
目前显示的是 七月, 2023的博文

What should be paid attention to when adding sodium tripolyphosphate in food

The transformation of human food is not only reflected in fruits and crops, but also in processed food. The emergence of processed food also enriches our dining table. However, there are also many rumors, leading to many people's hearing of food additives. As a regular manufacturer of   sodium tripolyphosphate food additive , what we want to say is that consumers don't need to panic. What should be paid attention to when adding sodium tripolyphosphate in food? The main function of sodium tripolyphosphate in food is to improve the color, fragrance and taste of food, adjust the nutritional composition of food, and extend the shelf life of food. As long as the food grade sodium tripolyphosphate is added in strict accordance with the food production requirements and nationalThe transformation of human food is not only reflected in fruits and crops, but also in processed food. The emergence of processed food also enriches our dining table. However, there are also many rumors, leadin

The manufacturer of sodium hexametaphosphate in China tells you textile printing and dyeing with SHMP as soft water can enhance color fastness

The quality of water not only has a great influence on the product quality of pretreatment and other processes, but also affects the consumption of dyeing and chemical materials and auxiliaries. The   manufacturer of sodium hexametaphosphate in China   tells you that in textile printing and dyeing industry, sodium hexametaphosphate is a good softener, which makes the dye or soap powder not precipitate or agglomerate. The standard for distinguishing soft water from hard water is as follows: soft water 0-57ppm, slightly hard water 57-100ppm, hard water 100-280ppm, extremely hard water>280ppm. Calcium and magnesium salts in hard water are unfavorable to printing and dyeing. For example, they react with soap to form insoluble calcium and magnesium soap, precipitate on fabric, and form insoluble scale in alkaline solution, which is attached to pretreatment equipment (such as groove inner wall, valve and guide roller), hindering normal production. When the amount of iron and manganese sal

Why can high-efficiency water reducing agent sodium tripolyphosphate promote the industrialization of ceramic production?

Reducing ceramic production costs is an important aspect in adapting to modern technological innovation and high-quality development.  Sodium tripolyphosphate , a ceramic water reducing agent, has good dispersibility, suspension, and binding properties. It is a ceramic additive that integrates multiple functions and is also an ideal additive for economy, energy conservation, convenient use, and stable performance. It is widely used in many ceramic production enterprises and has obvious effects. The use of ceramic water reducing agents in ceramic production can not only improve the fluidity of ceramic slurry, but also reduce its water content, improve the performance of ceramics, and have the effect of improving product performance and energy conservation and emission reduction.  At present, sodium tripolyphosphate is a high-performance water reducing agent in high demand in the ceramic field. Sodium tripolyphosphate mainly chelates divalent ions such as calcium and magnesium in clay mu

Is industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP toxic?

Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP   is a product widely used in fine phosphorus chemical products. It is a white powder crystal, or a colorless transparent glass flake or block solid. Easily soluble in water but insoluble in organic solvents. The aqueous solution is alkaline. It is highly hygroscopic, and it can gradually absorb moisture when exposed to the air and become viscous. It can form soluble complexes with metal ions such as calcium and magnesium. Therefore, sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP is not only used in food, but also widely used in industry. Sodium hexametaphosphate is widely used, not only in beverages, but also in many foods. Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate is a commonly used food additive. However, when it is added to beverages, the sodium hexametaphosphate in food must be added in strict accordance with the amount of food-grade added, and manufacturers that produce food grade sodium hexametaphosphate must also have relevant qualifications. When washin

Sodium tripolyphosphate is one of the commonly used water reducing agents for concrete

Firstly, it is important to understand that the strength and durability of concrete are related to the amount of cement used and the water cement ratio. The more cement is used, the smaller the water cement ratio, and the better the strength and durability of concrete. However, excessive cement usage can increase the cost of concrete and make it difficult to construct. Therefore, in order to ensure the strength and durability of concrete while reducing costs and improving construction efficiency, it is necessary to add a water reducing agent.  Sodium tripolyphosphate   is one of the commonly used water reducing agents for concrete. Formula of concrete admixture: (1) A composite high-efficiency concrete admixture using polycarboxylic acid series condensates as anti segregation components, naphthalene series high-efficiency water reducing agents as base materials, and sodium tripolyphosphate as a plastic retention component. (2) The addition amount of polycarboxylic acid series condensat

Is it necessary to use potassium formate drilling fluid for drilling operations? The manufacturer tells you

The existence of everything is related. Drilling fluid is to improve drilling efficiency and reduce accidents and mining damage to the environment. Potassium formate's inhibitory properties, anti-temperature and anti-pollution properties are actually used in many places nowadays. The use of   potassium formate  mud is conducive to improving polymer stability, stabilizing shale, reducing damage to rock formations, and ensuring that drilling, completion, and oil wells are in optimal working conditions. Drilling fluid is the circulating flushing medium used in the hole during drilling. The effect of the density of potassium formate drilling fluid is actually more reflected in its hydrostatic column pressure. The pressure generated on the ground mainly comes from the three aspects of collapse pressure, pore pressure, and collapse pressure. So when we are working, if the pressure is over nature, it will cause lost circulation. Under normal circumstances, depending on the drilling method

The manufacturer of industrial grade sodium pyrophosphate in China tells you it can act as washing aid in detergents

What is a washing aid? Adding auxiliary materials related to decontamination and improving washing performance to detergents is called washing assistants. Detergent assistants are an important part of detergents. The   manufacturer of industrial grade sodium pyrophosphate in China   tells you it can act as washing aid in detergents. What are the main functions of detergent auxiliaries: first, they soften water, second, they play the role of alkaline buffer, and last, they have the role of wetting, emulsifying, suspending and dispersing, mainly to prevent dirt from attaching to clothing and anti redeposition. In addition to the function of softening water, industrial grade sodium pyrophosphate can also redissolve insoluble salts of calcium and magnesium, such as clothes fiber, which contains dirt formed by insoluble calcium soap or other metal soaps, which can re-dissolve and improve Decontamination ability. In addition, sodium pyrophosphate has a deflocculating effect, which makes the

Can sodium tripolyphosphate be added to the production of oil stain cleaning agents for metal parts?

Mechanical oil used in metal processing. If oil stains adhere to the surface of metal parts, they will affect the coating and assembly of subsequent parts, and the oil stains on the parts will cause the entire production environment to be unable to maintain cleanliness. Therefore, the surface dirt in each process needs to be promptly cleaned with industrial cleaning agents, and   sodium tripolyphosphate   is one of the auxiliary industrial cleaning agents. Sodium tripolyphosphate, also known as pentasodium phosphate, is a white powder or granular solid. Soluble in water, capable of complexing alkali metals with metal salts, capable of softening water, adjusting and buffering the PH value of the saponification value, with a PH of 9.7 for 1% solution, and having ion exchange capacity. Emulsification, dispersion and solubilization properties of sodium tripolyphosphate Sodium tripolyphosphate has characteristics of dispersion, emulsification, and gelation for fine dust particles and oil dr

Is sodium tripolyphosphate produced by thermal process or wet process better? The manufacturer tells you

Due to different production processes, sodium tripolyphosphate on the market is divided into two production processes: wet process and thermal process. It is precisely because of the difference between the two production processes that the quality of sodium tripolyphosphate is polarized. Which process produces   sodium tripolyphosphate   with better quality? The manufacturer tells you. Wet process The raw materials of the wet process are very extensive (phosphorite is used directly), with a lot of impurities, and inevitably there will be many impurities left in the subsequent sodium tripolyphosphate products produced. Although the cost is low, the purity is low and there are many impurities. The quality can only be up to standard, and the stability is average. Thermal process The sodium tripolyphosphate produced by the thermal process has become mature after years of research and improvement. After entering the new century, a number of powerful thermal phosphoric acid production enterp

The manufacturer of sodium hexametaphosphate in China transformed and upgraded in the food grade phosphate industry

"Eat healthy and safe" is the current focus on food safety, and it also places new requirements on the food additive industry.   Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate   is an additive commonly used in phosphate products in food. Here we want to talk about why the current situation of the food grade phosphate industry stands in the position of "scattered, small, low, and chaotic". In fact, the specific performance is: 1. The production enterprise has serious waste of resources and low utilization rate. 2. The product structure is unreasonable and the refinement rate is low. 3. The enterprise is small in scale, high in cost and weak in competitiveness. 4. Environmental protection problems are prominent and pollution is serious. 5. Insufficient supervision of production and sales. One of our production base Wansheng Chuandong strives to develop the leading industrial chain focusing on electronics and edible chemicals, highlighting the technological innovation and upgradi

The factory tells you that food additive sodium tripolyphosphate can promote the development of food industry

People in the food industry often say that food additives are the soul of the food industry. However, rumors about food additives are constantly emerging to stimulate the public's sensitive nerves, so that consumers invisibly worry about the safety of food additives.   Food additive sodium tripolyphosphate   is one of the food additives, as long as the food additives are strictly added in accordance with the food additives are allowed to be used within the scope. Consumers generally believe that "no preservatives" and "no additions" are safer. Businessmen also aim at this point, using such descriptions to cater to consumers'psychology, but also to sell at a good price. In fact, preservatives are mainly used to prevent food from spoiling or deteriorating. Otherwise, some foods will be spoiled before they leave the factory and may even produce toxins. Food additive sodium tripolyphosphate is used in food additions only after strict practical testing. With the

The manufacturer tells you the concentration of sodium hexametaphosphate plays an important role in mineral separation

Sodium hexametaphosphate is often used to inhibit carbonates such as calcite and limestone in the flotation process, and can also be used as an inhibitor of gangue minerals such as quartz and silicate. For example, in the flotation of iron ore, tall oil is used as collector, and sodium hexametaphosphate and aluminum silicate are used as inhibitors of quartz and silicate to separate iron-containing minerals from quartz and silicate. The manufacturer tells you the concentration of   sodium hexametaphosphate  plays an important role in mineral separation. Sodium hexametaphosphate competes with the collector sodium oleate for adsorption on the surface of diaspore and kaolinite minerals. Because the adsorption capacity of sodium oleate on the surface of diaspore is stronger than that on the surface of kaolinite. Therefore, sodium hexametaphosphate has a greater influence on the adsorption capacity of sodium oleate on the surface of kaolinite than the adsorption capacity on the surface of di

Is potassium formate the same product as industrial salt? The manufacturer tells you

Industrial salt has many uses in industry. It can be used in refrigeration, soft water, snow melting and so on. It is also one of the basic raw materials of chemical industry. Potassium formate also has the function of snow melting agent. It's an environmental friendly snow melting agent, and it's also white. Is   potassium formate   the same as industrial salt? The manufacturer tells you. Potassium formate and industrial salt, which can be used as snow melting agent, are not the same products. The specific contents are as follows: I. different ingredients 1. As the name suggests, snow melting agent is used to melt snow and ice, which is convenient for road dredging. Composition of potassium formate: potassium formate content: 50% min, corrosion inhibitor: 2.0% max; appearance: colorless and tasteless clear liquid; density (SG, 25 ℃): 1.35min; freezing point: lower than - 50℃; miscibility with water: completely miscible in water; PH value: 11.0-11.4. 2. Industrial salt is mainl

The manufacturer of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP share with you what phosphorus is

  When it comes to phosphorus, everyone is no stranger to it, but what is it and how does it relate to life? The manufacturer of   industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate/SHMP   share with you what phosphorus is. Phosphorus is an element that every cell depends on for survival. DNA provides the genetic code of life, and adenosine triphosphate(ATP) is the key to cell energy conversion. In agriculture, phosphorus, like nitrogen and potassium, is one of the three indispensable elements for crops. Elemental phosphorus, usually called white (or yellow) phosphorus, has a molecular formula of P4, and is only used in the production of a few chemicals. Most of the phosphorus is consumed in the form of phosphate, and most of the phosphorus is used to make high-purity phosphoric acid for some food processing and semiconductor etching. This production method is thermal phosphoric acid, which is made by burning phosphorus in humid air. Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group is a manufacturer speciali

Is sodium tripolyphosphate good or bad in food processing? The manufacturer tells you

Various opinions about food additives have come out with various news and aroused fears of many small partners about food additives. So sodium tripolyphosphate as one of the food additives, Chongqing Chuandong Chemical will tell you whether the use of   sodium tripolyphosphate   in food processing is good or bad. Food grade sodium tripolyphosphate is mainly used as a quality improver in food processing. It can improve the complex metal ions, adjust the PH value and increase the ionic strength of food, thereby improving the binding force and water holding capacity of food. Sodium tripolyphosphate is used as a quality improver and water retainer for meat products, fruit juice drinks, beer, dairy products and soybean products. It can be used for ham and canned food to soften meat and increase adhesion force, for aquatic products to gain weight and keep fresh, for milk products to prevent protein from condensation and precipitation, to prevent beverage oxidation, deterioration, tone change

The factory tells you that sodium tripolyphosphate is not added randomly in food

Food additives are synthetic or natural substances added to food to improve the quality of food such as color, aroma and taste, and to meet the needs of preservation and processing technology. The processing of food and the use of additives must conform to the Food Safety Law, and no chemical substances other than food additives can be produced from non-food raw materials. As one of the food additives,   sodium tripolyphosphate   is not added randomly in food. Phosphorus is an essential element for human body, but the amount of sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium hexametaphosphate and sodium pyrophosphate used as food additives and intake are limited. In fact, food-grade phosphate is safer than many additives and can be safely used. Food grade sodium tripolyphosphate is generally used as water retention agent, quality improver, PH regulator and metal chelating agent in food. "Hygienic Standards for the Use of Food Additives" (GB2760-2011) of China stipulates that: 1. The maximum

The manufacturer of sodium pyrophosphate food grade in China tells you it is also a water-retaining agent

Food additives are getting more and more widely used in the current food processing industry. Food additives can improve the color, flavor and taste of food. The   manufacturer of sodium pyrophosphate food grade in China   tells you it is also a water-retaining agent. Polyphosphate is a very hydrophilic moisture retention agent, which can stabilize the moisture contained in food well. Its water holding capacity is related to the type, amount of polyphosphate, PH value of food, ionic strength and other factors. For meat products and seafood, the best water holding capacity is pyrophosphate, such as food grade sodium pyrophosphate. The second is tripolyphosphate. As the chain length increases, the water holding capacity of polyphosphate will weaken. The general mechanism of food grade sodium pyrophosphate water retaining agent are: 1. Raise the PH of meat Let the PH value of the meat move to the alkaline direction, away from the isoelectric point, so that the water holding capacity is im

Can sodium tripolyphosphate be added to the production of oil stain cleaning agents for metal parts?

Mechanical oil used in metal processing. If oil stains adhere to the surface of metal parts, they will affect the coating and assembly of subsequent parts, and the oil stains on the parts will cause the entire production environment to be unable to maintain cleanliness. Therefore, the surface dirt in each process needs to be promptly cleaned with industrial cleaning agents, and   sodium tripolyphosphate   is one of the auxiliary industrial cleaning agents. Sodium tripolyphosphate, also known as pentasodium phosphate, is a white powder or granular solid. Soluble in water, capable of complexing alkali metals with metal salts, capable of softening water, adjusting and buffering the PH value of the saponification value, with a PH of 9.7 for 1% solution, and having ion exchange capacity. Emulsification, dispersion and solubilization properties of sodium tripolyphosphate Sodium tripolyphosphate has characteristics of dispersion, emulsification, and gelation for fine dust particles and oil dr

Do you know the working principle of sodium tripolyphosphate in industrial oil pollution cleaning?

Cleaning agents can be divided into industrial cleaning agents and civil cleaning agents according to their uses. Industrial cleaning agent can quickly decompose the oil and heavy oil stains on the mechanical surface. Even the oil stains on the ground can be cleaned, and the effect is still obvious. Sodium tripolyphosphate is an excellent additive commonly seen in industrial and civil cleaning agents, but do you know the working principle of   sodium tripolyphosphate  in industrial oil pollution cleaning? Anyone who knows about chemical additives knows that sodium tripolyphosphate is an indispensable excellent additive in detergents, and the content of most detergents is 10~50%; It can play a good synergistic effect with sodium alkylbenzene sulfonate and improve the cleaning effect of sodium alkylbenzene sulfonate. It is a large amount of inorganic additives used in industrial cleaning agents. The main functions of sodium tripolyphosphate as a detergent assistant can be summarized as f