
目前显示的是 十月, 2020的博文

Is the antibacterial effect of potassium diformate only useful for the growth performance of pigs?

  Potassium diformate after ban has been widely used in pig feed additives because of its good effects on pig production performance, carcass quality and prevention of diarrhea. So, many people have to ask, since   potassium diformate   can lower the pH of the intestines and regulate the effects of intestinal microbes, is it only useful for pig growth performance? Let's talk about it in detail below. The antibacterial function and effect of potassium diformate: (1) Improve the environment in the digestive tract, lower the pH of the stomach and small intestine, and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria. (2) Instead of antibiotics, it has the effect of antibacterial and growth promoting agents. The addition of potassium diformate can significantly reduce the content of anaerobic bacteria, E. coli and Salmonella in the chyme of the digestive tract. Improve the resistance of animals to diseases and reduce the number of deaths caused by bacterial infections. (3) Potassium diformate

Banning resistance is how to use non-antibiotic potassium diformate to deal with microorganisms

  Since it was announced on July 1 to prohibit the addition of antibiotics for the purpose of promoting animal growth in feed, potassium diformate has been widely used. The effectiveness of potassium diformate is affected by its own function, the level of addition, the synergistic effect with other organic acids and additives, and the pH of the stomach contents that changes with the age of the animal. In fact, talking about banning resistance is how to use non-antibiotic   potassium diformate  to deal with microorganisms. In the early stage of the ban, the potential substitutes for antibiotics that farmers and feed companies are looking for can be roughly divided into three categories. One type is probiotics and their nutrients, the second type is a blocking agent or anti-killing substance for pathogen adhesion, and the third type is a substance that enhances the host's immune function, all related to microorganisms. First introduce the mechanism of probiotics' competitive reje

The leaders of Chuandong Chemical Group visited Liucheng Chuandong and guided the work

 On the evening of October 26, the chairman and general manager of Chuandong Chemical Group arrived in Liucheng Chuandong. Without a moment of rest, they immediately went to the purification phosphoric acid workshop to inspect the work. This morning, the chairman and general manager, accompanied by relevant leaders of Liucheng Chuandong, conducted an in-depth inspection of the production site. The 70-year-old chairman walked for nearly four hours, still full of energy. Everywhere he went, he looked carefully and demanded more. He planned and arranged the Liucheng Chuandong after the land was sold, and guided the future development direction of Chuandong.

The leaders of Chuandong Group went to Kaiyang Chuandong to investigate and guide the work

 October 25th coincides with the Double Ninth Festival. The chairman, general manager and chief financial officer of Chuandong Group went to Kaiyang Chuandong to investigate and guide the work, and to discuss the follow-up development strategy of Kaiyang Chuandong. Around 11:30 noon, the chairman and his party rushed to the Kaiyang Chuandong. Without a moment of rest, the elderly who were over seventy years old and the leaders started to work. They checked the phosphate ore raw material field of Kaiyang Chuandong New Technological Reform. After lunch, the group went to the production workshop to check. The chairman also climbed to the highest point of Kaiyang Chuandong and overlooked the entire Kaiyang Chuandong vision, and made a clear decision on the follow-up planning of Kaiyang Chuandong. The chairman who is over 70 years old has set an example and explained what the true Chuandong spirit is! We firmly believe that the future of Chuandong will be stronger!

The manufacturer reveals the various production methods of sodium hexametaphosphate

  Recently, we found that everyone has studied and discussed a lot on the production process of   sodium hexametaphosphate , such as thermal or wet production, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each, I believe everyone is familiar with it. And we want to tell you the production method of sodium hexametaphosphate: 1. Sodium dihydrogen phosphate method The soda ash solution is neutralized with phosphoric acid at 80-100° C. for 2 hours, and the resulting sodium dihydrogen phosphate solution is evaporated and concentrated, cooled and crystallized to obtain sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate. Heat to 110-230°C to remove 2 crystal water, continue heating to remove structural water, and further heat to 620°C to dehydrate, the resulting sodium metaphosphate melt will be polymerized into sodium hexametaphosphate. Then it is discharged and quenched from 650°C to 60-80°C to form tablets, and then crushed to obtain a finished product of sodium hexametaphosphate. 2. Phosphorus pen

Do you know the difference between potassium diformate and several common feed substitutes?

  2020 is the first year of the ban on anti-antibiotics, and more feed additives that can replace antibiotics have been used. While looking for a brand-new anti-fighting solution, the role of antifighting feed additives is also the top priority of the entire feed breeding industry. Facing the dazzling array of anti-antibiotic products on the market, do you know the difference between   potassium diformate   and several common anti-antibiotic products? Chinese herbal medicine With the country's restrictions on the use of antibiotics in the past two years, Chinese herbal medicines for veterinary medicine have received greater attention. What is the feasibility of Chinese herbal medicines in replacing antibiotics? Function: The function is relatively one-sided, and has a certain effect in immune regulation. Effect: The effect is slow and the function is not comprehensive enough. Due to its rough processing, large amount of addition, complex formula, and unstable effect, the research p

The correct addition of sodium hexametaphosphate in food processing can also make people eat healthier and eat at ease

  When it comes to food safety, many people will definitely think of food additives right away. In the eyes of many people, food additives are toxic and harmful chemicals, and they are also the culprit of food safety problems.   Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate   is a commonly used additive in food processing.  In fact, food grade sodium hexametaphosphate is not as terrible as everyone thinks, and illegal additives are the culprit. Illegal additives and food additives are not the same thing. Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate is a legal additive in the national food additive list. What is food grade sodium hexametaphosphate? Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate is a phosphate product widely used in food additives. It is added to food as an additive to improve food quality, color, aroma and taste, as well as for the needs of anti-corrosion, preservation and processing technology. Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate plays an important role in food grade processing technology: 1. Cheat

The significance and effect of food grade sodium hexametaphosphate on food improvement

  "The more the food is in its original flavor and natural, the safer and healthier it is." This is what many people think now. In fact, modern food production and processing are inseparable from food additives, and there is almost no real zero-addition processed foods. The so-called zero-addition is just a trick of business promotion.   Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate   is a commonly used food water retention agent and a quality improver. Today, let's talk about its significance and effect on food improvement. After food sodium hexametaphosphate is used in the food industry, it plays the following important roles: (1) Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate can improve sensory indicators such as food color, aroma, taste and taste. Food color, aroma, taste, shape and taste are important indicators to measure food quality. Food processing generally involves physical processes such as grinding, crushing, heating, and pressure. During these processes, foods are easy to fade

Why is the call for potassium diformate as an alternative to antibiotics so high?

  In recent years, problems such as the abuse of antibiotics in feed have become prominent. my country officially banned the use of breeding antibiotics on July 1. The abuse and indiscriminate use of antibiotics in animal husbandry and animal medical treatment has been addressed squarely, and has also given birth to the market for some antibiotic substitutes.   Potassium diformate   has the effects of promoting growth, strengthening physical fitness, improving production performance and preventing and curing diseases of poultry and livestock. The call for alternative antibiotics is increasing. Why is there such a high demand for potassium diformate as an alternative to antibiotics? Potassium diformate is a non-antibiotic feed additive approved by the European Union in 2001 to replace antibiotic growth promoters. It is a good substitute for antibiotic growth promoters and has a good bactericidal effect against Escherichia coli and Salmonella. The European Union has completely banned the

Can aquaculture use potassium diformate to stabilize water quality and improve intestinal health?

  The healthy and normal physiological flora of the intestinal tract of aquaculture is formed in the process of long-term evolution and maintains a relatively stable and balanced state, which is of great significance to the growth of water and the resistance to diseases. The intestines of aquaculture animals have problems and their immunity is reduced. When the water environment deteriorates, or even a slight change in the water environment, it will cause stress to the farmed animals.   Potassium diformate   stabilizes water quality after various digestive effects and improves intestinal health. When harmful bacteria grow and multiply in large quantities in the water body, the intestinal tract of the farmed animals is very susceptible to infection due to the lack of immunity and anti-stress ability, which can cause illness and even death of the farmed animals. Potassium diformate in aquatic and livestock feeds can lower the pH value, promote the growth of lactobacilli and bifidobacteri

Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group was invited to Chongqing University for academic exchanges

 On October 14, 2020, the general manager of Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group led some personnel from the institute to Chongqing University for academic exchanges. Group of Chuandong visited the major scientific research center and took a group photo with major chemical experts of CQU.

How much water do we need to add when dissolving sodium hexametaphosphate?

  In industry, sodium hexametaphosphate is widely used, including cleaning agents, refractory materials, mineral processing, ceramics, and industrial water treatment. In most of these industries, when applying sodium hexametaphosphate, it needs to be dissolved before being added. As the   manufacturer of sodium hexametaphosphate , it is often asked how much water is needed to dissolve sodium hexametaphosphate? Sodium hexametaphosphate is soluble in water but insoluble in organic solvents. When adding it, the composition of the other raw materials involved and the desired effect should be considered. For example, most of them will use the chelating ability and dispersing power of sodium hexametaphosphate to metal ions, and the water content, pH, temperature and other factors have to be considered in the production. These parameters can only be calculated by technicians involved in actual production. The molecular weight of sodium hexametaphosphate is 611.82, the relative density is 2.48

How does potassium diformate replace antibiotics?

  Behind the prohibition of feed, breeding technology and cost are both considered. Antibiotics have made an indelible contribution to the animal husbandry industry before the ban. The reason why they have been used is nothing more than the function of promoting growth and preventing diseases. Therefore, the realization of a substitute must start from these two aspects.   Potassium diformate   is a feed additive that can be matched with corresponding products to meet the corresponding needs in the anti-anti formula and is also an acidulant. It is still difficult to replace antibiotics with a single product when replacing antibiotics, and a comprehensive alternative plan is needed. Potassium diformate can not only act as an acidifier, but also has anti-fungal effects. If combined with biological feed, it can basically solve the problems caused by the prohibition of resistance to intestinal diseases in poultry and livestock. From the perspective of antibacterial mechanism, acidifiers mai

We all know that feed grade calcium formate can not only supplement calcium, but what is its acidification effect?

  Judging from the market of feed grade calcium formate in the past six months, feed grade calcium formate is increasingly favored by the market and farmers. The calcium content of high-quality feed grade calcium formate like Chuandong Chemical Group can reach 31%, and the calcium supplement effect has been good. The   feed grade calcium formate   has another function, stabilizing the pH value in the animal's gastrointestinal tract, that is, it can also have an acidification effect. So how does it work? First of all, calcium formate is not formic acid, it is a calcium salt containing formic acid. The function of feed grade calcium formate is mainly realized by the formic acid decomposed in the stomach environment, and its function is similar to that of potassium diformate. (1) Feed grade calcium formate can reduce the pH of the intestines, at the same time it is beneficial to activate pepsinogen, make up for the insufficient secretion of digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid in t

Potassium diformate can promote the rapid growth of livestock and poultry and improve production performance

  Starting from the development of the feed industry and the requirements of green farming, antibiotic alternatives have sprung up. Faced with increasingly stringent restrictions on the use of antibiotics, currently, microecological preparations, enzyme preparations, antimicrobial peptides, acidulants, essential oil extracts, and traditional Chinese medicine are mainly represented.   Potassium diformate   is currently a high-quality growth-promoting agent that replaces antibiotics, which can reduce the limitations of many antibiotic alternatives in the use process. Due to the particularity of its molecule, potassium diformate does not dissociate in an acidic state, but dissociates in a neutral or alkaline environment, releasing formic acid. It is well known that the pH in the stomach is a relatively low acidic environment, so 85% of potassium diformate can pass through the stomach and enter the intestine. The specific functions are as follows: (1) Improve the environment in the digesti

Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate can effectively remove gray matter from dyed fabrics

  The pH value of   industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate   aqueous solution is close to neutral, so its traditional use in dyeing and finishing is mainly used as a water softener. It can prevent the agglomeration of dyes and soaps, and can also treat boilers, recycle water and use it as a scouring aid. Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate can also require particularly strict requirements for the elasticity and whiteness of white fabric production. The accumulation of some dyes in the fabric production will affect the surface quality of the fabric and cause the luster of the fabric to be dull. Even gray areas appear on the cloth surface, making some special fabrics fail to meet the quality requirements. Such a problem can be solved through the hot water boiling process of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate produced by Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group. One thing to note is that the temperature is 100°C and the holding time is 30min. The fluorescent whitening temperatur