
目前显示的是 十二月, 2021的博文

Do you know that food additive sodium pyrophosphate is also a water retaining agent?

Food additives are more and more widely used in food processing industry. Food additives can improve the color, flavor and taste of food.  Food additive sodium pyrophosphate  is also a water retaining agent, do you know? Polyphosphate is a water retention agent with strong hydrophilicity. It can stabilize the water contained in food. Its water holding capacity is related to the type and amount of polyphosphate, PH value of food, ionic strength and other factors. For meat products and seafood, pyrophosphate has the best water holding capacity, such as food grade sodium pyrophosphate. The second is tripolyphosphate. With the increase of chain length, the water holding capacity of polyphosphate will be weakened. The general mechanism of food additive sodium pyrophosphate water retaining agent is as follows: 1. Improve the PH value of meat Let the PH value of meat move to the alkaline direction and leave the isoelectric point, so as to improve the water holding capacity. 2. Chelate metal i

Food additive sodium tripolyphosphate can promote the development of food industry

  People in the food industry often say that food additives are the soul of the food industry. However, rumors about food additives always come out to stimulate the sensitive nerves of the public, which makes consumers worry about the safety of food additives.   Food grade sodium tripolyphosphate   is one of the food additives. It is allowed to be used as long as it is added in strict accordance with the food additives. General consumers believe that "no preservative" and "zero addition" are safer. Businesses also aim at this point. They use this description to cater to consumers' psychology and sell at a good price at the same time. In fact, preservatives are mainly used to prevent food from spoilage. Otherwise, some food will go bad before leaving the factory, and may even produce toxins. Food additive sodium tripolyphosphate is used in food addition only after strict practical test. With the progress of science and technology, the original preservation and ta

Can technical grade sodium tripolyphosphate improve the flow instability of ceramic glaze?

  Ceramic production technology has been explored and precipitated since ancient times. Glaze is an important raw material in ceramic production, and the performance of glaze slurry is also a process link prone to problems. The unstable flow rate of ceramic glaze can not be solved by raw material formula alone. Combined with the development of modern science and technology, the stability of glaze performance can be reasonably adjusted and improved by additives such as   technical grade sodium tripolyphosphate . Such problems are often encountered in production: after the glaze slurry (especially raw glaze) is stored for a period of time, the flow rate will be unstable like tofu flower, commonly known as poor thixotropy. In serious cases, bell jar glaze spraying can not be implemented at all. Sodium tripolyphosphate is also called water reducing agent and degumming agent. Technical grade sodium tripolyphosphate used in ceramic industry has obvious degumming effect on ceramic slurry, esp

Welcome members of the expert group led by China Petrochemical Federation and China Inorganic Salt Association to the company for investigation and research

On December 25, Zhao Jungui, vice president of China Petrochemical Federation and Wang Xiaofeng, President of China Inorganic Salt Association, and other members of the expert group went to the two bases of Chuandong Chemical Group:  Kaiyang Chuandong  and  Fuquan Chuandong  for investigation and guidance. After the meeting discussion and on-site investigation, the expert group had a detailed understanding of the production, operation and product structure of Kaiyang Chuandong and Fuquan Chuandong. The two sides exchanged views on relevant issues facing the phosphate industry, and highly praised the orderly management and reasonable product structure of Chuandong Chemical Group.  

What role does industrial grade sodium tripolyphosphate play in ceramic process production?

  Exquisite ceramics are pleasing to the eye. Ceramic products are also standing in people's life, adding color to daily life. Pottery is made of clay with high viscosity and strong plasticity. It is opaque, has fine pores and weak water absorption, and the sound of hitting is turbid. Porcelain is made of clay, feldspar and quartz. It is translucent, non absorbent, corrosion-resistant, hard and tight, and crisp. So what role does   industrial grade sodium tripolyphosphate   play in the production process of ceramics, from the initial old clay to exquisite ceramic technology? What role does sodium tripolyphosphate play in ceramic production? 1. Sodium tripolyphosphate can be widely used in mud making, slurry grinding and process (including barren raw materials). 2, sodium tripolyphosphate can make mud good fluidity and low viscosity to meet the requirements of spray or mold filling and leveling. 3. Sodium tripolyphosphate can reduce the water content of slurry, prevent shrinkage and

Why is the unit price of food grade sodium tripolyphosphate higher than that of industrial grade?

  Recently, the shortage of spot goods has intensified, which has entangled downstream manufacturers who want to purchase recently. Either they have not found a suitable manufacturer, or the price is not too expensive. Sodium tripolyphosphate, as a basic chemical material and related phosphorus containing products, plays an important role, and the relative price has also increased. Why is the unit price of   food grade sodium tripolyphosphate  higher than that of industrial grade? First of all, it can be seen literally that the content and related indicators of industrial grade sodium tripolyphosphate meet the national standard. The main raw material of sodium tripolyphosphate is phosphate rock. In the production process, the price of wet process is slightly lower, while the sodium tripolyphosphate produced by thermal process is relatively higher. The raw material of food grade sodium tripolyphosphate is based on the thermal process. As a food additive, it is standardized and standardi

What is the efficacy of industrial grade sodium tripolyphosphate in detergent?

Daily washing water generally contains heavy metal ions (mainly Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ ). In the washing process, they will form insoluble metal salts with the active substances in soap or detergent, reducing the washing capacity. Therefore, it is necessary to add  industrial grade sodium tripolyphosphate , which can complex heavy metal ions, into the detergent. Industrial grade sodium tripolyphosphate produced by Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group has strong chelating effect on heavy metal ions, which can be sealed to eliminate its adverse effect on washing. In addition, it can also capture various metal components contained in the dirt and play a role in dissociating the dirt in the washing process. Sodium tripolyphosphate produced by Chongqing Chuandong Chemical can expand and solubilize the protein in the dirt, and has the effect of degumming; It can promote the emulsification of fat; It can disperse solid dirt. The industrial grade sodium tripolyphosphate produced by Chongqing Chuandong Ch

Application of food additive sodium pyrophosphate in food processing

  With the rapid pace of modern life, people have been used to a variety of food. Without food additives, many foods in life cannot exist. In China, more than 2500 kinds of food additives are allowed to be used at present. Sodium pyrophosphate is one of the food additives. Chuandong Chemical Group will tell you the use of   food additive sodium pyrophosphate  in food processing. Food additive sodium pyrophosphate is white powder that can be fused with water. It is used as a stabilizer and buffer in food processing. Food grade sodium pyrophosphate will be used in the production of soy sauce and fruit juice. Food grade sodium pyrophosphate can improve the color of soy sauce and fruit juice and make the color brighter. Sodium pyrophosphate is a food additive widely used in food phosphate series. It mainly plays a role in adjusting pH, acting as a water retention agent, preventing excessive evaporation of water, and will be used in anti-corrosion and taste control, which is conducive to th

Can noodle manufacturers add food additive sodium tripolyphosphate to improve the quality?

  Noodles are nutritious and delicious, convenient and fast, and can nourish the stomach and body. In the north of China, there is a saying that "you can have no rice a day, but you can't have no noodles a day". It can be seen that stewed noodles, mixed noodles and soup noodles are indispensable food for northerners. Nowadays, people pursue a healthy diet, especially when there are strict standards for three meals a day. The color and taste of noodles need to be noticed in production. Can the quality of noodles be improved by adding   food additive sodium tripolyphosphate   in production and processing? Let's look at the application of food additive sodium tripolyphosphate in noodles: 1. The food additive sodium tripolyphosphate can improve the quality of flour products, improve the network structure of dough and gluten, enhance the elasticity and viscoelasticity of dough, increase the gas holding capacity of dough, make the volume of bread and noodles larger, the int

What is the applicable scope and dosage of food additive sodium pyrophosphate?

  Food additives are known as the soul of modern food industry. From the perspective of function, food additives mainly play five major roles: preventing food corruption, improving food sensory quality, improving food nutrients, promoting food variety innovation and facilitating food processing and production. Sodium pyrophosphate is also one of the food additives. So, what is the applicable scope and dosage of   food additive sodium pyrophosphate ? In recent years, with the frequent occurrence of food safety problems, food additives have become synonymous with profit-making, illegal and harm, which has aroused extensive social hot discussion and criticism. However, as long as we strengthen the production and application management of food additives and add them reasonably and legally, it is also possible to add them within a certain range. Application scope and dosage of food additive sodium pyrophosphate: (1) For canned pork sausage, compound phosphate (sodium pyrophosphate 60%, sodi

Can food grade sodium tripolyphosphate be added to adjust the water resistance of chicken products?

  Water in chicken exists in three forms: combined water, non flowing water and free water. PH value, spatial effect, heating and lipid oxidation are all important reasons for the dry and hard meat, poor taste and low yield of chicken products. Water holding capacity directly means yield, juiciness and profit. It is also one of the important indicators in the evaluation of meat products. Let's talk about whether   food grade sodium tripolyphosphate   can be added to regulate chicken processing. Phosphate in the processing of meat products can improve the adhesion of meat, improve the slicing performance of meat products, improve the water holding capacity of meat and reduce the nutritional components of meat. It is widely used in the processing of meat products. Food grade sodium tripolyphosphate is one of the commonly used additives, which can be used alone or in combination with sodium pyrophosphate and sodium hexametaphosphate. Theoretically, food grade sodium tripolyphosphate a

The manufacturer tells you about the application of food additive sodium tripolyphosphate in seafood processing

  After winter, the winter flood season fishery production is the golden season of the year, and many seafood processing industries have also entered a busy stage. Fresh seafood is made into characteristic seafood after freezing and drying. Some seafood can not only keep water, but also be easy to preserve after being treated with   food additive sodium tripolyphosphate . Phosphate in food additives is a water retention agent with strong hydrophilicity, which can stabilize the water contained in food. For meat products and seafood, sodium pyrophosphate and sodium tripolyphosphate have better water holding capacity. With the increase of chain length, the water holding capacity of polyphosphate will weaken. As a water retaining agent, pH regulator and antifreeze with excellent performance, sodium tripolyphosphate is widely used in the processing of seafood, especially frozen seafood. Its functions are as follows: a. Effectively improve the water holding capacity of seafood, enrich the gr

Adding sodium tripolyphosphate when grinding glaze will make the ceramic glaze more smooth and delicate

  Dispersant is a widely used additive in the preparation of ceramic slurry, because the addition of dispersant can effectively improve the slurry performance and improve the stable dispersion effect. Ceramic dispersant has developed from traditional to many new products today.   Sodium tripolyphosphate   can disperse, reduce and degumm by itself, which plays an important role in ceramic production. The basic principle of using dispersant in ceramic slurry is that the dispersant is automatically adsorbed on the solid surface of the slurry, which changes the properties of the interface and reduces the interfacial tension. The water absorbed by the original particles is replaced by sodium tripolyphosphate as free water into the liquid phase, which is the dilution of the slurry and the increase of fluidity; Under the condition of ensuring the required slurry viscosity (i.e. fluidity), the solid content can be greatly increased, and the solid particles are adsorbed in the micro cracks to g

The manufacturer tells you the nature and application of the food additive sodium pyrophosphate

  With the development of society, purely natural foods can no longer meet the needs of consumers. At this time, food additives have assumed this burden. Next, as manufacturer, Chongqing Chuandong Chemical will tell you the nature and application of the   food additive sodium pyrophosphate . In the food industry, sodium pyrophosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate, and sodium hexametaphosphate are used as food quality improvers. They all have the functions of pH regulator, metal ion chelating agent, emulsifying and dispersing agent, and adhesive. Sodium pyrophosphate has food grade and industrial grade. For example, the food grade sodium pyrophosphate that Chongqing Chuandong Chemical Group has food additive production license can be used as a food additive. The food additive sodium pyrophosphate is a white powder that can fuse with water. It is used as a stabilizer and buffer in food processing. Food-grade sodium pyrophosphate is used in the production of soy sauce and fruit juice. Food-gra

Why is industrial grade sodium tripolyphosphate also a multifunctional ceramic additive?

  Whether in house decoration, industrial production or tableware common at home, we can see the figure of ceramic materials. Ceramic additives have important practical significance to reduce energy consumption, improve process performance, reduce production cost and improve production efficiency. With so many additives, why is   industrial grade sodium tripolyphosphate   also a multifunctional ceramic additive? Sodium tripolyphosphate, also known as water reducing agent, degumming agent and coagulant, is mainly used to improve the fluidity of ceramic blank and glaze slurry, so that the slurry has the least water content, better fluidity, no flocculation and sedimentation, and is easy to operate. It is applied in various process. Dispersion The system formed by the dispersion of solid particles in liquid medium should belong to the category of colloid. The system is thermodynamically unstable and the particles tend to agglomerate. At this time, the addition of ceramic additive sodium t

Can sodium pyrophosphate also be used in food? The manufacturer tells you

  With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, there are a large number of food additives in the market, with more and more kinds and functions. Under the condition of not exceeding the scope and amount of use, food additives bring more high-quality choices to life. We can see sodium pyrophosphate in many food ingredients. Can sodium pyrophosphate also be used in food? The manufacturer tells you. Food grade sodium pyrophosphate is a white powder that can fuse with water. It is used as a stabilizer and buffer in food processing. Food grade sodium pyrophosphate is also used in the production of soy sauce and fruit juice. Food grade sodium pyrophosphate can improve the color of soy sauce and fruit juice and make the color brighter. Adding food grade sodium pyrophosphate can chelate metal ions and improve the quality of finished products. It can also be used as a melting agent and emulsifier of cheese. It can release calcium ions from calcium caseinate in cheese, incre

Where can I buy sodium tripolyphosphate food additive? The manufacturer tells you

  Without food additives, there is no modern food industry. Food additives can improve the color, aroma and taste of food. However, due to the illegal addition and abuse of food additives by some illegal manufacturers, people will be afraid when they talk about food additives. Therefore, we must choose the manufacturer of sodium tripolyphosphate with stable quality. Food additive sodium tripolyphosphate can be used as a quality improver, mainly in meat food and canned meat. It can improve the sensory quality of food, so as to meet people's requirements for food. So, where can I buy food additive sodium tripolyphosphate? The food grade sodium tripolyphosphate produced by Chongqing Chuandong chemical industry has few impurities, high purity and stable quality. It can be widely used for water purification and softening; Soften vegetables and peel; Anti discoloration agents and preservatives, and prolong the storage life of food; Improve the bleaching effect and remove the odor in meta

Chuandong Chemical Group's new mixed feed additive project has entered the acceptance stage

  In November 2021, Chongqing Aikefu Biotechnology Co., Ltd., the civil engineering of the 30,000-ton mixed   feed additive   project officially entered the acceptance stage. Chongqing Aikefu Biological Technology Co., Ltd., on July 29, 2020, was signed by Chongqing Wansheng Chuandong Chemical Co., Ltd. and Chongqing Xinyoumu Technology Co., Ltd. to jointly invest in the new construction. Relying on Xinyoumu's mixed feed additive production and technical service capabilities and the good production environment of Wansheng Chuandong Factory, complementary advantages. Chongqing Aikefu Biological Technology Co., Ltd., starting from the site selection last year and officially breaking ground in March this year, it took one year to complete the civil engineering, equipment installation, hydropower installation and finishing work, and officially entered the civil engineering acceptance stage. Chongqing Aikefu Biological Technology Co., Ltd. has designed production capacity of 30,000 tons

Sodium hexametaphosphate refuses to confuse food additives with additives in the food industry

Some people don't like foods that use food additives, perhaps they also have a traditional complex. But food additives are not the products of the modern food industry, but are as long as the history of human civilization. For example, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, bittern for tofu, alum and baking soda for deep-fried dough sticks are all food additives. Just like the commonly used food additive, sodium hexametaphosphate has long been an indispensable part of the diet. People must stay away from food additives? In fact, there is a concept that has been secretly exchanged here-additives are not equal to food additives, and food additives should not be reduced to additives. And the reason why food additives are often in the dark is because they are too simple and rude in concept to confuse them. Some people may be curious, why do we have to use food additives? In fact, for modern life, food additives are not only important but also necessary. So let's take a look at the role of food

Industrial grade sodium tripolyphosphate has a good inhibitory effect on the slump of the concrete mixture

  The slump of the concrete mixture during the construction process is a relatively common loss. In order to better avoid and reduce the loss caused by the slump of the concrete mixture,   industrial grade sodium tripolyphosphate   is often used as an admixture to ensure the water retention of concrete , Fluidity and cohesion, inhibit the slump loss of concrete mixture over time. Everyone who has worked in the project knows that the concrete mixture is composed of cement, coarse and fine aggregates, water, admixtures and mineral admixtures. The main function of industrial grade sodium tripolyphosphate in concrete construction is to maintain the fluidity of the concrete. In the case of basically unchanged, the water consumption of concrete can be reduced, thereby improving the strength and durability of concrete, or under the same cement dosage and water-cement ratio, the fluidity of concrete can be increased, and the workability of concrete can be improved. First of all, what are the f