
目前显示的是 十二月, 2020的博文

Can industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate be used as food additive?

  In the production process,   food grade sodium hexametaphosphate   is used as an additive in many foods. No matter it is crispy biscuits, soft cakes, or sweet and sour candies, additives are inseparable. But food additives are not natural ingredients after all. Sodium hexametaphosphate, which is used and added as a food additive, must be used in strict accordance with the national food additive standards. Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate is a natural or chemically synthesized substance added to food in order to improve food quality and ensure the preservation of food during transportation and storage. If these substances are added in strict accordance with the standards promulgated by the state, these substances added to improve the quality of food will not cause harm to the human body. But if the situation is the opposite, it will become an invisible killer of human health. It should be pointed out that there are still industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate on the market that

Do you want high-quality mines? Try sodium hexametaphosphate

  Due to the increasingly scarce mineral resources, mineral mining increasingly uses lean and complex ore, so the amount of ore that needs to be processed is increasing. Beneficiation can improve the quality of mineral raw materials, reduce transportation costs, alleviate further processing difficulties, reduce processing costs, and realize the comprehensive utilization of mineral raw materials.   Sodium hexametaphosphate   is a commonly used regulator and inhibitor in mineral flotation. The type and amount of flotation agent vary with the nature of the ore and the flotation conditions and process characteristics, and can also be changed according to the changes in the above-mentioned various conditions during the production practice. The role of sodium hexametaphosphate in the regulator can be divided into five categories: (1) pH regulator (2) Activator (3) Inhibitors (4) Flocculant (5) Dispersant Application in mineral processing and oilfield industry Sodium hexametaphosphate is comm

High-quality sodium hexametaphosphate is a transparent glass flake or white powdery crystal

  Sodium hexametaphosphate   is a kind of sodium metaphosphate polymer, which is a transparent glass flake or white powdery crystal. Strong hygroscopicity, it becomes sticky after moisture absorption, deliquescent in the air, and soluble in water. The solubility is greater in water, but the dissolution rate is relatively warm. The aqueous solution is acidic and easily hydrolyzed into phosphite. Sodium hexametaphosphate has the ability to form soluble complexes for certain metal ions (calcium, magnesium), so it can be used to soften water, and it can also form complexes with lead, silver, and barium salts. Sodium hexametaphosphate is used in industrial water treatment, detergent auxiliary, and flotation agent in mineral processing industry. Refractory materials, ceramics and other important additives will use it. Therefore, the quality of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate needs to be stable. The large-scale production equipment of Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group, the manufact

Is sodium hexametaphosphate better in powder form or in flake form?

  Sodium hexametaphosphate has many uses. It is used in industry and food additives, and it has outstanding performance among phosphates. Sodium hexametaphosphate on the market is not only from the raw materials but also the finished products, it is very diverse, which makes people feel picky. In fact, from the shape of  sodium hexametaphosphate , it can be roughly divided into white powder crystals, or colorless transparent glass flakes or block solids. Which one is better in performance? Sodium hexametaphosphate is a colorless transparent glass flake or white granular crystal. The relative density is 2.484 (20℃), and the melting point is 616℃ (decomposition). Easily soluble in water but insoluble in organic solvents. It has strong hygroscopicity, and it can gradually absorb moisture when exposed to the air and become a viscous gel. In fact, performance has nothing to do with its traits. The flaky sodium hexametaphosphate does not need to go through the turbo pulverizer, vibrating sie

Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate, a high-quality food additive

  When it comes to food additives, most people hear about it. Maybe you always want to avoid food additives, but you never understand its mystery. As a commonly used food additive, sodium hexametaphosphate is a high-quality food improver with its performance meeting requirements and good safety. The following will uncover the mystery of the   food additive sodium hexametaphosphate . Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate is a phosphate produced by thermal phosphoric acid. Sodium hexametaphosphate is commonly used in the list of food additives. Is the food additive sodium hexametaphosphate safe? In fact, the safety of food additive sodium hexametaphosphate itself is relatively high. Because the world uses uniform food additive safety assessment methods and standards, its management is implemented in a real-time dynamic supervision. Its management includes the Health and Family Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China and the State Food and Drug Administration, and the eval

Can industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate be used for metallurgy and metal anticorrosion?

Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate  is widely used in phosphate series of bulk products, such as industrial soft water, ceramics, washing, and refractory additives. Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate is also used in the petroleum industry for rust prevention of drill pipes and to control the viscosity of the mud during oil drilling. Therefore, the manufacturer Chuandong Chemical will tell you about the application of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate in metallurgy and metal anticorrosion: Adding industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate to some additives to spray the steelmaking converter under a certain temperature and pressure can greatly extend the life of the converter. Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate chelates with divalent metal ions in the solution to form a positively charged polyelectrolyte, which forms a dense, continuous film when it is adsorbed on the metal surface. The film can completely cover the corroded micro-battery, reduce or prevent th

How to clean the boiler with trisodium phosphate?

 If the boiler is not cleaned for a long time, a large amount of scale will be generated. The harm of scale on the boiler is not only an impact on the thermal conductivity. In severe cases, the superheater of the heated surface may burst or overheat. Natural water is an aqueous solution of electrolyte, which is prone to electrochemical corrosion in contact with metals. It is known that sodium hexametaphosphate is used for water softening when using a boiler. So how to clean the boiler with trisodium phosphate ? Boiler cleaning method: 1. Flush Condenser---Before flushing the water supply system, the condenser, hot well, deaerator, and water supply tank should be manually cleaned with 2% trisodium phosphate (Na31PO4.12H20) solution, and then rinsed with ordinary water system. It is best to use demineralized water for the formal flushing of the system. The cycle power for flushing is provided by the condensate pump, and the condenser hot well is used as a water storage container. In ord

Can sodium hexametaphosphate be used in alkaline dyeing auxiliaries?

 At present, the dyeing process of polyester fabrics in the printing and dyeing industry still uses the traditional acid dye bath condition dyeing method. By adopting this method, the disadvantages of poor quality, low output and high production cost exist in the production process, and it is increasingly unsuitable for production needs, especially for dyeing polyester fabrics after alkaline processing. The existence of these problems lies in the lack of alkaline dyeing auxiliaries, while sodium hexametaphosphate is a more widely used dyeing auxiliaries in phosphate products. Let's first look at the advantages of alkaline dyeing auxiliaries: Alkaline dyeing auxiliaries are used as special dyeing auxiliaries for alkaline dyeing of polyester fabrics, so that the alkaline dyeing method has been popularized. After optimizing alkali-resistant disperse dyes and using special alkali agents, polyester fabrics can be dyed under alkaline conditions, so that the fabrics have bright colors, r

What is the use principle of acidifier feed grade calcium formate?

  Feed grade calcium formate   is neutralized by formic acid and calcium carbonate. It is an organic calcium acid containing a trace amount of formic acid. It has calcium supplementation and acidification effects. Unlike previous calcium sources used in feed, feed grade calcium formate does not require gastric acid to dissolve in the animal body, and the absorption rate is better than previous ones. It can be used for young animals with imperfect gastrointestinal function. It is especially suitable for weaning piglets. Adding feed grade calcium formate to the piglet's diet can improve the feed conversion rate, reduce the piglet's diarrhea, increase the growth rate and the piglet's daily weight. It can be seen that the action mechanism of feed grade calcium formate acidification is: The pH value of feed grade calcium formate is neutral, with low water content and good water solubility. It can reduce the diet and balance the pH value in the stomach, improve the activity of en

The EU approved feed additives potassium diformate and benzoic acid, which effect is better?

  We all know that non-antibiotic feed additives are much earlier in foreign countries. The use of organic acids can not only improve the productivity of the breeding environment, but also have antibacterial and antibacterial effects. Among the non-antibiotic feed additives approved by the EU, which   potassium diformate   and benzoic acid are effective? By comparing potassium diformate and benzoic acid, two non-antibiotic growth-promoting feed additives approved by the European Union, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. Compared with all organic acids (salts) including benzoic acid, the advantage of potassium diformate is that it can significantly increase the feed intake of weaned piglets and lactating sows. The feed intake of piglets and sows decreases as the dose of benzoic acid increases (poor palatability). Potassium diformate has a positive effect on palatability even at higher levels due to the taste preference of pigs. 2. Based on the antibacterial properties of formic

Liuzhou Daily gave a positive report on Liucheng Chuandong Company

  On December 14th, Liuzhou Daily, "How can those who take the first place win a small wealth is safe?" The interpretation of the "rich" and "password" series of the three-character tactics of "building a strong extension" in the industrial chain of Liucheng County (1) gave an analysis of   Guangxi Liucheng Chuandong   Reported. Although there are few words, it highlights the position of Guangxi Liucheng Chuandong Company in the local chemical industry. The report wrote: In the Liucheng Chuandong Company in Guangxi, surrounded by green trees, the company makes full use of the symbiosis and coupling relationship of different products to ingeniously transform the "waste" or by-products in the industrial chain into new industrial raw materials, forming The circular economy industrial chain of "ring and producing gold" has a great position in the chemical industry. "Small wealth and security is not a long-term solution, but s

The price of pork has gone up! How do pigs use potassium diformate to strengthen and improve production performance?

  Towards the end of the year, the production of live pigs continues to increase, and the price of pork in many places has risen again. The pig industry is actively looking for feed substitutes for anti-growth promoters in the absence of anti-feedbacks to improve the resistance of animals to diseases, reduce the number of deaths caused by bacterial infections, and avoid losses caused by pathogens.   Potassium diformate   improves production performance by helping pigs strengthen their resistance to infection and improve feed digestibility. Role in pig production: 1. The effect on pig performance. Studies have shown that adding 1.2%, 0.8%, and 0.6% potassium diformate to the diets of large pigs, breeding pigs, and weaned pigs, respectively, has no significant difference between pigs' daily gain and feed utilization rate and the addition of compound antibiotics. 2. The effect on carcass quality. Adding potassium diformate to the diet of growing-finishing pigs can reduce the fat conte

Is industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate toxic?

  Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate  is a product widely used in fine phosphorus chemical products. It is a white powder crystal, or a colorless transparent glass flake or block solid. Easily soluble in water but insoluble in organic solvents. The aqueous solution is alkaline. It is highly hygroscopic, and it can gradually absorb moisture when exposed to the air and become viscous. It can form soluble complexes with metal ions such as calcium and magnesium. Therefore, sodium hexametaphosphate is not only used in food, but also widely used in industry. Sodium hexametaphosphate is widely used, not only in beverages, but also in many foods. Food grade sodium hexametaphosphate is a commonly used food additive. However, when it is added to beverages, the sodium hexametaphosphate in food must be added in strict accordance with the amount of food-grade added, and manufacturers that produce food grade sodium hexametaphosphate must also have relevant qualifications. When washing clothes

Wansheng Chuandong Chemical organizes hazardous chemicals and occupational health and safety knowledge training

  On December 7, 2020, Wansheng Chuandong Chemical organized the training on hazardous chemicals and occupational health and safety knowledge, and all employees of the company participated. The deputy general manager, the general manager's assistant, and the safety and environmental protection department minister respectively conducted preaching training, and finally all staff took a paper exam.

What are the factors affecting the quality of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate products?

  Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate  is a refined bulk product of phosphate. In addition to having a place in the food field, it also has a wide range of uses in other industries, medicine and other fields. For example, it can be used as a high-efficiency water softener for cooling water treatment in power stations, vehicle boilers and fertilizer plants, cement hardening accelerators, and detergents in the bleaching and dyeing industry. It is used as a flotation agent in the mineral processing industry. In medicine, it is used as a sedative and refractory additive. The wide application of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate has stricter requirements for the quality production of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate. The quality of industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate products has a great relationship with the control of process conditions in the production process. Different process conditions can produce industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate with different

Is sodium hexametaphosphate a food preservative?

  Microorganisms are ubiquitous in the daily environment, and of course there are also a certain amount of microorganisms in the food we eat. The microorganisms in most foods usually do not cause harm to the human body, and they may sometimes be used specifically to produce food. However, there is also a small part of microorganisms that can cause various diseases. Preservatives came into being, so that people can eat more high-quality, fresh food. Phosphates are widely used in food additives. Is   sodium hexametaphosphate   a food preservative? Everyone knows the various claims about sodium hexametaphosphate in food additives, constantly stimulating the sensitive nerves of the public, and causing consumers to worry about the safety of food additives invisibly. Is sodium hexametaphosphate a food preservative? What is sodium hexametaphosphate? Sodium hexametaphosphate is a colorless powder or white fibrous crystal or glass block with strong deliquescence. It has strong chelating power,

An acidifier capable of supplementing calcium - feed grade calcium formate

  In today's modern and new breeding, the use of feed has increased significantly. The method of using   feed grade calcium formate   as an additive enzyme in feed to improve the digestibility of certain ingredients such as protein, phosphorus or carbohydrates is widely used. Similarly, many probiotics and other products are also used to stabilize the intestinal flora and animal health. Feed grade calcium formate is a new type of green feed additive with high efficiency, environmental protection, safety and non-toxic side effects. As early as 1960, the feed industry began to study acidulants, using organic acids to relieve diarrhea in weaned piglets. Later, it was discovered that some simple acidifiers can lower feed pH and promote growth. Studies have shown that acidifiers can improve the production performance of livestock and poultry, increase feed utilization, and enhance animal immunity. Among the acidifiers, feed grade calcium formate has a significant effect. Feed grade calc

2020 "Prohibition of antibiotics in feed" potassium diformate instead of antibiotics has been implemented

 "Feed anti-antibiotics" has fallen into the ground. From "antibiotic" to "non-antibiotic", finding alternatives to antibiotics also increases the difficulty of anti-antibiotic breeding. Potassium diformate can replace antibiotics and act as an antibacterial and growth-promoting agent. How to effectively replace the growth-promoting drug feed additives in feed? First, potassium diformate is a mixture of formic acid and potassium formate. Strong acidity is slowly released in the digestive tract and has a high buffering capacity, which can avoid excessive fluctuations in the acidity of the animal's gastrointestinal tract. At present, there are only a handful of domestic manufacturers (the quality of potassium diformate from Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group is stable, with low impurities and high content). Secondly, potassium diformate mainly plays a role in the front part of the small intestine, and the released potassium ions can also increase the ut

Feed grade calcium formate is developing towards science and technology and specialization in feed additive industry

  At present, feed additive industry is also attached to feed industry, pharmaceutical industry and other related industries, the degree of specialization is not high. With the continuous development of the scale of the aquaculture industry, the demand for compound feed will be greatly increased, and the quality requirements will also continue to improve.   Feed additive calcium formate   will effectively promote the professional development of feed additive industry. With the development of feed grade calcium formate in feed additive industry, feed grade calcium formate produced by Chuandong Chemical Group is developing in science and technology, with feed grade related production qualification, and large-scale production can well control the product quality. Specialization plays a role of calcium supplement in feed addition, because calcium formate in feed belongs to organic acid calcium, which can reduce the diet and balance the pH value in the stomach of animals, which can make ani

Don't you know the advantages of using potassium formate as snow melting agent?

  Strong snowfall in winter will cause snow and icing on the road area. In order to ensure smooth road traffic and facilitate the travel of vehicles and pedestrians, snow melting agents will be sprayed for treatment. With the strengthening of awareness of environmental protection, the use of   potassium formate   in snow melting agents has received attention. So do you know the advantages of using potassium formate as snow melting agent? Although there are still many deficiencies in environmentally friendly snow melting agents such as potassium formate, potassium formate is currently environmentally friendly in snow melting agents. Advantages of potassium formate snow melting agent: 1. Improve safety 2. Low dosage and fast speed. 3. The working temperature (or application range) is low (the working temperature of table salt is -5℃, and it can also work at -40℃). 4. The continuous snow melting time is long, up to several days. 5. It has a wide range of adaptability, and can be used in s

The basic function of potassium diformate is to solve the problem of diarrhea in piglets

 After the winter, the temperature everywhere dropped sharply. People who raise pigs know that winter is the peak of piglet diarrhea. Soon after the piglet is born, the resistance to the virus itself is weak. So the chance of contracting diarrhea is getting higher and higher. Potassium diformate is a growth-promoting agent that can replace antibiotics in solving the problem of diarrhea in piglets, focusing on palatability, acidity, and bacteriostasis. Let's understand the purpose of using potassium diformate to reduce the acidity of the feed system: 1. Reduce the acidity of feed system. 2. Lower the PH of the gastrointestinal tract and exert antibacterial effect. 3. Reduce the acidity of the feed system, and at the same time reduce the pH of the gastrointestinal tract, exerting antibacterial effects. 4. Use organic formic acid raw materials to make acidulant to reduce the damage to nutrients. 5. Improve palatability and reduce stress. 6. Potassium diformate has acidification and