
目前显示的是 七月, 2022的博文

The manufacturer of technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate tells you the principle of paper pulp dispersant

  When it comes to paper, it is a common item in life. Household paper and work paper are used in a wide range of applications, and the quality requirements for paper are more stringent. Manufacturers of technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate also have a full understanding of the dispersion effect of   technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate   in papermaking, so that the downstream papermaking industry can produce better quality paper. For the papermaking process, fibers, fillers, and some additives are all water-insoluble and tend to accumulate in the aqueous solution, and different materials are often kept away as far as possible due to incompatibility. This makes it difficult to obtain paper with uniform properties and ideal strength. Therefore, technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate is added in the paper production process. Technical grade sodium hexametaphosphate is an inorganic dispersant and is easily soluble in water. It can promote a good dispersion of paper fibers and an

What is the role of phosphate in grain and oil products? Manufacturer of sodium tripolyphosphate tells you

  Phosphorus is an essential mineral element for human body. The main source of phosphorus intake is natural food or food phosphate additives. Phosphate is one of the natural components of almost all foods. At present, there are many kinds of phosphates approved for use in food additives in China, including sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium hexametaphosphate, sodium pyrophosphate, trisodium phosphate, disodium hydrogen phosphate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, sodium acid pyrophosphate, etc. So, what is the role of phosphate in grain and oil products?   Manufacturer of sodium tripolyphosphate   tells you. Phosphates can improve noodles mainly by increasing gluten strength and reducing starch extracts, enhancing viscoelasticity and improving surface finish of noodles. The application of phosphate in the production of quick-frozen steamed bread is mainly to improve the texture and taste of steamed bread; increase the water-holding capacity of steamed bread, reduce the moisture loss of steame

Which foods can sodium hexametaphosphate food additive be used in? The manufacturer tells you

  Because of the development of the food industry, food additives are indispensable to the enrichment and convenience of our diet. Food additives are strictly evaluated and used within the limits permitted by the law without harming health. Phosphates are widely used food additives all over the world and play an important role in improving food quality. Which foods can   sodium hexametaphosphate food additive   be used in? The manufacturer tells you. Sodium hexametaphosphate is widely used as food water-retaining agent, such as meat products processing, aquatic products processing, frozen food processing, as well as catering ingredients, such as balls, beef and mutton slices, kebabs and so on. Correct use of sodium hexametaphosphate can improve the water yield, product structure, increase brittleness, prolong shelf life and save costs. In seafood processing, sodium hexametaphosphate can effectively solve the problem of loss of seafood flavor and nutrition, prevent and reduce oxidation;

Sodium hexametaphosphate food additive can not only improve food quality but also reduce cost

  In modern society, food additives are ubiquitous. Food additives are designed to improve food satisfaction, but what food can be added, what food can not be added, how much is strictly controlled, are measured by scientific standards. For example,   sodium hexametaphosphate food additive   has been scientifically validated before it is included in the legal scope. As long as it is added according to the national standards in food production, it will not cause health hazards. How to use sodium hexametaphosphate food additive to reduce the cost of food processing without reducing the quality of food? Let's look at the principles of choosing sodium hexametaphosphate as water retention agent. 1. Sodium hexametaphosphate must have food grade production license, such as Chuandong Chemical Group. More importantly, it needs food grade thermal production to control heavy metals and impurities more effectively. 2. The solubility of sodium hexametaphosphate must be good. The retainer should

Let's talk about the use of industrial grade sodium tripolyphosphate

Sodium tripolyphosphate is an inorganic surfactant with certain organic surfactant properties. Sodium tripolyphosphate is also a type of amorphous water-soluble linear polyphosphate, which is terminated with Na 2 PO 4  at both ends and has the chemical formula Na 5 P 3 O 10 . It is used as a moisture retention agent, quality improver, PH regulator, metal chelating agent in food. Let's talk about the use of  industrial grade sodium tripolyphosphate . Industrial grade sodium tripolyphosphate is easily soluble in water, and the aqueous solution is alkaline. It gradually hydrolyzes into orthophosphate in water, and has a good ability to complex metal ions. It can complex with calcium, magnesium, iron and other metal ions to form soluble complexes. It can soften hard water. As an inorganic surfactant, has certain organic surfactant properties. Industrial grade sodium tripolyphosphate  produced by Chongqing Chuandong Chemical are all made of genuine raw materials and made by thermal proc

Can adding feed additive potassium diformate help poultry and livestock adapt to the "ban on antibiotics" process in feed?

  In recent years, the drug resistance situation of animal-derived bacteria has been severe. On the one hand, the resistance of shared antimicrobials between humans and animals has increased, threatening human life and medical resources. On the other hand, the drug resistance of animal-specific antimicrobials is also increasing year by year, increasing the cost of breeding, but also affecting food safety and public health safety. Therefore, it is wise to regulate the use of antibiotics and to "ban resistance" and "reducing resistance" in the breeding industry. How to add   feed additive potassium diformate   to allow livestock to adapt to the process of "ban on antibiotics" to feed? First of all, farmers have to face up to the changes it brings, especially to understand the impact of the current feed "ban on antibiotics". First, the production level of the aquaculture industry has decreased within a certain period of time, and the cost of aquacul

What can food grade sodium tripolyphosphate add to food?

  In the process of food processing, in order to ensure the quality of products, it is necessary to select appropriate food additives according to the characteristics of food processing products. The manufacturer tells you what can   food grade sodium tripolyphosphate  be added to food. (1) Improve and improve the sensory indexes of food such as color, aroma, taste and taste. Food color, aroma, taste, shape and taste are important indicators of food quality. Food processing generally has physical processes such as grinding, crushing, heating and pressurization. In these processes, food is easy to fade and discolor, and some inherent aroma of food is lost. In addition, the same processing process is difficult to solve the soft, hard, brittle, tough taste requirements of products. Therefore, proper use of sodium tripolyphosphate, quality improver, coloring agent, color protecting agent, food flavors, thickeners and emulsifiers can obviously improve the sensory quality of food and satisfy

The manufacturer tells you the precautions for adding sodium tripolyphosphate to food

  The transformation of human food is not only reflected in fruits and crops, but also in processed food. The emergence of processed food also enriches our dining table. However, there are also many rumors, leading to many people's hearing of food additives. As a regular   manufacturer of sodium tripolyphosphate , what we want to say is that consumers don't need to panic. How to correctly treat sodium tripolyphosphate as a food additive? The manufacturer tells you. The main function of sodium tripolyphosphate in food is to improve the color, fragrance and taste of food, adjust the nutritional composition of food, and extend the shelf life of food. As long as the food grade sodium tripolyphosphate is added in strict accordance with the food production requirements and national food additive regulations, it belongs to the normal acceptance range of human body. Sodium tripolyphosphate is used in the food industry as a quality improver and water retention agent for cans, juice drin

Do you think feed additive potassium diformate can only be used as an ordinary acidifier?

  The feed additive potassium diformate can be slowly released in the entire digestive tract of poultry and livestock, exerting the value of organic acidifier. Today, when it comes to antibiotics, pathogens or microorganisms are inseparable. When it comes to banning resistance, it is how to deal with microorganisms.   Feed additive potassium diformate   is not as simple as an acidulant, it is a growth promoter that can replace antibiotics. Potassium diformate is mainly made by mixing formic acid and potassium formate. Its substance content is as high as 98%, and clinical application has proved that it can effectively inhibit the growth and reproduction of harmful pathogenic microorganisms, maintain animal respiratory and intestinal health, promote animal growth, and reduce stress. It can be added safely for a long time, harmless and no residue. The performance of potassium diformate is better than ordinary compound acidifier. By reducing the pH of the gastrointestinal tract, regulating

Scientific use of potassium diformate feed additive reduces the impact of industry chain

  In order to meet the needs of industrialization, for the development of green substitute feed additives, ensuring product safety is the prerequisite and top priority. In the large family of antibiotics, there is a class of substances: it is the first non-antibiotic growth promoter approved by the European Union; it is a green, environmentally-friendly and residue-free feed additive; it is effective in immune function, anti-allergy, bacteriostasis and improvement Circulation and other aspects also have good results. What is it? It is   feed additive potassium diformate . Potassium diformate feed additive will reduce the impact on the industry chain after the feed is banned: 1. For feed companies, it may lead to an increase in the production costs of feed companies (the main reason for the widespread use of antibiotics is the high cost performance, so anti-antibodies are costly). Moreover, farmers' complaints about feed products will increase (the feed substitution solution needs c

The factory tells you the principle of sodium hexametaphosphate in food processing

  Phosphorus is an essential element of life. It exists in many forms in the body, but the common form is phosphate. Phosphate is a molecule consisting of phosphorus and oxygen (PO 4 3- ), which is added to various foods like salt. Phosphate can be used as preservative, thickener and starter.   Sodium hexametaphosphate   is a kind of food additive which is widely used in food processing. In the past, because illegal additives have cast a great shadow on food additives, Chuandong Chemical today gives you a correct understanding of the role of sodium hexametaphosphate in food processing. 1. Sealing of metal ions Sodium hexametaphosphate can chelate with metal ions Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ , Cu 2+ , Fe 2+  in solution to form soluble chelates, which can prevent food from discoloration and spoilage, prevent or delay the oxidation of unsaturated fat, inhibit the growth of microorganisms and play a role of antisepsis and bacteriostasis. 2. Emulsification and Dispersion Sodium hexametaphosphate can disp

Can food grade sodium tripolyphosphate affect the water retention of meat products?

  Meat products refer to cooked meat products or semi-finished products, such as sausage, ham, bacon, sauce, marinated meat, barbecue meat, etc., which are made of livestock and poultry meat as the main raw material and seasoned. Because of its safety and sanitation, delicious taste, delicate taste, high nutritional value, it is very popular. The edible quality indexes of meat products mainly include taste, texture, juiciness and odor, among which water retention of meat is one of the important indexes to evaluate the quality of meat products.   Food grade sodium tripolyphosphate   not only directly affects the yield, tenderness and flavor of meat products, but also affects the water retention of meat products. What is food grade sodium tripolyphosphate? The role of sodium tripolyphosphate in food additives can improve the quality and nutritional value of food, improve the sensory properties of food, prevent food spoilage, prolong the shelf life of food, facilitate food processing and

The factory tells you the necessity of spraying organic potassium formate foliar fertilizer

  At present, there are two types of solid and liquid foliar fertilizer on the market. Generally speaking, solid foliar fertilizer is better than liquid foliar fertilizer. Solid foliar fertilizer is divided into granular and powdery, and granular foliar fertilizer is better than powdery foliar fertilizer. Because the granular foliar fertilizer is processed by special technology, it has the advantages of easy application, high drying degree and easy preservation.   Potassium formate  is a foliar fertilizer with high potassium content, high solubility, easy absorption and safety. Necessity of foliar fertilization with organic potassium formate: 1. Make up for the deficiency of root fertilization When it is inconvenient to apply fertilizer at the root of crop emergence, such as in the late stage of crop growth, the vitality of root system declines and the ability to absorb fertilizer decreases; or when the soil environment is unfavorable to crop growth, such as excessive water, drought, o

Sodium hexametaphosphate is an inorganic salt water reducer

Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate   manufacturers believe that in the future, lightweight refractories will improve energy efficiency in high temperature industry, reduce the load of matching materials, and increase the production efficiency of high temperature industry with long life and reduction of refractories. In refractory casting, it has fast hardening speed, high strength, and can prevent refractory shrinkage and cracking. Industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate as inorganic salt refractory additive, industrial sodium hexametaphosphate in refractory additives play a role in reducing water, and industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate because of its good dispersibility, good wettability, and can maximize contact with the surface of granular and powdery materials, in the development of amorphous refractories, industrial grade sodium hexametaphosphate chain length plays an important role. Chongqing Chuandong Chemical (Group) Co.,Ltd., the manufacturer of industrial grad

The manufacturer tells you about the application of sodium tripolyphosphate in food processing

  Food additives have greatly promoted the development of food industry, and are known as the soul of modern food industry, mainly because it has brought a lot of benefits to the food industry. So, as one of the food additives, what are the applications of   sodium tripolyphosphate   in food processing? Next, Chongqing Chuandong Chemical will give you an answer. (1) Beans and preserves Sodium tripolyphosphate can stabilize natural pigments and protect the color of foods such as beans and preserves. (2) Cold food and ice cream Ice cream is used in cold food because sodium tripolyphosphate has strong chelating, buffering and dispersing effects on metal ions, promotes protein coagulation, and can be mixed with other phosphates to form compound phosphates or used alone. (3) Drinks and dairy products The use of food grade sodium tripolyphosphate in beverage processing will not reduce the quality of products, improve the taste of the beverage, make the beverage refreshing and prevent gel pre

Does Chongqing Chuandong Chemical produce food additive such as sodium tripolyphosphate?

  In the large chemical raw materials, in the production process of phosphoric acid and phosphate, formic acid and formate, Chongqing Chuandong Chemical has more than 60 years of production and operation, more exquisite production process. Food additives can improve the quality of food such as color, aroma and taste. For example,   sodium tripolyphosphate , sodium hexametaphosphate and sodium pyrophosphate, which are often used in food and beverage, are commonly used food additives. Chongqing Chuandong Chemical not only produces industrial grade phosphate, but also produces food grade phosphate. First of all, the production of food additives can not be produced by any factory. After the relocation in 2018, Wansheng Chuandong Chemical Company, a subsidiary of Chuandong Chemical Group, came from construction, production equipment and sites in strict accordance with food grade standards. The food additive production and operation license was obtained after a series of regular inspection a